Муниципальная общеобразовательная организация

« средняя общеобразовательная школа» 20


в 10 классе


учитель английского и немецкого языков

Галимова Альманзора Михайловна

г Сургут


Классный час рекомендуется проводить с учащимися 10-х классов для изучения темы “Problems of a family”.

Звучит песня в исполнении ансамбля Битлз “Shes leaving home”. (Если фонозаписи этой песни, можно прочитать ее в виде стихотворения.) Wednesday morning at 5 o’clock, as the day begins,

Silently closing her bedroom door,

Leaving the note that she would say more,

She goes downstairs to the kitchen, clutching her handkerchief.

Quietly turning the backdoor key,

Stepping outside she is free.

She (We gave her most of our lives)

is leaving (Sacrificed most of our lives)

home. (We gave her everything money could buy)

She’s leaving home after living alone for so many years.

Father snores as his wife gets into her dressing gown, Picks up the letter that’s lying there.

Standing alone at the top of the stairs,

She breaks down and cries to her husband,

Daddy, our baby’s gone!

Why would she treats us so thoughtlessly?

How could she do this to me?”

She (We never thought of ourselves) is leaving (Never a thought for ourselves) home (We struggled hard all our lives to get by)

She’s leaving home after living alone for so many years. Friday morning at 9 o’clock she is far away,

Waiting to keep the appointment she made,

Meeting a man from the motor trade.

She (What did we do that was wrong?) is having (We didn’t know it was wrong) fun. (Fun is the one thing money can’t buy)

Something inside that was always denied for so many years. She’s leaving home. Bye-bye!

После прослушивания песни учитель (Т) выясняет, насколько учащиеся (PI, Р2, РЗ) поняли содержание песни.

Т: 1) What is the song about? 2) When did the girl leave her house' 3) Did she leave a note? 4) Who found the note? 5) What did mother cry' 6) What did the girl do on Friday morning? 7) Why do you think she decider to leave her house?

T: I have some letters. I want to read them to you and I want you to express your attitude towards the problems given in the letters. I want you to give some advice to the people to help them (if possible).

Letter 1. Dear Rosa!

I feel very uncomfortable writing to you about my wife, but I don’t feel 1 have any choice. She treats our only child who is 17 years old like 7-year-old She stops her going out or having any friends of her own. Five tried to interfere, but my wife tells me that I’m not a good husband or father. I think my daughter has a secret boyfriend now. My colleagues saw them at a garage. Should I tefl my wife or my daughter that I know? Perhaps I should speak to the young man'

Your friend Mike.

PI, P2, P3.. .

Letter 2. Dear Nataly!

I have slaved hard all my life for my husband and daughter. I have sacrificed my career and hobbies to give them all my time and attention. I try to be friends with my daughter, but she doesn’t appreciate what I’ve done for her. She says she wants to have friends and boyfriends. She’s only 17 years old and there’ll be plenty of time for that. She should enjoy her family while she has them. Don’t you agree? Why don’t young people appreciate how lucky they are to have parents who love them?

Truly yours Irine.

PI, P2, P3 ...

Letter 3. Dear Clare!

I live at home with my parents. I have left school and I’m 17, but they won’t let me get a job and I’m not allowed to do anything unless it is with them. I’m not allowed to go to parties, dances or clubs. I have no friends or boyfriends. A few weeks ago I met a man at a garage. He’s a lot older than I'm, but he seems to like me. I’ve met him a few times in secret. He wants me to run away with him. I don’t love him, but I want to escape. Am I selfish? I’m so confused. What should I do? I know he loves me.


PI, P2, P3 ...

Letter 4. Dear Nick!

I am 27 years old, single and have a good job selling cars in my mate’s garage. A few weeks ago a 17 year old girl came into the garage to ask about cars. She couldn’t afford anything, but we got talking. She’s a nice kid, but she's very unhappy at home. She is almost a prisoner. We have to meet in secret. I want to help her to escape to a new future, but I don’t want to marry her or anything like that. I’d like to help, but not got involved, so I can’t meet her parents. Should I just drop her?


PI, P2, P3 ...

T: 1) What is the main problem given in the letters? 2) Who is right and *ho is not? 3) Have you such problems at home? 4) Do you think that to escape a the best way out? 5) Do you have any friends who want to leave their house because of bad relations with parents? (If yes, how are you going to help them?)

