Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
лицей №10
учитель английского языка
Апраксина Л.А.
г. Волгоград, 2014г.
Test 1A (Unit 1) ……………………………………………….. p. 3-6
Test 1B (Unit 1) …………………………………………………. p.7-10
Test 2A (Unit 2) …………………………………………………. p. 11-14
Test 2B (Unit 2). ………………………………………………… p. 15-18
Keys to Tests (Unit 1-4) ………………………………………… p. 19-22
Tapescripts ………………………………………………………. p. 23
List of Used Literature ………………………………………….. p. 24
ТЕСТ 1A (Unit 1)
NAME: ………………………………………………. DATE….……………………
CLASS: ……………………………………………… MARK: _________________
(Time: 40 minutes)
A Fill in the correct word.
• creative • hardworking • talkative • curious • naughty • lazy • sociable
• beautiful • musical • humorous
1. A person who produces new and original ideas is …………………………… .
2. A person who works hard is ………………………………. .
3. Children mustn’t be ………………………….. at the lesson.
4. A child who cries a lot is …………………………… .
5. A person who wants to learn is ………………………….. .
6. A person who makes me laugh ………………………… .
7. A person who doesn’t like to work ………………………. .
8. A person who likes music is …………………………. .
9. A person who likes to be with others is …………………….. .
10. She is a very …………………………… girl.
( Marks: ______)
10х2= 20
B Circle the odd one out.
11. enjoyable, responsible, chemical, to attend
12. friend, classmate, music, helpful
13. nervous, polite, memory, independent
14. IT, English, PE, competition
15. telephone, post, telegraph, train.
(Marks: _______)
С Match. Each word can be used only once.
to think ……………………….A information technologies
to win ……………………….B adults
to miss ……………………….C a competition
to become ……………………….D English
to improve ……………………….E with smb’s opinion
to disagree ……………………….F independent
to develop ……………………….G about the future
to respect ……………………….H a chance
to drink ……………………….I a game
to lose ……………………….J juice
(Marks: ______)
5x2= 10
D Choose the item:
26. Danny is a very good runner. I’m sure he …………… through to the final.
A will get B get C got
27. Lisa is nervous and upset. She …………………her camera.
A lost B has lost C will lose
28. Last year she …………… in competition.
A takes part B took part C will take part
29. Now she ……………. an e-mail to her friend.
A writes B is writing C wrote
30. The population in Moscow is …………….. than in Wellington.
A large B larger C the largest
31. I was born … 2000.
A in B on C at
(Marks: ______)
6x2= 12
E Underline the correct word.
She says that playing computer games (is/are) interesting.
She (is/am) nervous when she (has/have) exams.
Can I speak (to/with) Claire, please?
I tried my best and took (part/place) in the World teenagers’ competition.
We (were/are) out of luck yesterday match.
He always (help/helps) his nephew with his homework.
I (am answering/is answering) the questions of the quiz now.
(Marks: ______)
F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
old/ The/ across/ river/ the/ broken/ was/ builders/ by/ bridge.
party/ arranged/ by/ students/ the/themselves /The/ was.
police/ the/ phoned/ Terry’s / Dad.
stolen/ The /was/ somebody/ bike/ by.
me/ understands/ Nobody. (Marks: ______)
Everyday English
G Choose the correct response.
Would you like to visit London? ………………. A Hang on a moment, I’ll get him
Could you help me to answer the questions? …………….... B Certainly.
Can I speak to Steve, please? ………………. C Of, course. I would like to
(Marks: ______)
H Read the following text and mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
He Enjoyed Sightseeing in Paris
Once an Englishman came to Paris and stopped at a hotel.
First of all he sent a telegram to his wife, telling her the address of the hotel, and then decided to see the town. He left the hotel and walked along the street. He passed several blocks, then turned to the right and walked along another street. He crossed the street and turned to the left. He liked Paris very much. In every street there was something interesting. He walked a long time, crossed many streets and turned many corners.
It was already evening and he wanted to go back. And only now he realized that he had lost his way. He did not remember the name of his hotel or the street in which the hotel was. He tried to remember what turnings he had taken and what the streets he had walked along but he couldn’t. Wandering along the streets he saw many hotels but he couldn’t find his one.
What was to be done? It was already late and he was tired. The Englishman went to the nearest hotel he saw and took a room there. Before going to bed he sent another telegram to his wife. The telegram said, “Send me my Paris address.”
