Конспект урока для 5 класса "Школьная жизнь в Великобритании"

Сегодня речь идет о подготовке учащихся к диалогу культур, где навыки монологического и диалогического общения очень важны, акцент в сторону диалога значительно сильнее.

Между обучением и развитием человека всегда находится его деятельность. Одним из основных методических принципов системы развивающего обучения является деятельностный подход, ориентированный главным образом на предметную (практическую) деятельность школьников (при котором ребенок не получает знания в готовом виде, а добывает в процессе собственной учебно-познавательной деятельности). Позиция учителя: к классу не с ответом, а с вопросом. Позиция ученика: познание мира в специально организованных условиях.

«Школьная жизнь в Великобритании» (5 класс)

Тип урока: открытие новых знаний.

Технология: деятельностный метод обучения.

Цель урока: развивать умение понимать аутентичный фильм.


  • развитие умений аудирования, диалогической речи и чтения по теме.

  • развитие навыков поисковой деятельности по извлечению необходимой информации по заданной теме.

  • развитие культуры восприятия фактов из жизни страны изучаемого языка.

  • развитие умений работать в группах.

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся



-Good morning! I see all are present today. It’s great! How are you?

-Well, let’s start.

Look at the pictures.

In the classroom of St.Mary’s school. It has the name.

How do you think?

Is this school in Britain or in Russian?

-So, what is our topic for today?

What is our task?

-Fine! Thanks.

-It’s in Britain.

-Schools in Britain.

School life in Britain.

Узнать как можно больше о школах Британии и попытаться сравнить школы в Великобритании и у нас в стране.

2.Открытие новых знаний.

Способы: самостоятельная , фронтальная работа.

3.Первичное закрепление.

Способы: фронтальная, парная работа, в группах

You will watch the film and meet the following words.

The John Mason Scholl (in Abingdon near Oxford)

to be mixed, Food Technology, Design and Technology, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Religion, the school canteen

Let’s watch the film and you’ll try to do the tasks: the first one is to complete the table.

-It’s time to work with your tables.

- So, lets check up!

Учитель на доске в таблице фиксирует те моменты, которые должны были заполнить дети у себя; корректирует ответы учеников.

-Well done!

Now The second task:

- Complete the sentences.


- Match the questions and the answers.

-So, lets check up!

Учитель совместно с учениками слушает и корректирует выполненную работу.

-Beautiful work.

Учащиеся читают и записывают новые слова.

Учащиеся смотрят фильм*.

Учащиеся заполняют таблицу.

Учащиеся зачитывают свои ответы.

Учащиеся составляют предложения.

Учащиеся зачитывают свои ответы

  • A bit difficult task: I want you to make the dialogues. One of you is a British student, the other student is a Russian one.

Example: In Russia lessons start at 8.30 am. When do lessons start in Britain?

-Are you ready? Let s listen.

  • Excellent!

Учащиеся составляют

и инсценируют диалоги.

4.Самостоятельная работа (в группах)

Результатом этого этапа будет самоконтроль и самооценка, каждый для себя делает вывод, что он уже умеет.

3.Let’s compare our schools and British schools.

It will be the conclusion.

I want you (the 1st group) to speak---- about schools in Britain

And you (the 2nd group)------

about schools in Russia (use these sentences if you need)

And you are the ’experts(

3 or 4 pupils(the best pupils) listen to them, decide whether they are right or not and give them your marks.

Учитель совместно с учениками (группа экспертов) слушает и корректирует выполненную работу.

  • You tried hard! Thank you.

Учащиеся в группах составляют монологи о школах.

Слайд с предложениями, с которыми работали ранее.

Эксперты корректируют ответы ребят из 1и 2 групп, дают свою оценку их работе.

Учащиеся, читают предложения.

А) особенности школы в


Б) особенности школы в России

5.Рефлексия деятельности.

-Well, what are your marks for yourselves?

-You brighten my day! Thanks a lot.

Учащиеся делают вывод о том, что узнали, чему научились, что понравилось, что вызвало затруднения.

Complete the table.

Lessons ( start…., finish….)


School uniform


After school activities

Lessons ( start…., finish….)


School uniform


After school activities

Start at 9


Wear school uniform

Go home


Finish at about 4

Food Technology

Bring sandwiches to school


From Monday to Friday

Design and Technology

Go to school canteen


Science, IT







Foreign languages(French, Spanish, Italian

Complete the sentences.

  1. Students go to school from …to….

  2. Schools start at … o’clock.

  3. Schools finish at … o’clock.

  4. Schools are …: for boys and girls.

  5. Most students wear ….

  6. British students have a wide choice of subjects:…

  7. They have a break of an hour for …..

8. Some pupils go home, some bring sandwiches, others go to school …..

9. Most students learn French. Other popular languages are…

10. After school students do other activities:….

11. Some students don’t go in for sport. They learn …..

Match the questions and the answers.

