Конспект урока английского языка "Давайте построим мост" 9-11 класс

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 9 – 11 классах

Френдак Галина Емельяновна,

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Копьёвская СОШ»

Орджоникидзевского района

Республики Хакасия


Цель урока: развитие языковой компетенции учащихся и воспитание толерантного отношения в семье.


Образовательный аспект: формировать и развивать коммуникативные умения учащихся на основе языковых и социокультурных знаний и навыков; умения воспринимать на слух и понимать краткие сообщения; умения выражать свою мысль и отношение к предмету разговора; отрабатывать речевые умения в области чтения, аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать уважительные отношения в семье между родителями и детьми; ценностные ориентации; готовность к общению в решении разных вопросов.

Развивающий аспект: развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учащихся; чувства и эмоции; межкультурную компетенцию.

Грамматика: complex object.

Оформление класса:



Оборудование: полоски бумаги, фломастеры, маркеры, магниты, картинки родителей, детей, костра.

  1. Оргмомент.

  1. Warm-up.

- Do your parents understand you?

- Do you have problems with your parents?

- Do you have pocket money?

- Do your parents trust you?

- Do you ask your parents for help?

- Do you follow your parents’ advice?

3. Glossary. (вводится любым способом)

- to pay attention to smb/smth – обращать внимание на кого-либо, что-либо

- to behave – вести себя

- behaviour – поведение

- to obey smb/smth – слушаться кого-либо

- to embarrass smb – приводить кого-либо в замешательство

- to treat smb like a child – обращаться с кем-либо как с ребенком

- to grow up – вырасти, стать взрослым

- to get mad with smb – сердиться на кого-либо

- to nag smb – пилить кого-либо

- to drive smb mad – сводить кого-либо с ума

- to do chores – делать работу по дому

- relationship – взаимоотношения

- pocket money – карманные деньги

- No matter how much I object. – Как бы я не возражал.

- I couldn’t care less. – Мне все равно.

- They don’t understand a thing. – Они ничего не понимают.

- to be fed up with smb/smth – быть сытым по горло кем-либо

- to lecture smb – читать нотации кому-либо

- to be a loser – быть неудачником

- to be cool with smth – воспринимать что-либо спокойно

- to reach a compromise – достигнуть компромисса

- to be grateful to smb – быть благодарным кому-либо

- to be ungrateful to smb – быть неблагодарным еому-либо

- to deserve smth – заслуживать что-либо

- It occurred to me. – Мне пришло в голову.

  1. Language in use.

Teacher: Do you really think we have problems with our parents?

Children”: yes, we do.

1. Parents make their children do chores.

2. Parents nag their children.

3. Parents don’t give their children pocket money.

4. Parents control their children.

5. Parents let their children down.

6. Parents don’t understand their children.

7. Parents don’t respect their children.

8. Parents don’t trust their children.

9. Parents check that their children have done their homework.

10. Parents hate their children’s girlfriends or boyfriends.

11. Parents don’t like their children’s friends.

12. Parents don’t let their children decide who they should be.

13. Parents always want to know what’s going on in their children’s life.

14. Parents don’t like their children’s music.

15. Parents don’t pay attention to their children.

16. Parents punish their children for everything.

Teacher: Can you add anything?


Teacher: And what do you want?


1. We don’t want our parents to make us do chores.

2. We don’t want our parents to nag us.

3. We want our parents to give us pocket money.

4. We don’t want our parents to control us.

5. We don’t want our parents to let us down.

6. We want our parents to understand us.

7. We want our parents to respect us.

8. We want our parents to trust us.

9. We don’t want our parents to check if we have done our homework.

10. We don’t want our parents to hate our boyfriends and girlfriends.

11. We want our parents to like our friends.

12. We want our parents to let us decide who we should be.

13. We don’t want our parents to know what is going on in our life.

14. We want our parents like our music.

15. We want our parents pay attention to us.

16. We don’t want our parents to punish us.

5. Speaking.

Teacher: There are typical situations and here is an example.

(мим картинка: родители пытаются поговорить с сыном, но он молчит

  • Discuss! What can you say to John and to his parents?

( В обсуждении участвуют и «дети» и «родители»:)

  • * John, you are not right. Your parents trusted you but you told a lie. You promised to phone and you didn’t. You promised to come in time but you didn’t. And now you think that your parents are guilty. You should admit that you were not right.

  • *In my opinion you behaved as a child. Your parents wanted to know what had happened to you but you don’t want to speak with them. There is no way out.

  • * I think you must discuss the situation with your parents. Everybody has a right to speak, to listen and to be listened. If you keep silence nothing will change. You should do the first step.

  • * OK. Put yourself into your father’s shoes. How would you behave with your son if you are a father? Be honest.

  • *…..

Teacher: Do you have the same problems?

Children”: (рассказывают о своих проблемах)

Parents”: (родители объясняют свою позицию)

Zhenya: I am fed up with my parents. They always tell me what to do but they never listen to me. All they want to know is if I have done my homework and chores. When I want to talk to them, Mom tells me to go and ask Dad, and Dad tells me to go and ask Mom. They give me enough pocket money and buy me nice clothes, but I would like them to pay me more attention. They are never there for me.

Yulya: We think our son is angry with us. We are both working and have a very active lifestyle. We spend a lot of time at work and sometimes we are busy at weekends too. Our son is very important to us. We think he should grow up to be independent, so sometimes we leave him to make his own decisions. Of course, we do everything for him and always buy him what he wants, but he looks unhappy. We don’t know what to do.

