Конспект урока для 7 класса "Omar’s album"
A lesson plan
Theme: Omar’s album
a. Оқушыларды жануарлар әлемімен және мұхит әлемімен таныстыру және олар туралы ақпарат беру
б. Мұхит әлемі туралы тексттер арқылы оқушылардың оқу, сөйлеу, тыңдау және ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту
в. Жануарлар әлеміне деген жақсы көзқарас қалыптастыру және оларға зиян тигізбеуге тәрбиелеу
Type of the lesson: new lesson
Visual aids: cards with tasks, handouts
The steps of the lesson
The steps of the lesson
The activity of the teacher
The activity of the pupils
Organization moment
Greeting. Asking about the date and the day of the week
Greeting. One of the pupil tells the date and the day of the week
2 min
Checking up homework
What was your home task? Who wants to answer?
one of the pupils tell the number of exercise and begin to read
Warm up
Look at Omar’s poster.
Do you like his poster?
Why do you like his poster?
Write your own opinion about his poster
Pupils look at Omar’s poster
And tell their own opinion.
Do you know that….
A whale a golden eagle
Can stay under is used for
water for an hour hunting wild
3 min
New theme
The teacher presents the new theme “Omar’s album”
Tells pupils about the ocean world and different kind of whales.
Gives the new words on a paper and ask to repeat them after him.
Whales are the biggest animals in the sea. The largest whales are more than 30 meters long
The pupils listen to the teacher very attentively and make notes about the new theme.
Write down the new words and repeat them after teacher in chorus, then individually.
it’s the biggest in the sea
it is 30 meters long
a killer whale
it lives in water it is not fish
The teacher gives tasks for consolidation the new theme.
Do the exercise: 7, 8, 9,10 at pages51,52
The pupils do the exercises which were given by teacher.
At first the read the texts one by one, then discuss them in groups
Whales have a skin, the skin is gray or black in color. Grey whale is famous for its migrations. Right whales swim slowly and float when they are dead
What have you known about the new theme?
Pupils answer the question raising their hands.
We have known that there are different kinds of whales in the sea
3 min
Home task
Ex.11 p.53
Pupils take their diary and write down the number of exercise
1 min
Commenting marks
The teacher gives marks
The pupils bring their diary for marking
1 min

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