I think that misundersanding between children and their parents is a very unpleasant thing. But to my mind there are some ways to solve this problem. What are they from your point of view?

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: Well, misunderstanding is a bad thing, but it seems to me that there ire some other reasons why children want to leave their house. For example, some parents regularly punish their children, children can’t stand this and decide to leave home. Listen to some facts taken from different magazines. Try to comment on them.

98% of parents smack (шлепать) both boys and girls. Did your parents smack you when you were small? Do they smack you now?

PI, P2, P3 . ..

T: 54% of parents punish their children regularly. Some children are beater four times a week, some even more. What kinds of punishment do you know ? Are you for or against some sorts of punishment? Do your parents punish you* (If yes, in what ways?)

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: One boy took some sum of money without asking his father. When hs father came to know about this fact he became so angry that began to beat his boy with great cruelty. As a result of this the boy was taken to a hospital. At the hospital the boy said, “I will never return home, I hate my father!” How do you comment on this fact? Can anybody help this boy and his father to become friends?

PI, P2, P3 .. .

T: I want to admit that there are families where parents drink regularly. They don’t look after their children. As a rule children in these families are always hungry, they have no necessary clothes, they have no books to read they have nobody to calm them and children decide to leave home. Do you know such families and how can you help children from these families?

PI, P2, P3 .. ,

T: Now I want to suggest you some headlines from newspapers. Try to say what the articles are about: a) “I won’t return!” b) “Local garage man denies kidnapping.” c) “Mother under sedation, still.” d) “Father knew it would happen!” (Заголовки выписываются на доске, чтобы учащиеся имели воз­можность подумать над ситуацией.)

PI, Р2, РЗ . ..

Р: I want to tell you the story which I’ve read recently. It is a story of a g:r whose name was Kate. Kate wasn’t the only child in her family. There were three sisters and two brothers. Her parents worked from morning till night but there wasn’t enough money in the family. Girls in her class had nice dresses, nice shoes, they had pocket money, they had possibility to eat sweets, icecream, chocolate every day. Kate had nothing. One day she decided to lea’, e her house. Was she right?

PI, P2, P3 . ..

P: I also want to tell you a story. It’s a story of a boy who lived in our house some years ago. His name was Nick. He lived with his mother and father. Thеу loved him and wanted him to be a good man. His mother was a doctor, his father was the head of a factory. They were rather well to do family. The problem was in Nick’s behaviour: he studied badly, he missed lessons, he spent his free time with his friends in the street. One day being very angry with Nick, his father said: “I'll give you no money if you don’t change your behaviour.” Nick went out. He didn’t return home that evening.

PI, P2, P3 .. .

P: Well, here’s a story of three small boys. My little sister told it to me last »eek. Their teacher read it in the newspaper.

They lived in a small town. They were 10. Their parents worked from morning till night to earn money so they could see their children only in the evening. Children spent their time together dreaming about different cities and countries. Their parents had no possibility to travel with them. One day they took money from their flats, went to the railway station, occupied the places in the train and decided to travel. They wanted to see a sea. They were happy.

PI, P2, P3 ...

T: You see that children have a lot of problems and they think that they can solve these problems themselves. They want to be independent, live alone and do everything they want. But to my mind they should listen to their parents and try to find some understanding. Usually parents love their children greatly and they want to help them in everything. Sometimes they are not right but it’s not a reason to leave home.


1.Антонова Л. В., Казачкова Т. Б. Урок вчера и сегодня // Опыт научно- практической и проектной деятельности образовательных учреждений. Выпуск 3. — СПб: Научно-методический центр Красногвардейского района СПб., 2006. — С. 126-128.

2. Даутова О. Б., Крылова О. Н. Современные педагогические технологии в профильном обучении: Учеб.-метод, пособие для учителей / Под ред. А. П. Тряпицыной. — СПб: КАРО, 2006.

3. Жукова Н. А., Казачкова Т. Б. Вариативность организации воспитательной деятельности в образовательном учреждении: Учебно-методическое пособие. — СПб.: НОУ «Экспресс», 2012.

4. Заир-Бек С. И., Муштавинская И. В. Развитие критического мышления на уроке. — М.: Просвещение, 2011.

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