Конспект урока для 8 класса "The Present Perfect Tense"
Дата: 02.10.14
Подготовила: Зинькова Наталья Александровна
Класс: 8-Б
Тема урока: The Present Perfect Tense
Тип урока: комбинированный
Цель урока: способствовать изучению и закреплению нового материала, активизировать употребление лексики по теме; улучшить понимание грамматического материала у учеников.
Оборудование: учебник Афанасьева, Михеева: Английский язык. 8 класс; таблица времен глагола; стихотворение про The Present Perfect Tense.
Организационный момент.
Речевая зарядка.
Проверка домашнего задания.
Работа с учебным материалом:
сравнение The Past Perfect Tense и The Present Perfect Tense;
объяснение нового материла;
закрепление нового материала и тренировка усвоенных грамматических навыков.
Заключительный этап урока. Объявление домашнего задания и оценок, полученных за урок.
Подведение итогов урока.
Ход урока:
I часть урока
Организационный момент (8 мин)
T: Good morning, pupils!
P: Good morning, teacher!
T: I’m glad to see you! Sit down please! How are you?
P1: I’m fine, thanks.
P2: I’m good!
P3: I’m not bad.
P4: I’m bored. I want to go home.
T: Today we are going to speak about The Present Perfect Tense. It is something new for you, I know. But don’t scare! I will explain new material for you. Big part of our lesson will be devoted to making exercises. So, we have got quite a lot of plans for today. First of all we are going to check your home task. Secondly, I will see how you remember irregular verbs.
P: Is it difficult?
T: No. It will be very easy for you, if you all will be attentive.
P: OK.
Речевая зарядка (6 мин)
T: Dear pupils, I will write a poem about school on the blackboard and after this we will read it all together and translate.
P: OK!
What to Remember in School
by Kenn Nesbitt
Forget that two times four is eight.
Forget the name of every state.
Forget the answers on the test.
Forget which way is east or west.
Forget the myths of ancient Rome.
Forget to bring your books from home.
Forget the words you learned to spell.
Forget to hear the recess bell.
Forget your homeroom teacher's name.
Forget the after-school game.
Forget which team's supposed to win.
Forget to turn your homework in.
Forget the distance to the moon.
Forget how many days in June.
Forget the capital of France.
But don't forget to wear your pants!
Проверка домашнего задания (16 мин)
T: Let’s check your homework. Open your copybooks and I will look. Who is not ready for today? Your home task was: ex. 2 p. 24, ex.5 p. 26 and to learn by heart 10 irregular verbs.
P1: I’m not ready.
T: Why?
P1: I don’t know.
T: You know that you will need to do these exercises for the next lesson. You have unsatisfactory mark for your homework.
P1: Yes, I know. I will do it. Sorry.
T: OK. Now let’s write a dictation. Repeat the words. You have 1 minute. Take a separate sheets of paper. Write your Name, Surname and write down the word «Dictation». (4 мин)
T: Go, come, do, fly, have, run, swim, sing.
T: Collect your works.
Подведение итогов первой части урока:
В первой части урока внимание детей было направлено на совершенствование разговорной речи, речевая зарядка помогла детям настроиться на рабочий лад и повторить правильное произношение звуков. Диктант проверил учеников на знание неправильных глаголов.
II часть урока
T: We continue our work.
Работа с учебным материалом
T: Attention please! Pupils! We are going to begin a new tense. It is The Present Perfect Tense. When we can use it?
P: We don’t know.
T: We can use it when we want to say about the action that prefers both to the Past and to the Present. It is The Present Perfect Tense.
T: You will ask me: «How does it form»? And I will answer you. It forms with the help of «have» and «has» + verb in the third form. It used when the situation is finished in the Past but its result influences on the present situation. When we use The Present Perfect Tense we usually want to emphasize the physical result and duration of the action. (20 мин)
T: For example: He has seen his friend this morning. She has always borrowing money from me. I have always wanted to go to Paris. We have just had a word dictation.
T: Do you understand?
P: Yes. But let’s practice on exercises.
T: Of course! Let’s do ex.8 p.25. We need to make sentences, using The Present Perfect Tense. Let’s do it orally all together. (5 мин)
T: Now we will continue this topic and we will do orally ex.9 p.26 using verbs in the box. (5 мин)
Подведение итогов второй части урока:
Во второй части урока работа учеников была насыщенной. Объяснение новой грамматической темы оказалось не слишком сложным для понимания детьми. Проделывая устные упражнения по новой теме, учитель исправляет детей и объясняет их ошибки.
III часть урока
T: Now we will check your reading and translation. After this we will make sentences with underlining words. This is ex.1 p.28. We will do this exercise on the blackboard.(10 мин)
P1: We like this type of work!
T: It is very good!
T: We have still a lot of time to fix your knowledge of The Past Perfect Tense and The Present Perfect Tense. Let’s read and translate ex.6 p.33. (13 мин)
T: And the last task for today is to write positive and negative sentences, using The Present Perfect Tense. Write it in your copybooks. (7 мин)
Заключительный этап урока. Объявление домашнего задания и оценок, полученных за урок. (10 мин)
T: Pupils, write down your home task for the next lesson, please.
Ex.10, 11, 12 p.27 (wr)
P. 283 – 10 irregular verbs to learn by heart
T: Your marks for today… You were very hardworking! Thank you for the lesson! Good bye!
P: Thank You too! Bye!
На уроке ученики познакомились с новой грамматической темой, овладели базовыми знаниями на тему The Present Perfect Tense. Выполнение письменных и устных упражнений помогло закрепить полученные знания. Изучение неправильных глаголов помогло ученикам в употреблении The Present Perfect Tense, расширило их активный и пассивный словарный запас глаголов. Ученики научились правильно употреблять неправильные глаголы в соответствующем времени.
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