47. Once an Englishman came to New York and stopped at a hotel. …………………..
48. He didn’t send a telegram to his wife. …………………..
49. He had lost his way to the hotel. …………………..
50. His wife came to Paris too. …………………..
51. He didn’t like Paris. …………………..
52. He found the way to his hotel. …………………..
(Marks: ______)
I Listen to teenagers talking about their families. Then mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
53. Natalie is 14 years old. ……………
54. She lives alone. ……………
55. She drives a new black car. ……………
56. She has got an elder sister, Alison. ……………
57. She works at a fast-food restaurant after school. ……………
58. She wants to become a nurse. ……………
59. Her father is a pilot. ……………
60. She has got a dog. ……………
61. Natalie likes going to the church. ……………
62. She likes to play football. ……………
(Marks: _______)
ТЕСТ 1B (Unit 1)
NAME: ………………………………………………. DATE….……………………
CLASS: ……………………………………………… MARK: _________________
(Time: 40 minutes)
A Fill in the correct word.
• creative • hardworking • talkative • curious • naughty • lazy • sociable
• beautiful • musical • humorous
1. A person who likes music is …………………………. .
2. A person who works hard is ………………………………. .
3. A person who makes me laugh ………………………… .
4. A person who produces new and original ideas is …………………………… .
5. A person who wants to learn is ………………………….. .
6. Children mustn’t be ………………………….. at the lesson.
7. A person who doesn’t like to work ………………………. .
8. A child who cries a lot is …………………………… .
9. A person who likes to be with others is …………………….. .
10. She is a very …………………………… girl.
( Marks: ______)
10х2= 20
B Circle the odd one out.
11. creative, talkative, to develop, expensive
12. telephone, post, telegraph, train
13. energetic, fantastic, unfriendly, exotic
14. chemical, historical, noisy, physical
15. Russian, Italian, friendship, African
(Marks: _______)
С Match. Each word can be used only once.
16. to attend ………………………. A memory
17. to pay ……………………….B more sociable
18. to miss ……………………….C a competition
19. to lose ……………………….D attention
20. to improve ……………………….E stamps
21. to collect ……………………….F mind
22. to develop ……………………….G classes
23. to gain ……………………….H a chance
24. to get ……………………….I weight
25. to become ……………………….J a new haircut
(Marks: ______)
D Choose the item:
26.. I went to school when I ……….
A be B was C were
27. She hates ………….. the guitar.
A play B to play C playing
28. He was born …… the 21st of May 1921.
A in B on C at
29. My best friend …………. far from me.
A live B lives C is living
30 Mike and Tom are the best friends but they seldom see ……………….. .
A each other B them C one another
31. I have a lot of friends and we help ……….. in difficult situations.
A each other B one another C me
(Marks: ______)
6x2= 12
E Underline the correct word.
32. The book is worth (read/reading).
33. Would you mind (close/closing) the window?
34. Can I speak (to/with) Claire, please?
35. I would like (try/to try) me chance.
36. I often (write/writes) letters to my friends.
37. I’m afraid, he (missed/has missed) already his chance.
38. Our student (took part in/ will take part in) the competition tomorrow.
(Marks: ______)
F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
39. is/ proud/ Steven/ of/ new/ bicycle/ his.
40. want /I/ to/ you/ pay /to attention/ Grammar/ your.
41. everything/ Scientists/ computers/ going/ are/ control/ to/ and.
42. won/ He /the/ Peace/ Nobel/ Prize.
43. would/ I/ like/ to/ my /improve /English. (Marks: ______)
Everyday English
G Choose the correct response.
44. Hi, Jack! Why are you sad? ………………. A Not yet.
45. Could you ask him to call me back, please? …………….... B Certainly.
46. Have you done your homework? ………………. C I was out of luck yesterday.
(Marks: ______)
H Read the following text and mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
It Looks Like Rain
A man came into a little village inn and sat down at a table near the window. It was war-time, and food was hard to get.
“We’ve got only soup today, sir:, said the waiter to the gentleman.
“O.K., bring me a plate of soup,” said the man. The waiter nodded and left the room. Presently he returned with a plate of soup. He put it on the table before the man and stepped to the window.
“It looks like rain, sir,” said the waiter looking out of the window.
While the waiter was thinking of the weather, the gentleman was thinking of the soup which he has just tasted.
“Well,” he said it tastes like rain, too.”
47. Once an Englishman came to a big village inn. …………………..
48. It was Christmas. …………………..
49. It was a war-time. …………………..
50. His wife came with him. …………………..
51. He ordered a plate of soup. …………………..
52. Soup tasted like rain, too. …………………..
(Marks: ______)
I Listen to teenagers talking about their families. Then mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).
