Фестиваль «Юные знатоки английского языка»
Тынянская Ксения Владимировна (kvt)
учитель английского языка
Фестиваль «Юные знатоки английского языка»
Визитная карточка команды ‘Little Five’
Начало: - на экране – школа , (мероприятия с участием детей разных возрастов, в том числе участников команды ‘Little Five’);
- клип под песню; - «минусовка» песни «Где-то на белом свете».
Our team is ‘Little Five’
Let’s make all people be alive
Let’s begin to cry: ‘Hurrah!’
We arrived to make acquaintance,
And it’s not a simple sentence.
It maybe sounds free and easy,
But all last month we were so busy.
Preparing tasks and learning texts,
Imagine how well it gets.
You all must know it for sure,
Performing on the stage makes cure.
One and two and three and four,
I’ll be writing more and more.
One and two and three and four,
I’ll be learning more and more.
One and two and three and four,
I’ll be reading more and more.
One and two and three and four,
I’ll be listening more and more.
One and two and three and four,
I’ll be studying more and more.
Me, you, he and she,
Don’t forget about me …
Right, you too are going with us,
To introduce our friendly class.
This is Ira , slim and bright,
Do you like her? She’s all right.
This is Misha , clever boy,
In his nature he’s a cowboy.
This is Vova, shy but smart,
His mind and brain are very wide.
This is Ksenya, brave and fine,
Her face and eyes can always shine.
This is Lisa, she’s creative,
Romantic style for her is native.
We are pupils of one school,
Thirteen eighty-one feels cool.
We greet the public heartily,
Let us make friends kindly.
April came very quickly,
School year comes to the end.
We were learnt very deeply,
Teachers are not bad.
Our team is streaming,
Always be one of the best.
Nobody changes feelings,
Moving from east to west.
No English rhymes to ‘la’.
We’d like to see you healthy,
Wealthy and nice and fine.
I want the pupils dancing,
Singing with us makes fun.
Our schools are friendly / Hey!
Our class is fine / Hurray!
Do your home task correctly / Yes!
Do your best in life!
No English rhymes to ‘la’.
In the end of our performance
We thank you for the invitation
To participate in this wonderful contest.
We are sure, we all will like it much,
So, say with us:
We’ll be winning more and more.
We’ll be playing more and more.
We’ll be meeting more and more.
We’ll stay together more and more.

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