Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме «Моя семья»

План-конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе

по теме «Моя семья»


Активизировать речемыслительную деятельность.

Развивать все виды речевой деятельности.

Закрепить лексический материал по теме "Семья”, "Черты характера”.

Воспитывать межличностные отношения.



практика речевой деятельности (монологической с использованием опорного конспекта, диалогической в форме интервью) по теме «Моя семья»

активизация лексики по теме «Семья», «Черты характера»

формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений


развивать мышление, умение дать оценку, высказывать свое мнение на английском языке;

развитие творчества, фантазии, воображения;


воспитание чувства толерантности;

воспитание культуры общения;

формирование умения работать в команде, помогать друг другу;

воспитывать чувство любви и уважения к самым близким и дорогим людям.

Оборудование и оснащение урока: магнитная доска, карточки со словами по теме «Черты характера», фотокарточки семьи.

личностные: формирование осознания культуры страны изучаемого языка; формирование мотивации изучения ИЯ и стремления к самосовершенствованию.
метапредметные: развитие умения планировать свое речевое поведение; развитие коммуникативной компетенции. Включая умение взаимодействовать с окружающими; развитие умения понимать аутентичный текст; осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности.
предметные: воспринимать на слух и понимать речь учителя, диктора, одноклассников; воспринимать на слух и понимать основное содержание аутентичного видео-теста; выборочно понимать с опорой на языковую догадку текст, выделяя значимую (нужную) информацию.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you again.

What date is it today? What day is it today?

Well, I see that you mood is good, so let’s start our lesson.

I would like to work hard and be more attentive!!!

How are you? How is your mother? Is your father OK?

I want our lesson to be useful, merry and bright.

Let’s read a poem!

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

This is my father, this is my mother, this is my brother, this is my sister,

Father, mother, sister, brother, hand in hand with one another.

I love my father, I love my mother,

I love my sister and my big brother.

Try to find out what are we going to discus at the lesson.

What is our topic?

What will we do in the classroom?

III Речевая зарядка Постановка учебной задачи.

Результатом этого этапа будет определение учебной задачи. Это этап мотивации и целеполагания.

УУД: личностные, коммуникативные.

Методы: подводящий к теме диалог

Today we’ll speak about family!!!!

Look at the screen.

Pay attention to these words!

Let’ read them.

Фонетическая зарядка











To be interested (in)

Now open your books (page…ex…)

Today we are going to speak about FAMILY. We often meet with new people and it is very interesting to learn about them and their family. Today we will meet with the family of Stephen and learn a lot about his life and his family.

Lets read!!!

Iv Открытие нового знания.

Результатом этого этапа будет формирование ориентировочной основы действий.

УУД: познавательные, регулятивные (работа над формированием логических умений: анализ, сравнение, обобщение).

Способы: самостоятельная работа

Try to find all the members of the family in the photo

Look at the picture


Where is dad …

Where is mum ….

Where is his sister

Where is his uncle

Where is his granddad

Where is his grandma

Work in pairs!

Describe the family of Stephen (according the text)


Brave strong athletic friendly


Kind loving


Curious talkative little naughty


Smart intelligent


Responsible independent wise


Polite tactful

Describe each member of the family!

(карточки с характеристиками)

Lets check up!!!

Самостоятельная работа (в группах)

Результатом этого этапа будет самоконтроль и самооценка, каждый для себя делает вывод, что он уже умеет.

Let’s continue our work!!!

Work in groups!!!

Listen and repeat. Arrange the words in pairs of opposites. Ex. 24, p. 148



















Please, check up!

  1. Create short description of Stephen’s family!!! Look at the screen!!!

These phrases will help you!!!

  1. Tell us a short story about your family! Look at the screen!!!

My mother’s name is…

She is…

She likes to…

My father’s name is…

He is…

He likes to…

My grandmother’s name is…

She is…

She likes to…

My grandfather’s name is…

He is…

He likes to…

My sister’s name is…

She is…

She likes to…

My brother’s name is…

He is…

He likes to…

Рефлексия деятельности (итог урока)

Our lesson is over.

Please say your opinion!


It’s always interesting to speak about …

I was very …(surprised, happy, pleased), when I was asked to participate in this.


I enjoyed … the most.

I will never forget feeling of … ( the greatest pleasure after difficult work, happiness, enjoyment, relaxation)

I was afraid that …


All the tasks were … (interesting, boring, creative, unusual…)

My head was full of …(different ideas, views, deicions)


However, I did …(not everything).

I did everything!!!

I think it’s … (my little victory)

As for me, I have learnt more: I learn about


It’s always interesting to take part in…

I was very …(surprised, happy, pleased), when I was asked to participate in this.

I had an opportunity to …

It’s like falling into a fairy tale with (adventures, monsters and heroes)…


I was afraid that …

Sometimes I felt quite nervous because I am not keen on...

Before the work I thought that it will be easy enough because …

I enjoyed … the most.

It was like …(a big explosion)

And the most important thing was …(good mood, friendship, participation, unity) of course!

Personally, I can tell you all my emotions and thoughts about it.

Firstly, … , secondly, … ,thirdly, … and finally, …

Well, it’s funny to remember me in moments, when …

After all my hard work I felt tired, but … (satisfied with results, happy, inspired).

I think that this emotion is very important.

I will never forget feeling of … ( the greatest pleasure after difficult work, happiness, enjoyment, relaxation)


In this … (competition, game) all tasks are … (worthy of discussion, creative, unusual, interesting; boring, uninteresting, childish, hard)…

There I could find not only … (boring grammar tests, questions, rules), but also…

I could switch on … (my fantasy, imagination, creativity).

I have learnt how to solve …(logic and uncommon problems, difficulties)

I made my mind …(free, creative, concentrated) in order to …

My head was full of …(different ideas, views, deicions)

All the tasks were … (extremely interesting)

A lot of …(heuristic) tasks made me … (more curious and diligent)


However, I did …(not everything).

I think it’s … (my little victory)

As for me, I have learnt more: I learn about … (the culture of England, the rules of …

(teachers, friends, partners) helped me to … (achieve results, receive new experience, learn new things, relax) through … (patience, tasks, questions, games).

Actually, after these days I’ve decided to … (learn idioms, read English literature and be interested in all around me to be ready to communicate)

I can advise participants to (read more books, develop imagination, enrich their vocabulary)...


You make some mistakes, be more careful

Your work is good

Your answers are good too

Work harder

You are making progress

Here your marks:

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