53. Natalie is 14 years old. ……………
54. She lives alone. ……………
55. She drives a new black car. ……………
56. She has got an elder sister, Alison. ……………
57. She works at a fast-food restaurant after school. ……………
58. She wants to become a nurse. ……………
59. Her father is a pilot. ……………
60. She has got a dog. ……………
61. Natalie likes going to the church. ……………
62. She likes to play football. ……………
(Marks: _______)
ТЕСТ 2A (Unit 2)
NAME: ………………………………………………. DATE….……………………
CLASS: ……………………………………………… MARK: _________________
(Time: 40 minutes)
A Choose the right variant.
1. Moscow …………………………. in Germany
………………………… in Hungary
………………………… in Russia
2. Oslo ………………………… in Finland
………………………... in Norway
………………………... in Sweden
3. Sydney ……………………….. in Portugal
……………………….. in China
……………………….. in Australia
4. Amsterdam ……………………….. in the Netherlands
……………………….. in Greece
……………………….. in Belgium
5. Paris ……………………….. in Russia
……………………….. in France
……………………….. in Switzerland
(Marks:_____) 5
B Write the nationalities.
e.g. China- Chinese
6. France …………………………
7. The UK ……………………….
8. Japan ………………………….
9. Norway ……………………….
10. Germany ………………………
(Marks: ____)
C Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• who • which
11. Have you talked to the lady …………. lives on the ground floor?
12. Has Andrew bought the book ……………. he wanted?
13. These are the flowers ……………… we have grown in our garden.
14. It was the best film ………. I’ve seen recently.
15. The people …………… have arranged the competition care about our future.
(Marks: ______)
D Choose the correct item.
16. The boy is ……………… than his friend.
A older B elder C very old
17. I ……… writing with a pen.
A am B is C are
18. Who ……… a friend from the UK?
A have B has C will have
19. Newspapers …… always ……. in the evening.
A are brought B am brought C is brought
20. The post office ………………. on Sundays.
A is closed B are closed C close
(Marks: _____)
E Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
21. Steve was a very bright student that is why studying foreign languages ……….. ( not to be) difficult for him.
22. He ………….. (not to do) do his homework very often.
23. It …………..(take) him half an hour ………..(do) all the task.
24. But once he ………… (be) out of luck.
25. He would like ………(try) his chance again.
(Marks: ______)
Everyday English
F Choose the correct response.
26. Do you speak German? ………………. A - No, I haven’t.
27. Have you ever been to Asia? …………….... B - Fine, thanks. And you?
28. How do you do? My name’s Marina. ………………. C - No, I speak English.
29. How are you? ………………. D – From Boston.
30. Where do you come from? ………………. E- Pleased to meet you. My name’s Sue.
(Marks: ______)
G Read the following text and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
“The unhappiest man in the world”
Once there lived a man who was very fond of gold. He used to say, “While I have my gold I am the happiest man in the world”. And so all his life he saved money.
One day he was travelling in the desert of North Africa. He lost his way. He had no food or water. He was hungry. He was so weak that he could not walk, he could only crawl. The heat was terrible. There were only the stones and the sand around.
Just then he saw a bag lying on the sand. He hoped that he would find the food and the water in it, too. He crawled up to the bag and opened it. He saw that the bag was full of gold. What is the use of it to the hungry man in the desert? He left the bag on the hot sand, crying bitterly, “I am the unhappiest man in the world.”
31. Once there lived a man who was fond of
A swimming B reading C gold
32. All his life he
A spent money B saved money C gave money to poor people
33. One day he was travelling
A in North America B in North Africa C in the desert of North Africa
34. He lost his
A friend B wife C way
35. He was hungry because he
A had no food B he couldn’t cook C he was lazy
36. He was unhappy because he
A didn’t find gold B couldn’t cook C he lost his way in the desert
(Marks: ______)
H Listen to the speakers and choose the correct answer to each questions.
37. What is the name of the pilot?
A Captain Spencer
B Captain Lancer
C Captain Gatti
38. How long has he been an airplane pilot?
A one year
B ten years
C twenty nine years
39. How many children has he got?
A two- a son and a daughter
B one son
C two daughters
40. His son is a
A doctor
B pilot
C teacher
41. Captain Spencer
A hates flying
B loves to fly
C dreams to fly
42. He has got a
A grandson
B granddaughter
C niece
(Marks: _______)
ТЕСТ 2B (Unit 2)
NAME: ………………………………………………. DATE….……………………
CLASS: ……………………………………………… MARK: _________________
(Time: 40 minutes)
A Choose the right variant.
