КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА английского языка для 10 класса «Спортивные события в Великобритании»

Тема урока: «Great British Sporting Events».

(Спортивные события в Великобритании.)

Класс : 10


Назарова Людмила Валентиновна,

учитель английского языка

КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА английского языка для 10 класса «Спортивные события в Великобритании»

Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 10

Тема: Спортивные события в Великобритании.

Используемый УМК: «Английский в фокусе» (Spotlight) под редакцией О.В Афанасьевой, Дж. Дули, И.В., Михеевой, Б. Оби, В. Эванс.


    • Активизация речевой и мыслительной деятельности учащихся.

    • Расширение потенциального словаря учащихся и их общего кругозора.

    • Совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся

Задачи урока:

  • Ознакомить учащихся со спортивными событиями в Великобритании.

  • Развить навыки аудирования (основное понимание текста)

  • Развить навыки чтения с полным пониманием текста (выбор нужной информации)

  • Формирование и развитие языковых речевых умений в устной речи на базе прочитанного текста

  • Воспитание чувства гордости за родную страну.

Оборудование; магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор, компьютеры с выходом в интернет.

Источники информации :

      • WikipediA. English The Free Encyclopedia

( https://www.wikipedia.org/)

      • «Английский в фокусе» (Spotlight) под редакцией О.В Афанасьевой, Дж. Дули, И.В., Михеевой, Б. Оби, В. Эванс.

Ссылки на иллюстрации :


- https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Ссылка на видео:


Ход урока

1. Lead-in.

1)-Good morning! Glad to see you. I've prepared for you short texts taken from the Wikipedia English free encyclopedia. Please match them with their headings. Two headings are odd. (Attachment 1)

Answer Key: 1A 2E 3F 4C

(check yourself)

  1. -What is the topic of today's lesson? (Great British Sporting Events)

2.Predicting the content.

- So today we’ ll talk about Great British Sporting Events. But first of all look at the screen. I'll show you some pictures. Think of some questions for each picture.

Слайд №1 Сambridge University

Слайд №2 Oxford University.

Слайд №3 The Boat Race

Слайд №4 The London Marathon

Слайд №5 Wimbledon

  • Thank you. While doing your first task I'll make a list of questions which you are going to answer at the end of the lesson. One list for each pair.

  1. Listening for specific information


- Read the questions of the Exercise 2 (Attachment 2) carefully and watch and listen to the videos for the information you need. You'll watch once.

Answer Key: 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A

(compare your answers with your partner)

4. Reading for understanding unknown words.

1) - Open your books on page 39. Read throw the texts which you have already watched and listened and guess the meaning of the words in bold from the context. Match the words in bold in the text to their meaning.(Attachment 3)

  1. Competitors – a) a competition to find the best player(s) in a sport

  2. Extremely – b) most

  3. Get out of breath – c) breath very quickly and with difficulty

  4. Take part in – d) talk about, give an opinion on

  5. Offers – e) people taking part in a contest

  6. Majority – f) fashionable

  7. Raise money for charity – g) people who introduce a TV programme

  8. Race course – h) be involved in

  9. Presenters – I) wait in a line to be served/for your turn

  10. Comment on – j) play against each other

  11. Smart – k) people who watch a sporting event

  12. Championship – l) make money for those less fortunate

  13. Spectators – m) gives

  14. Queue – n) a place where horses run against each other

  15. Compete – o) very much

Answer Key:

1-e), 2-o), 3-c), 4-h), 5-m),

6-b), 7-l), 8-n), 9-g), 10-d),

11-f), 12-a), 13-k), 14-i), 15-j)

  1. Competitors – people taking part in a contest

  2. Extremely – very much

  3. Get out of breath – breath very quickly and with difficulty

  4. Take put in – be involved in

  5. Offers – gives

  6. Majority – most

  7. Raise money for charity – make money for those less fortunate

  8. Race course – a place where horses run against each other

  9. Presenters – people who introduce a TV programme

  10. Comment on – talk about, give an opinion on

  11. Smart – fashionable

  12. Championship – a competition to find the best player(s) in a sport

  13. Spectators – people who watch a sporting event

  14. Queue – wait in a line to be served/for your turn

  15. Compete – play against each other

(exchange and check your partner's work)

  1. Work with the new words and their definitions. Memorize them. After one minute you'll work with your partner asking him (her) definitions.

(pair work)

5. Making a presentation

  • Imagine you are a radio presenter. Choose one of the events A-D. Make your presentation to your partner.

  • Put a mark for your partner's presentation.

  • So your marks for today are.....

6. Reflection.

1) - Now let's answer the questions you 've put at the beginning of our lesson.

(Attachment 4)

  1. What are these places in Britain famous for? (London, Oxford, Cambridge, Ascot, Wimbledon)

  2. What river is the race along?

  3. What must the competitors be?

  4. How long is the distance of the London marathon?

  5. How many people usually take part in the event?

  6. What event is so popular with members of the royal family?

  7. What else is the event famous for?

  8. What is the oldest tennis championship in Britain?

7. Writing a short article about famous sporting events in our country.

- Write down your hometask. Brainstorm with your classmates for sporting events in Russia.

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