конспект урока английского языка "Robert Burns – a great Scottish writer"
План-конспект урока английского языка "Robert Burns – a great Scottish writer".
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Оборудование урока:
презентация «Robert Burns» Приложение1;
видеосюжет «Scotland – bonnie Scotland» из видеокурса «Английский язык для повседневного общения».
Ход урока:
1. Организационный этап
Teacher: Good afternoon, my dear friends! You are looking great! Delighted to see you. How are you?
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2. Сообщение темы урока
Teacher: Today we are going to talk about a great Scottish writer Robert Burns.
What do we imagine when we hear the word "Scotland"?
Student 1: Oh, it's quite easy! The men in tartan kilts, sad and monotonous sounds of bagpipes, gloomy grey castles on rocks, tasteless oatmeal porridge in the morning, heather moors, mysterious lochs with monsters and so on.
Teacher: Now I want you to have a little look at this country. The film we are going to watch is called «Scotland – bonnie Scotland».
( демонстрируется видеосюжет «Scotland – bonnie Scotland» из видеокурса «Английский язык для повседневного общения»).
Teacher: Whenever we speak of Scotland the name of Scottish Bard Robert Burns is always there as the ever-living and never dying symbol of that country. Do you know, my dear friends, what does the word «Bard» means?
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This word originates deeply to the history of British Isles. Hundred years ago in territory of Britain lived Celts - aboriginals. And Celts’ministrels - wandering poets – were called Bards. They composed verses and sang them, most of these verses have been connected with the well-known events.
Teacher: Оn the 200th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns in 1959, Samuel Marshak, whose wonderful translation of Burns’s verses are known all over the world, wrote a poem to mark the event ending with this lines:
«And in the boundless land of ours
Your homespun views we cherish,
From Baltic to Pacific shores
Your fame will no cherish»
(это высказывание было дано учащимся заранее, а на уроке проводится конкурс на лучший его перевод, называется победитель)
Teacher: Would you like to know biography of the famous poet?
Let’s start.
Student 2: Robert Burns, Scotland's national poet, was born on January 25, 1759, in a cottage at Alloway and died on July 21, 1796, at Dumfries.
His father, William Burns (or Burness) was a hardworking small farmer with high ideals about human worth and conduct. He knew the value of a good education and he was determined to give his children the best schooling possible.
Student 3: There were seven children in the family and Robert was the eldest. When he was six years old, his father sent him to school to Alloway, but Robert's regular schooling was rather short. The teacher left and so Burns's father along with his four neighbours engaged a young schoolteacher Mr. John Murdoch to teach their boys. When Mr. Murdoch left, the poet's father taught the children himself. Reading and writing, arithmetic, English grammar, history, literature and a slight acquaintance of Latin and French — that was Robert Burns's education.
Student 4: In his childhood Robert listened to a lot of folk songs and folk tales from his mother, such as «Bought me a cat»
(Учащиеся исполняют народную шотландскую песню-игру «Bought me a cat» Приложение2.
Student 5: Robert Burns became a farmer too. At thirteen he was out in the fields all day helping his father, at fifteen he did most of the work on the farm.
He studied nature closely, and following the plough, he whistled and sang. In his songs he spoke of what he saw, of the woods, and the fields, and the valleys, of the deer, of the hare, and the skylark, and the small field mouse, of the farmer's poor cottage home and the farmer lad's love for his lass.
Student 6: Robert Burns first began to write poetry in his sixteenth year. His first love song «Handsome Nell» was dedicated to the girl who helped him in the harvest fields.
Student 7: Life was hard for the family. Robert's father died in 1784 burdened with debts and the young poet felt deeply the injustice of the world where the landowners owned the best land, pastures and woods. The poet wanted to go to the far-off island of Jamaica and to get some money for his passage, he published some of his poems. Six hundred copies of «Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect» were printed in Kilmarnock in July 1786. Their success was complete, the edition was quickly sold out and Robert Burns became well-known and popular.
Student 8: Instead of going to Jamaica Burns went to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, to publish another edition by subscription. This edition appeared in April 1787. At first Robert Burns was warmly welcomed, but soon the society of Edinburgh grew tired of him and forgot all about the poet. The popular character of Burns's poetry was foreign to their tastes.
Robert Burns left Edinburgh and started on a tour of the Highlands and the Scottish and English Borders. This tour inspired him to write a glorious poem «Bruce at Bannockburn», which deals with the struggle of Scotland for independence against England.
Student 9: In 1788 Robert Burns married Jean Armour, his Bonnie Jean whom he first met in 1784. She is immortalized in many beautiful poems written by the poet, such as «I Love My Jean», «It Is Na», «Jean» and many others.
