Конспект урока для 8 класса на тему «Наше Любимое Времяпрепровождение»
Муниципальное Бюджетное Образовательное Учреждение
Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 145
Автозаводского района г. Нижнего Новгорода
Английский язык.
Тема урока «Наше Любимое
8 А класс.
Тип урока по дидактической цели:
Урок обобщающего повторения.
Тип урока по активизации познавательной деятельности:
Урок – круглый стол с зарубежными друзьями.
Выполнила учитель
английского языка
МБОУ СОШ № 145
Тимуршина Г. А.
Нижний Новгород
2014 г.
Обобщающий урок по теме « Наше любимое времяпрепровождение»: «Чтение книг», «Музыка» (в форме «круглого стола» с зарубежными друзьями) в 8 А классе по английскому языку 14 марта 2014 г.
Задачи урока:
Обобщить лексический и грамматический материал по темам «Увлечение», «Чтение книг английских, американских и русских писателей; «Музыка»;
Продемонстрировать владение учебным материалом, умение учащихся использовать его в новых ситуациях:
Воспитывать у обучаемых интерес к изучению английского языка, творчеству английских, американских и русских прозаиков и исполнителей;
Воспитать умение организовать свой досуг.
Развивать у школьников речевые умения аудирования и говорения в монологической и диалогической речи;
Развивать творческие способности;
Оформление урока:
Плакат с названием темы урока (на доске): «Hobby. Reading Books. Music.»
Календарь с датой проведения урока.
Пословицы (плакаты на доске): a) Work while you work, b) Tastes differ
Play while you play
This is the way
To be happy
4.Плакаты: a) различные виды увлечений;
b) «В Аэропорту»
c) Различные виды спорта;
d) Замок короля к сказки «Белоснежка»
e) Встреча Белоснежки и Принца
5. Выставка детских книг на английском языке
6. Выставка творческих работ обучаемых по темам: «Увлечения», «Английские и Российские подростки», «Мой любимый литературный герой»: Е. Пугачев, Робин Гуд, В. Дубровский
7. Флажки России и Объединенного Королевства Великобритании.
8. Подарки: 1) Сборник романов А. С. Пушкина (I, II т.)
2) Сборник произведений О. Уайлда (3 книги на английском языке)
3) Европейский языковый портфель.
9. Конверт с письмом из Великобритании, кепка, сумка почтальона с надписью «Post - Office».
10. Ноутбук с диском, на котором музыкальные вставки к сказке.
11. Коллекция марок, значков, флейта.
12. Костюмы и атрибуты к сказке «Белоснежка и семь гномов».
13. Цветы, самовар, скатерти, угощение к чаю: печенье, конфеты, яблоко.
Ход урока.
Оргмомент.1. Приветствие, вступительное слово учителя.
T – ce: Good – afternoon, boys and girl, and teachers. How are you?
P – ps: Fine, thanks. And you?
T.: I am OK, thank you. Nice to meet you.
P – ps: Nice to meet you too
T.: Today, we are going to have an unusual lesson. It will be a meeting of Foreign Friends from Great Britain. We’ll speak about your hobbies, about music, about reading books. We’ll revise everything we know. Our topics for today are “Hobby”, “Music”, “Reading”.
Today some guests from our school and other schools are present at our lesson. We must greet them on behalf of our students. Would you do it, please, Yana.
P1: I’m happy to greet you on behalf of our students. I hope you will be pleased with our answers. We like English and try to study it as well as we can. We may say English is our hobby.
T.: All right, thank you.
I.2. Реч. зарядка: Аудирование письма из Великобритании и реч. зарядка по теме « Хобби».
T.: Somebody is knocking at the door. Let see, who it is.
Post – girl: I am Miss Brown, a post – girl. I have got letter for you from Great Britain.
T.: Oh, thank you very much.
Post – girl: Not at all. Good – bye!
T.: Goodbye, Miss Brown. Oh, comrades, we’re got a letter. Let’s listen to it and find out where this letter is from Great Britain , what the friends’ names are, what’s the friend’s ages are, what they want.
T.: 24, Queen street
Oxford School, UK
10th March, 2014.