1. Wellington …………………………. in Canada
………………………… in New Zealand
………………………… in Denmark
2. Beijing ………………………… in Finland
………………………... in China
………………………... in India
3. Madrid ……………………….. in Portugal
……………………….. in Spain
……………………….. in Australia
4. Canberra ……………………….. in the Netherlands
……………………….. in Greece
……………………….. in Australia
5. Rome ……………………….. in Russia
……………………….. in France
……………………….. in Italy
(Marks:_____) 5
B Write the nationalities.
e.g. China- Chinese
6. Portugal ………………………
7. Finland ……………………….
8. The USA ……………………..
9. Turkey ……………………….
10. Italy ………………………
(Marks: ____)
C Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• who • which
11. Look! Here are the students ……………we spoke yesterday.
12. The cat ………… is sleeping is best friend’s cat.
13. He likes the jacket ………. he is wearing.
14. English ………… is spoken in America differs from English in England.
15. They produce a lot of films …….. are shown everywhere in the world.
(Marks: ______)
D Choose the correct item.
16. This holiday …………… in most English-speaking countries.
A are celebrated B is celebrated C celebrate
17. More than fifty official languages …………….. in India.
A will be spoken B are spoken C spoke
18. Russian scientists ………………… all over the world.
A know B are known C knows
19. America ……………… in the fifteenth century.
A is discovered B was discovered C discovers
20. Andrew ………………. to the party by his friend.
A is invited B are invited C invite
(Marks: _____)
E Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
21. Last year my friend ……………(visit) India.
22. Usually elephants ……….(be) wise and peaceful animals.
23. Tomorrow I ………..(go) to school an hour earlier. .
24. English ……….(be) not official language in Japan.
25. My father …..(be) a wild researcher. He ………..(study) animals in the wid.
(Marks: ______)
Everyday English
F Choose the correct response.
26. How far is your house? ………………. A – I’m from Turkey.
27. Have you been to Japan? …………….... B – I don’t know.
28. Where do you come from? ………………. C - I haven’t travelled much.
29. How high is this mountain? ………………. D – It was great.
30. Did you enjoy your tour? ………………. E - About ten minutes from here.
(Marks: ______)
G Read the following text and choose the correct answer to each questions.
Two Trips.
George Brown was a rich businessman. When he was young he used to travel a lot. He liked to climb the mountains and often spent his weekends there. He loved nature, wild flowers that grow high up in the mountains, fresh air and clean water of the mountain rivers.
When George was 35 he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and could do all kinds of tricks in the air.
George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George invited Mark to have a trip on his plane. Mark thought, » I have travelled in a big plane many times but I’ve never been in a small one, so I’ll go.”
They went up and George flew around for an hour and did all of tricks in the air.
When they came down Mark was very glad to be back and he said, » Well, George. Thank you very much for those two trips in your plane”.
George looked at his friend and asked, “Why two trips, Mark?”
“My first and my last,” was the answer.
31. George Brown was a ……….man.
A poor B rich C clever
32. When he was young he liked ……………
A to earn money B to travel a lot C to work at the factory
33. He bought a plane when he was ……….
A 25 B 35 C 55
34. He invited his friend Mark to have a trip on his
A train B plane C car
35. When they came down Mark was very glad to be back because he ……………
A liked the trip B wanted to fly again C he was afraid and tired
36. Mark thanked George for …..
A his trip B his two trips C for the box of sweets
(Marks: ______)
H Listen to the speakers and choose the correct answer to each questions.
37. What is the name of the pilot?
A Captain Spencer
B Captain Lancer
C Captain Gatti
38. How long has he been an airplane pilot?
A one year
B ten years
C twenty nine years
39. How many children has he got?
A two- a son and a daughter
B one son
C two daughters
40. His son is a
A doctor
B pilot
C teacher
41. Captain Spencer
A hates flying
B loves to fly
C dreams to fly
42. He has got a
A grandson
B granddaughter
C niece
(Marks: _______)
ТЕСТ 1A (Unit 1)