Victor: My parents control my life. When I make a new friend, they want me to bring him or her to our flat straightaway. If I want to go to a party, they lecture me for days about how I should behave and when I should come home. Even if I promise to come home by nine, they still phone me every hour to check where I am. They embarrass me in front of my friends. When my phone rings, my friends know exactly who it is and call me a mommy’s girl.

Vika: Our son is so dear for us, he is the centre of our life and we try to do all the best. We trusted our son, but he is so young and he doesn’t have any experience about life. We try to give him advice about how to behave and how to make friends, but he reacts negatively to this.

He says that all his friends laugh at him because we phone him so often on his mobile phone, but it’s important for us to know where our son is. It drives us mad when we think about what could happen to him. We also think it is nice to let our son know that we think and worry about him.

Sasha: My parents want me to go to university and make a lot of money. They have a strict plan, which I have to follow. They make me stay at home and study all the time. At weekend my friends go to clubs or to the camps, but I can’t go out. I have to study. When I try to tell my parents that I would like to spend some time with my friends, they refuse to listen. They say that all my friends are losers. I understand that they want the best for me but they have to understand: I want to live my own life and make my own choices.

Nastya: Our son is very clever but he is not ambitious. He has to work hard if he wants to get a good education and a successful career, but instead he wastes his time with his friends who couldn’t care less about studies and school. All they want is to enjoy themselves and have fun. It’s obvious that they will never achieve anything in life, but our son is different.

Since the day he was born, we have given him all our attention. We wanted him to have better life and achieve more than we have. All these years we have been saving money to pay for him to go to university and we think he should be grateful for that.

Vera: My mom is normally cool with most of the things that I do. She understands that I need my own space. She has nothing against make-up and she likes all my friends. Last month I introduced my boyfriend to her and she was great. My boyfriend was really impressed. The only problem I have with her is when I want to come home late. All my

friends go to clubs and stay out until ten thirty, but I have to be home by nine o’clock, so I miss all the fun. If I am ten minutes late, she gets mad with me and nags me for days after that.

Anya: I try to respect my daughter’s views, tastes and friends, but there are some things that I can’t agree with her about. If she leaves the house, I have to know where she is and when she will be back home. In my time, streets and parks used to be safe places, but nowadays they aren’t any more. The newspapers and TV are full of terrible stories about kidnapping. So every time my daughter comes home late, I worry. I try to talk to her, but she doesn’t understand.

Nikita: All my friends get a lot of pocket money and spend it on anything they want. But my parents are against pocket money. They buy me fashionable clothes and other things that I need, but they refuse to give me any money.

Teacher: The situation is very usual. Do you have any ideas what to do?

Pupil 1: You can find a part time job after school. You can sell magazines in the streets. I do the same job and get 300 rubles per day.

Pupil 2: I also have a part time job in our local post office, I deliver official letters and have I thousand rubles per month.

Pupil 3: I sell dairy, milk, cottage cheese and cream from our farm at our local market and my mom gives me money if I need it.

Pupil 4: I work as a babysitter. When our neighbours are busy they ask me to spend a couple of hours with their little son. They pay me for this.

Pupil 5: The Russians have a very good proverb: If you want to do something you will find an opportunity, if you don’t want – you will find a reason.

6. Conversation bricks.

Teacher: I see. So many people, so many problems. Parents don’t understand their children and children don’t understand their parents. I am sure in every situation there is the way out: to build bridge or to burn bridge.

Discuss which phrases would help to build bridges and which phrases would burn bridges? (Учащиеся получают листы бумаги и пишут на них фразы, затем размещают эти фразы на доске, формируя мост или костер).

-You don’t need to know about that.

- What do you think about it?

- Would you like to talk about it?

- I am fed up with…

- You always say that!

- That is a good question.

- Thank you for saying that.

- I couldn’t care less!

- Why are you asking me that?

- I can understand you, but…

- Go and clean your room. We need to talk about smth important.

- If you say that again, I will…

- Your feelings are important to me.

- You never…

- Please explain it to me again.

- Go and ask your mother.

- What you are saying is very important to me.

- That’s none of your business.

- You are telling lies.

- You will understand that when you are older.

На одной части доски из листочков ребята выложили мост, на другой – костер. Каждый высказывает свое мнение, почему одни фразы помогают найти общий язык с родителями, а другие разрушают взаимопонимание

Pupil1: (example) I think phrase “You are telling lies” burns bridges because the person doesn’t want to listen to another one. He thinks that he knows the truth and the person he is talking to has no right to tell his point of view.

Pupil 2: etc.

7. Conclusion:

Teacher: Today we tried to listen to each other and to understand. I hope our lesson will be useful for you and for your parents. Be kind and honest and everything will be all right. The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson.

Использованные ресурсы:

  1. Афанасьева О.И., Михеева И.В, В. Эванс, Б. Оби - Spotlight 10 класс, М., «Просвещение», 2008

  2. Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю.- Счастливый английский. Ру 9, «Титул» 2008.

  3. http://www.kartinki.me/pic/201208/1280x768/kartinki.me-5388.jpg мост

  4. http://900igr.net/datai/obg/Kostjor/0038-042-Skladyvaetsja-iz-neskolkikh-breven-ulozhennykh-vdol-ili-pod-ostrym.jpg костер

  5. http://stat8.blog.ru/lr/092112cc98786543e60c04e33d892d51 родители

  6. http://b38.tvoysadik.ru/images/O255ce418c2b27a16d624dab06db9ed95.jpg семья

  7. http://gidbaby.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Как-помочь-ребенку-подготовиться-к-ЕГЭ.gif семья

  8. http://gallery.forum-grad.ru/files/4/1/2/8/0/sobranie.jpg семья



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