Dear friends,
We were glad to get a letter from you. Our names are: Julia, Mary, Sidney, Rose. We are from Oxford School. We are 14. Our hobby is Reading. Our favourite sports are swimming and cricket. Our favourite subjects are English and Literature. We’d like to meet you. We’d like to come to Russia on the 14th of March. We hope to see you soon:
Best wishes,
your friends from
Great Britain.
T.: Children, let’s talk about this letter. Answer the questions, please.
T. P1, P2, P3:
- Where is the letter from?
- What are girl’s names?
- How old are they?
- What is their hobby?
- What are their favorite sports?
- What would they like to do?
When would they like to come?
T.: Oh, Children. Our friends want to come to our city of N. N. But what date is it today?
P.: Today is the 14th of March.
T.: Our friends are coming today. Will you meet them!
P1, P2: With pleasure.
I.3. Диалог «Встреча в Аэропорту».
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
- Are you from Great Britain?
- Yes, we are.
- Are you the group leader?
- Yes, I am.
- My name is Yana. How are you? We are from the settlement of N. Doskino, from school № 145.
- How do you do? I’m Julia. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
- My name is Mary. My name is Sandy. Glad to meet you. How are you?
- My name is Nastya . How are you? Nice to meet you too. You are welcome to N. N.
I. 4 . T.: Well, comrades. Is everything ready for the meeting? Have you got any present for our friends? What is this?
Cl (P4). – It’s a collection of novels by Pushkin.
T.: Come in please. Welcome to N. N.
P2.: This is our English teacher, Gyuzyal Akhmetovna
- How do you do, G. A.? Nice to meet you.
T.: How are you? Glad to meet you, too.
II. Беседа о хобби, музыке, чтении.
1. Cлова учителя.
T.: Every day we try to work hard but sometimes we should take a little rest. Look at the blackboard and read the proverb.
P1: Work while you work
Play while you play
This is the way
To be happy.
T.: What do you think this proverb means?
P6: Schoolchildren must have some free time after work because it is good for our health.
T.: And you can have different hobbies during your free time? And what is hobby?
P9 – Some people collect pictures, toys, books, pencils and many other things. My sister and I are fond of cooking. We like to make cakes for our relatives and friends. They are very tasty.
P5 – And my hobby is photography. Here you can see photos about our hobby during our school life.
Nastya: And a lot of people enjoy reading books, written by British, American and Russian writers. Are you fond of reading? What books do you like to read?
P3 – My favourite American writer is Mark Twain. Last year I read his book «The Prince and the Pauper». I like books about adventures.
P1 – I like to read books by British and Russian writers. Not long ago we read tales by Oscar Wilde.
P4 – Oscar Wilde is a famous British writer. English and Russian children read his books.
P5 – We read his tales «The Birthday of the Infanta» and «The Happy Prince». I like the tale «The Happy Prince».
Nastya – What is it about? Why do you like it?
(Gr. Br.)
P1 – I liked best all the Happy Prince. He wanted to help his people in their trouble. He gave them his diamond eyes, ruby and gold and became ugly.
P5 – As for me I like more the swallow. She helped the Happy Prince. She was a real friend. I think this book is about real friends. And friendship is very important in our life.
P2 – We can learn a lot of by reading his books. They teach us to understand people’s trouble.
P6 – And his books help us to understand people are really happy when they can help people in trouble, when they can give their life for others.
Gr. Br. – As for us we are also fond of reading books especially Russian Classical Literature. We admire books by Pushkin.
Ar. Gr. – Recently we’re read «Captain's Daughter» and «Dubrovsky».
P3 – Very often our hobby helps us to choose our future profession because we learn a lot of things. My hobby is reading books and I want to become a teacher of Literature.
Ar. Br – Oh, I see. We want to present you with a collection of English books by Oscar Wilde.
Gr. Br. – You have said, English is your hobby and we are glad to present you with European Language Portfolio to study English better.
P9 – Thank you. And we want to present you with a collection of novels by Pushkin.
P1 – Our form’s hobby is performing English tales.
P9 – We hope you will enjoy our performing the tale “Snowwhite and Seven Dwarfs”.
(Драматизация на английском языке сказки «Белоснежка и семь гномов»).
P3 – It is what you can and like to do in your free time.
P4 – People choose a hobby according to their tastes and temper.
P5 – With a hobby our life gets more interesting.
P6 – You know the proverb. “Tastes differ”. Can you say the same about hobbies?
