Different countries, different nationalities, 7 класс
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №70 г. Липецка
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 7 классе
«Different countries, different nationalities»
учитель английского языка
Бабаджанян Маргарита Юриковна
Липецк 2013
Тема: Different countries, different nationalities»
УМК М.З.Биболетовой для 7 класса
Тип урока: урок закрепления
Уровень изучения дисциплины: базовый.
Время урока: 45 минут.
Методы обучения: словесный, практический, наглядный.
Форма обучения: групповая.
ТСО: учебники, презентация, раздаточный материал.
познавательная (учебная) – совершенствование лексических навыков по теме: «Different countries, different nationalities», обучение монологическому высказыванию, совершенствование навыков чтения.
развивающая – развитие навыков аудирования, языковой догадки, внимания, памяти.
воспитательная – воспитание интереса к стране изучаемого языка, чувства гордости за свою Родину и за свой народ, воспитание толерантности по отношению к другим национальностям.
План урока
I. Организационный момент
II.Фонетическая разминка
III.Речевая разминка
IV.Работа над текстом
VI.Практика монологического высказывания.
VII. Развитие речевого умения.
VIII. Подведение итогов урока (д/з)
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент
Good morning!
Good morning now!
Wake body, wake mind!
Work, play , seek, find!
Eat breakfast, dinner too,
Wash, brush , sing, dance and do
Good morning, now!
How are you today?
What is the weather like today?
What is the date today?
II.Фонетическая разминка
Let`s pronounce the names of the following countries:
Portugal Germany Georgia
China Denmark Spain
Turkey Greece Poland
Hungary Italy Finland
Japan Belgium Sweden
Brazil Armenia Switzerland
Egypt Norway France
Canada India Mexico
Thank you. Let`s continue our work.
III.Речевая разминка
Last term we spoke a lot about international competitions . Today we greet the winners of these competitions. They are from different countries, they speak different languages.
Let`s get acquainted with them.
What is your name?
Where do you live? ( Where are you from? )
How old are you?
What language is spoken in your country? (What language do you speak?)
It is very nice to see you here. Today our conference takes place in Russia and we are going to listen to the representatives of different countries. They will tell us different things about their countries.
IV.Работа над текстом
First of all , let`s read the text about Russia . But before reading the text look at the blackboard and pronounce some unknown words.
a symbol-символ enemies- враги
at the bottom-в конце symbolic- символический
devoted-преданный silver- серебро
sincere- искренний a stripe-полоса
honest-честный the upper stripe- верхняя полоса
noble-благородный a birch tree- береза
bravery- храбрость
Now read the text and name the Russian symbols. I give you five minutes.
After reading the text :
Agree or disagree with me. ( If I am right , you will agree with me. If I am wrong , you will correct me.) Use the following scheme: Yes, you are right/ No, you are wrong.
Russia is the smallest country in the world.
Russia is a very rich country.
There are a lot of different animals , plants and birds in Russia.
The Russian national flag has three stripes.
The stripes of the Russian national flag are orange, yellow and brown.
And now answer my questions , please.
-_What mountains divide Russia into two parts?
-What seas and oceans wash Russia?
-What river is the longest in Europe?
-What new information have you learnt about Russia?
I see you are tired, let`s have a rest.
Hands on your hips, hands on your knees
Put them behind if you please,
Touch your shoulders , touch your nose ,
Touch your ears , touch your toes,
Raise your hands high in the air,
At your sides ,on your hair
Raise your hands as before
While you clap: one, two, three, four.
VI.Практика монологического высказывания.
And now let`s listen to our guests carefully and be ready to find the following information. At page 40 ex. 30. ( Презентация) ( Рассказы учеников)
VII. Развитие речевого умения.
We are glad to see our guests. We are happy to get a lot of new and useful information. And now we would like them to listen to the stories about our Motherland and say what new information you have learnt. .We love our Motherland and we are proud of it.
( Выступают ученики и рассказывают о России.) ( Презентация).
VIII. Подведение итогов урока (д/з)
Today we spoke a lot about different countries , people of different nationalities. Of course, we are different , we speak different languages .But nevertheless we live on one planet , we must respect each other and be tolerant towards each other.
Your hometask is to write a letter to a foreigner and to tell him about your country using the scheme:
My name is……
I am from………
The capital of my country is….
My country is rich in………
There are……………
Besides you can visit…..
Our national flag is…..
The symbol of my country is…..
People speak ………..
I love my country and I am proud of it.
Список использованной литературы
1. Учебник «Enjoy English-7». М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанёва, Обнинск: Титул 2010;
2. Рабочая тетрадь «Епjоу English-7». М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанёва, Обнинск: Титул 2010;
3. Книга для учителя «Enjoy English-7». М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанёва, Обнинск: Титул 2010;
4. Аудиокассета к учебнику «Enjoy English-7». М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанёва, Обнинск: Титул.
Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы
1. www.prosv.ru/umk/we
2. prosv@lipetsk.ru
З. www.standart.edu.ru
4. www.englishteachers.ru
5. www.theaustralian.com.au
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