1. When do students go to school?

2. Schools start at 9 o’clock, don’t they?

3. Schools are mixed , aren’t they?

4. Do British students wear a school uniform?

5 .Do children in Britain learn foreign languages at school?

6. Do British students like sport?

a) Most students do. The favourite colours for school uniform are blue, grey, black and green.

b) Yes, they do. French is often the first foreign language they learn at school. Sometimes they also learn a second foreign language: German, Spanish…

c) They go to school from Monday to Friday.

d) Yes, they do. Schools start at 9 o’clock.

e) Yes, they are. Schools are mixed : for boys and girls.

f) Yes, they do. They play football, netball, rugby, badminton…

Complete the sentences.

  1. Students go to school from Monday to Friday.

  2. Schools start at 9 o’clock.

  3. Schools finish at about 4 o’clock.

  4. Schools are mixed: for boys and girls.

  5. Most students wear a school uniform.

  6. British students have a wide choice of subjects: Art, design and Technology, Science, IT, Foreign languages, History, Geography, English, literature and Religion.

  7. They have a break of an hour for lunch.

8. Some pupils go home, some bring sandwiches with them, others go to the school canteen.

9. Most students learn French. Other popular languages are Spanish and Italian.

10. After school students do other activities: play football, netball, rugby, badminton

11. Some students don’t go in for sport. They learn music.

Match the questions and the answers.

When do students go to school?

c) They go to school from Monday to Friday.

2. Schools start at 9 o’clock, don’t they?

d) Yes, they do. Schools start at 9 o’clock

3. Schools are mixed, aren’t they?

e) Yes, they are. Schools are mixed: for boys and girls.

4. Do British students wear a school uniform?

a) Most students do. The favourite colours for school uniform are blue, grey, black and green.

5. Do children in Britain learn foreign languages at school?

b) Yes, they do. French is often the first foreign language they learn at school. Sometimes they also learn a second foreign language: German, Spanish, Italian,…

6. Do British students like sport?

f) Yes, they do. They play football, netball, rugby, badminton…

--Students go to school from Monday to Friday.

--Schools start at 9 o’clock.

--Schools are mixed: for boys and girls.

--After school students do other activities: play football, netball, rugby, badminton.

--Schools finish at about 4 o’clock.

--They have a break of an hour for lunch.

--Some pupils go home, some bring sandwiches with them, others go to the school canteen.

-- Most students learn French. Other popular languages are Spanish and Italian.

-- Students have a wide choice of subjects: Art, design and Technology, Science, IT, Foreign languages, History, Geography, English, literature and religion.

-- Most students learn English. Other popular languages are French, German and Spanish.

--Students go to school from Monday to Saturday.

--Schools start at 8 o’clock.

-- Some pupils bring sandwiches with them, others go to the school canteen

-- Schools are mixed: for boys and girls.

--Most students wear a school uniform.

-- Students have many subjects: Math, Literature, Russian, Art, Music, Technology, Nature Studies, IT, Foreign languages, History, Geography.

--They have a break of an hour for lunch.

-- Some pupils bring sandwiches with them, others go to the school canteen.

-- Most students learn English. Other popular languages are French, German and Spanish.

-- After school students do other activities: play football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, hockey.

-- Some students don’t go in for sport. They learn music.

Schools in Britain

  1. Students go to school from Monday to Friday.

  2. Schools start at 9 o’clock.

  3. Schools finish at about 4 o’clock.

  4. Schools are mixed: for boys and girls.

  5. Most students wear a school uniform.

  6. British students have a wide choice of subjects: Art, design and Technolody, Science, IT, Foreign languages, History, Geography, English, literature and religion.

  7. They have a break of an hour for lunch.

8. Some pupils go home, some bring sandwiches with them, others go to the school canteen.

9. Most students learn French. Other popular languages are Spanish and Italian.

10. After school students do other activities: play football, netball, rugby, badminton

11. Some students don’t go in for sport. They learn music.

Schools in Russia

  1. Students go to school from Monday to Saturday.

  2. Schools start at 8 o’clock.

  3. Schools finish at about 2 o’clock.

  4. Schools are mixed: for boys and girls.

  5. Most students wear a school uniform.

  6. Students have many subjects: Math, Literature, Russian, Art, Music, Technology, Nature Studies, IT, Foreign languages, History, Geography.

  7. They have a break of an hour for lunch.

8. Some pupils bring sandwiches with them, others go to the school canteen.

9. Most students learn English. Other popular languages are French, German and Spanish .

10. After school students do other activities: play football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, hockey.

11. Some students don’t go in for sport. They learn music.

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