P7 – Yes, different people like doing different things; different people have different hobbies, some people are interested in music. My classmate Ann Yupherova collects CDs of her favourite singers and pop – groups.
P8 – Ann Druzhinma is fond of playing the piano. She attends musical concerts.
P9 – Max Tubanov is fond of dancing.
P10 – All young people like to dance.
P11 – Disco dancing is the most popular with teenagers.
P12 – And Oxana Savelieva’s hobby is playing the fleute.
- What kind of music do you like best: jazz, country music, rap, classical or rock’n’roll.
Ann Dr. – I prefer classical music. I believe it helps us to understand the beauty of nature and our life. It is good for all ages. It develops our mental abilities.
Vika – Ann Yupherova, what is your favourite pop – group or singer?
Ann Yuph. – I like modern music and my favourite style is rock. Rock was born in the 50-s and very soon became the most popular music of the young people. In the 60-s four young men from Liverpool made a revolution in rock and in music. Soon they became the most popular pop – group in the world. The name of this group is The Beatles. It is my favourite pop – group.
P4 – Oxana, will you play anything for our guests?
Vika – Do, please (Oxana plays the fluete).
P11 – I like tender music with beautiful and calm melodies.
Vika – Thank you. It’s well done.
Nastya – Schoolchildren in Great Britain are fond of travelling. Teenagers are fond of playing computer games, attending disco – parties, going in for sports. And what are your hobbies?
P12 – I am fond of playing computer games. I like race games. And I am fond of talking on a mobile with my friends. Very many Russian boys and girls are fond of sports. My friends Yura Pulknomin and Alesha Sundukov are fond of playing football in our school football team “Hope”.
P13 – As for me, I am fond of collecting stamps. I have got a very good collection and I am proud of it. My collection is thematic: animals and sports.
P14 – I am a collector too. My hobby is collection badges. My theme is sports.
P1 – Did you like it?
Gr. Br. – Yes, it was great.
P9 – Dear Guests, our meeting is coming to an end. We hope your stay in N. Novgorod will be perfect. Have a good trip.
P10 – Dear Guests, we hope you have enjoyed our meeting.
III. Итоги урока.
T.: Children, we have spoken about many interesting things today: your hobbies, music, reading books, sports, playing computer games.
I hope they will help you to live happy and interesting life.
Children, you work hard and your marks and excellent Today, I am not going to give you any homework. The lesson is over. See you, children.
Cl.: See you, G. A.
P9 – And now, dear guests, let’s have tea.
(Приглашение зарубежной делегации к чаю с русским самоваром.)
14.03.2014 г. Учитель англ. языка МБОУ СОШ №145: (Тимуршина Г. А.)
Как развить и поддержать интерес школьников к учению английского языка? Как построить обучение так, чтобы «разбудить» в них активное желание говорить и общаться на английском языке, узнать больше о пошлом и настоящем, традициях и обычаях, музыке, литературе своей страны и страны изучаемого языка – вот вопросы, на которые я старалась найти ответы.
Одним из способов развития и поддерживания интереса к предмету я считаю связь урочной и внеурочной работы. Несколько лет я веду драматический кружок любителей английского языка. Ежегодно мы с учащимися разных классов ставим спектакли на английском языке. Это и «Приключения Тома Сойера», «Золушка», и «Красная шапочка», «Теремок», «Белоснежка и 7 гномов», «Репка». Традиционными стали празднования Дня Святого Валентина, концерты, инсценировки, викторины, конкурсы на английском языке, наряду с этим знакомимся с произведениями классических и современных английских, американских и российских писателей. И, конечно, элементы внеклассной работы я стараюсь использовать на уроках, что позволяет сделать занятия более живыми, интересными для учащихся, дают им возможность лучше проявить свои знания и способности. Удачнее всего этого получается на заключительных, обобщающих уроках, по окончании изучения той или иной темы или цикла тем. Ежедневно провожу нетрадиционные уроки на английском языке: Урок – КВН, «Что? Где? Когда?», «Поле чудес», урок – прессконференция «Проблемы карьеры и образования российской и британской молодежи», уроки – «круглый стол» на темы: «Проблемы российских и британских подростков», «Увлечения, Чтение книг, Музыка».
Учитель английского языка: (Тимуршина Г. А.)

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