Student 10: The story of the remaining years of Robert Burns s short life is full of sadness. He worked much on his farm, but he could not make it pay. In 1789 his friends got Burns a position as tax collector in the Excise. This work was not an easy one, but it gave Robert Burns much time to think out his poems and at this period of his life Burns wrote much. Among the best poems and songs are «Lament of Mary», «Queen of Scots», «Scots Wha'Hae», «An Ode to Liberty».
One of the finest poems widely popular in Scotland, «Tam O'Shanter» was written in 1790.
Student 11: In 1794 Robert Burns's family consisted of four boys and one girl. The fifth son was born on the day of his burial in 1796.
Student 12: The last years of Burns' life were very hard. He gave up farming and with the help of his friends got a place at an office in Dumfries. In 1795 he fell seriously ill. Ten days before his death he wrote to his cousin:
"...a shopkeeper whom I owe a large sum of money took a proceeding against me. All that remains of me — bones and skin — they would surely throw into prison. Can you do me a favour and send me ten pounds? Oh James, if you knew my proud heart you would know how I feel. I am not accustomed to beg. Save me from the terror of prison."
Student 13: On the 21st of July, 1796, being 37 years old, Burns died of heart disease.
Student 14: In Scotland there are many places which are associated with the name of Robert Burns. (Демонстрируются слайды:
A clay-built Cottage in which Robert Burns born;
A monument over the grave of the Scottish poet Robert Fergusson, which Robert Burns erected at his own expense;
The Tam O’Shanter Inn in Air, whish is now a museum of the poets relics;
Poosie Nansie’s Inn in Mauchline, the little two-storied house, where the poet lived after he married Jean Armour;
The monument to Robert Burnsat Alloway, in Ayrshire;
The National Memorial to Burns in Mauchline).
Students in a chain:
Do You Know That …
... the Ayrshire countryside is famous because Robert Burns was born there?
... the low whitewashed cottage in Alloway, near Ayr, where the poet was born in 1759, is visited by thousands every year?
... this small clay cottage with a thatched roof was built with his father's own hands?
... Robert Burns's mother had a wonderful voice and knew many songs and ballads which she passed on to her children?
... Robert Burns met Walter Scott about 1786—1787
when the latter was around fifteen?
... the Dick Institute in Kilmarnock, with its museum, art gallery and library contain an excellent Burns collection?
... in Kilmarnock the Kay Park Museum has a very interesting collection of Burnsiana?
... a mausoleum in honour of Robert Burns's memory was raised in St. Michael's Churchyard, to the vault under which his remains were transferred on September 19, 1815?
... on January 25, Robert Burns's birthday, many
functions are held in honour of the poet in Scotland?
... the bust of Robert Burns was executed by Sir John Steele for Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey?
... Robert Burns's poems and verses were translated in Russia by M. Lermontov, I. Kozlov, M. Mikhailov, E. Bagritsky and other poets?
... Robert Burns's poems and verses inspired Beethoven, Schumann, Mendelsohn and other composers who wrote music to them?
... the best-known cycle of songs to Robert Burns's verses was composed in Russia by Georgi Sviridov?
... the tunes to Robert Burns's songs were written by D. Shostakovich, N. Myaskovsky, A. Alexandrov, Y. Levitin, and a number of other Russian composers?
Teacher: The poetry and songs of Robert Burns are famous worldwide and in Russia. Our Russian people find pleasure in reading Robert Burns's poems and songs in the original and in the wonderful translations of Samuel Marshak.
Among Robert Burns's most popular poems are: «My Heart's in the Highlands», «Is there for Honest Poverty» and many others. Some of his poems became well-known songs, such as «Auld Lang Syne», « О My Luve's Like a Red, Red Rose», and others. Listen to some of them.
(учащиеся читают наизусть стихотворения Роберта Бернса) Приложение3.
Student 15: Burns' friends took care of his family. His sons got education. Jean died at the age of 80 and was always proud of her well-educated sons.
Student 16: But the name of Robert Burns is still alive. For Scotsmen Robert Burns is a symbol of national pride. Every year on January 25 (on his birthday) Burns Night is celebrated not only in Scotland but throughout Britain and Scottish-speaking world.
Student 17: The celebration is usually held in the form of a supper (called, of course, Burns Supper) at which haggis is served and eaten and during which Scottish pipers play, Burns' poems are recited and there may be Scottish dancing after the meal.
3. Заключительное слово учителя
All of Robert Burns's poetry shows him to be one of the great masters of lyrical verse, a warm partiot of his native country.
Whenever we speak of Scotland, the name of Scotland's Bard Robert Burns is always there, as the ever-living never-dying symbol of that country.
Teacher:May Burns' memory live forever!
Students: May Burns' memory live forever!
Звучит "Auld Lang Syne" — знаменитая песня на слова Роберта Бернса – в исполнении учащихся.

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