Конспект урока для 7 класса "Animals. Whales"
Мухтарова Асель Калкамановна
КГУ «СШ № 15 с. Трудовое»
Lesson Plan
English Grade 7
Theme of the lesson:
Animals. Whales
General aim:
To get overview about kinds of whales
1) to teach to understand and use new words on the topic;
2) to develop reading and speaking skills;
3) to develop skills of work in pairs, groups and abilities to assess yourself
Certain result of teaching
Students know the words on the topic and able to use them in speaking and writing
Approach in teaching
Development of speaking and writing due to work in pairs and groups, setting of the theme and aim of the lesson.
-textbook “English 7” by T. Ayapova, Almaty, “Atamura”, 2012
Teacher’s notes: Teacher coordinates and directs activity of students, helps children to join educational activity.
Creation of collaborative environment.( 1-2 minutes)
Teacher greets students. With the purpose of creation of collaborative environment suggests forming pairs and greeting each other, smiling to each other and wishing Good luck to each other. Strategy “Smile”.
Students form pairs, greet each other, smile to each other and wish Good luck.
Dividing into groups. Strategy “Cards 1 and 2” (2 min)
Teacher gives different cards with numbers 1 and 2 to the students with the purpose of creation of groups.
Students choose cards and take their seats according to the chosen numbers.
Teacher suggests remembering the rules of work in groups.
Students name the rules. ( Be nice to each other, Don’t interrupt, Respect)
Teacher supports the students with verbal praise “Brilliant”, “Well done” and asks them not to break rules.
Students express their consent. Strategy “Thumb”
1 Stage of the lesson. Evocation (5 min)
Task 1. Try to guess a word which hidden, naming the letters. It will be the theme of our lesson today”
Teacher organizes conversation and asks the students to name the letters so that students will be able to guess the word and set the theme of the lesson. Teacher asks leading questions: It is not a fish. It lives in the water.
Students name the letters and finally guess the word “Whale”
Teacher asks a question “What do you know about whales?”
Students answer the question.
Teacher asks the students to fill in the first two columns of the table: “What do you know and want to know about whales?”
2 stage of the lesson. Realization of meaning (25 min)
Task 2. Become familiar with the text “Whales’’. Strategy “Reading with marks”.
Teacher suggests reading the text “Whales” in pairs and marking on the fields.
Students read the text marking on the fields: (V) – I know it; (+) - It is a new information for me; (?) – I want to know more about it.
Task 3 Create your poster of your whale and present it
Teacher asks students to create a poster of whale and present it. Students draw picture of their whales and try to describe him in front of the class.
3 Stage of the lesson. Reflection ( 10 min)
Task 3. Fill in the 3rd column of the table “ I have known”
Teacher suggests to students filling in the 3rd column of the table
I know
I want to know
I have known
Students complete the table, putting down what they have known about whales.
Teacher organizes reflection discussion and asks students to assess their posters.
Students put stickers on the poster they like more.
Teacher gives marks to the students and asks them to express their opinion of the lesson with gesture of their hands. Strategy “ Firework”
Students express their opinion of the lesson.
Results of teaching for students with level (A)
-know the vocabulary of the lesson
- can use them in speaking and writing
-can tell about whales
Results of teaching for students with level (B)
-know the vocabulary of the lesson
-can use them in speaking and writing
Results of teaching for students with level (C)
-know the vocabulary of the lesson

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