1. creative
2. hardworking
3. talkative
4. naughty
5. curious
6. humorous
7. lazy
8. musical
9. sociable
10. beautiful
11. to attend
12. helpful
13. memory
14. competition
15. train
16. G
17. C
18. H
19. F
20. D
21. E
22. A
23. B
24. J
25. I
26. A
27. B
28. B
29. B
30. B
31. in
32. is
33. is, has
34. to
35. part
36. were
37. helps
38. am answering
39. The old bridge was broken by the builders.
40. The party was arranged by the students themselves.
41. Terry’s Dad phoned the police.
42. The bike was stolen by somebody.
43. Nobody understands me.
44. C
45. B
46. A
48. F
49. T
50. F
51. F
52. F
53. F
54. F
55. F
56. F
57. T
58. F
59. DS
60. DS
61. T
62. DS
ТЕСТ 1B (Unit 1)
1. musical
2. hardworking
3. humorous
4. creative
5. curious
6. talkative
7. lazy
8. naughty
9. sociable
10. beautiful
11. to develop
12. train
13. unfriendly
14. noisy
15. friendship
16. G
17. D
18. H
19. C
20. A
21. E
22. F
23. I
24. J
25. B
26. B
27. C
28. D
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. reading
33 closing
34. to
35. to try
36. write
37. has missed
38. will take part in
39. Steven is proud of his new bicycle.
40. I want you to pay your attention to Grammar.
41. Scientists and computers are going to control everything.
42. He won the Peace Nobel Prize.
43. I would like to improve my English.
44. C
45. D
46. A
47. F
48. DS
49. T
50. F
51. T
52. T
53. F
54. F
55. F
56. F
57. T
58. F
59. DS
60. DS
61. T
62. DS
ТЕСТ 2A (Unit 2)
ТЕСТ 3A (Unit 3)
1. in Russia
2. in Norway
3. in Australia
4. in the Netherlands
5. in France
6. French
7. American
8. Japanese
9. Norwegian
10. German
11. who
12. which
13. which
14. which
15. who
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. A
20 A
21. was not
22. does not
23. takes, to do
24. was
25. to try
26. C
27. A
28. E
29. B
30. D
31. C
32. B
33. C
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. A
38. C
39. A
40. B
41. B
42. B
ТЕСТ 2B (Unit 2)
1. in New Zealand
2. in China
3. in Spain
4. in Australia
5. in Italy
6. Portuguese
7. Finnish
8. American
9. Turkish
10. Italian
11. who
12. which
13. which
14. which
15. which
16. B
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. A
21. visited
22. are
23. will go
24. is
25. is, studies
26. E
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. D
31. B
32. B
33. B
34. B
35. C
36. B
37. A
38. C
39. A
40. B
41. B
42. B
Test 1 - Listening
My name is Natalie Garrett and I am 16 years old. I live at home with my parents and my little sister, Alison. I just got my driver’s license last month and I drive an old white car. I work at a fast-food restraint after school. I like to read, write, swim and play with my dog. And I like going to my church. I plan on going to college and becoming a doctor.
Test 2 - Listening
Hello, my name is Captain Spencer and I’m your pilot today. I have been an airplane pilot for 29 years. My father was also a pilot. He was a pilot for 34 years. I have two children, a son and a daughter. I also have a granddaughter. My son is also a pilot. He has been a pilot for 8 years. As you can see we love to fly.
1. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.: Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / «Enjoy English»: Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2012.
2. Биболетова М.З. , Трубанева Н.Н.: Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.- Обнинск: Титул, 2012.
3. Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Е.: Английский язык: Английский в фокусе. Контрольные задания. 8 класс. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений. М.: Просвещение 2010.
4. Клементьева Т.Б., Шэннон Д. Счастливый английский. Книга 2 для 7-9 классов общеобразовательных школ.- Обнинск: Титул,1995. (Аудиосопровождение №1, №2 стр. 418)
5. Голицынский Ю.: Пособие по устной речи средних классов гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Разговорный английский / “Spoken English”.- Санкт-Петербург: Издательство «Каро», 1998.
- №52 стр.84-85 “He Enjoyed Sightseeing in Paris”;
- № 50 стр. 114 “It Looks Like Rain”.
6. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика.: Сборник упражнений, 5-е изд.-СПб:КАРО,2006. (Английский для школьников).
- №41 стр 36 “The Unhappiest Man”.
7. Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка V класса с углубленным изучением английского языка.- М.: Просвещение,1997.
- №37 стр.75 “Two Trips.”
8. Примерные программы по учебным предметам. Иностранный язык. 5-9 классы.
2- изд-е. – М.:- Просвещение,2010. (Стандарты второго поколения).

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