Конспект урока на тему "Brain or Intelligence?"
Романец Анна Валерьевна
Учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ №538 имени С.В. Гришина г. Москва
Тема: Мозг или Ум?
Topic: Brain or Intelligence?
Воспитательная задача: развить навык межличностного общения учащихся
Educational aim: 1. to teach students to interact with each other
1. развить навыки чтения (поисковое и детальное)
Aim/s or Objective/s:
1. to develop reading skills (scanning and reading for detail)
Сопутствующие задачи:
совершенствовать произносительные навыки.
развить умения аудирования.
отрабатывать употребление новых лексических единиц по теме.
Subsidiary aims: (формулировка задач на английском языке)
to improve pronunciation skills.
to develop listening comprehension skills.
1. to master the use of new lexical items on the topic.
Речевой материал: слова и выражения, описывающие мыслительную деятельность.
Speech patterns, structures, vocabulary, text/s: brain, intelligence, genius, score in IQ test, do better on visual-spatial tasks, be skilled verbally, emotional thinking, anxiety, the mentally ill, practical thinking, to produce intelligence, lobotomy, people with mental problems
Оснащение: карточки с упражнениями (приложения 1-3)
Aids: the cards with exercises (attachments 1-3)
Ways of Interaction/Organizing the class
1)Warming-up stage
2)Meaning interpretation stage (giving definitions)
5 min.
Teacher (T) - Class (CI), Teacher (T) – Group 1,2 (Gr 1, 2)
Good morning! I’m glad to see you again! Sit down please. How are you today?
Good! I’m fine, too.
So, today we are going to talk about interesting and unusual topic, but I’ll tell you its name later. And now we are going to play an Association game. Do you remember the rules? I tell you the first word, and you tell your association to my word, then, next pupil will tell us his association not to my word, but to the previous one. Is it clear?
Ok, my word is Brain. Now, P1, what’s your association of ideas to it?
Good! P2, what do you think when you hear “clever person”?
Wonderful! You’ve got very interesting and creative associations! And now back to our topic. Today we are going to talk about “Brain and Intelligence”
Do you know what these words mean? What is the difference between them?
Have a look at your handouts. Here you can see some key words that I wrote out from our text for you and several definitions, so match the words with the definitions and be careful– there are two extra definitions.
Are you ready? So what is brain? P1, can you read the explanation?
And what about intelligence? P2, read the definition.
Wonderful! You’ve already noticed that the word “intelligence” sounds very similar to Russian “” but the meaning is completely different. Don’t forget about it!
Good morning. We are fine,
thank you. And you?
P1 –“Clever person”…
Students tell their associations.
P2 – Brain is… And intelligence is…
Students complete matching task, they work individually
The warming-up activity helps the teacher to establish a contact with the class and create a positive, friendly and working atmosphere. Association game motivates students, prepares them for the lesson, helps them to revise vocabulary and conversational formulas of expressing opinion and trains their pronunciation skills.
Students play the game, everybody has to answer at least once.
This task develops guessing and predicting skills of students. They don’t translate words and word-combinations, except the word “intelligence”, it needs to be translated because it can be misunderstood. Individual regime of doing exercise develops
students’ skill of individual work.
Checking exercise orally in class develops lexical and pronunciation skills of students.
3. Pre-reading stage (Guessing the content, True-False exercise)
4. While-reading stage
5 min.
10 min
T – P1,P2,Pn
Ok, very good, now you know our words and we can start working with text. Can you read the title of the text, P1?
Right! So, look at the title and the list, what do you think is this text going to be about?
Good, so have a look at your handouts now, there is True or False exercise for you here, write down your answers. Don’t discuss them with your partner.
Ready? Ok, so now, let’s have a look at our text. P2, can you start reading please?
Is everything clear with the text?
Great! Now, let’s get back to your handouts, and check your guessings. P3, start please, read the sentence and say if it’s true or false, don’t forget to correct the false sentences.
Very good! Pay attention that the text is full of proper names and terminology. Can you find and underline all of them?
Ok, and now we’ll check what you know about these people and things. Have a look at ex…. In your handouts. Fill in the gaps with the names from the text. Is the task clear? So, you have 1 minute to complete the task.
Are you ready? Let’s check your answers. P1, will you start? Read the whole sentence.
Can you add anything about these people? You are Russians, so you should know a lot about…who?
You’ve made a great job! Now I’m sure that you understand all our words and know a lot about world’s important and well-known men.
P3 – It’s called “The Mind Machine?”
Students share their opinion. “In my opinion it’s going to be about…”
Students work individually with the exercise.
Students read the sentences.
P1 – the Milky Way…
Cl – Turgenev
Guessing from the title and True-false exercise motivates students to read the text. Finding information from the text (answers to true-false exercise, looking for proper names and
terminology) develops scanning.
Filling in the gaps exercise develops socio-linguistics
and cultural competence of students.
5. Post-Reading stage (discussion, speaking contest)
Ok, and now let’s discuss our text. To do this I’m going to divide you into 2 groups. Each group gets a set of questions for discussion, so share your ideas and then you’ll represent your ideas in front of the class. Do you understand the task? So, you have 5 minutes for discussion. Use our new words and conversational phrases of expressing opinion, agreement and disagreement.
(teacher walks around the class, listens to the
I see you are ready. So, let’s listen to your ideas. Gr.1, who answers in your group?
Gr.2, do you agree with them?
Great! Thank you! Now, what about another question, what are your variants?
Wonderful! And now we are going to have speaking contest. In your group think or one more question for another group and then we’ll discuss it. The group that thinks of more interesting question and uses more key words and conversational phrases wins. Is the task clear? So, think of a question, you have one minute only.
Ok, Are you ready? Let us start with group 1. Use as many new words as you can.
All the groups worked well but group__ used the greatest number of our key words and phrases and these students get excellent marks today.
Ok, wonderful! So, how many new words did they use?
Good! So, let’s listen to group 2.
All groups created very interesting and useful recommendation for parents. And gr1, in addition, has used the greatest number of our new words. Students of this group get excellent mark
Students discuss the questions in groups.
Discussion is a communicative exercise. This exercise also develops students’ pronunciation skills and their thinking abilities.
Moreover, some debatable variants of activities give students additional opportunity to express their opinion making the task meaningful for them and making them concentrated and focused.
While the groups are discussing, teacher is walking around the room listening to the answers.
Speaking contest makes the task
Even more personal and meaningful because students create their own questions. Moreover they get motivated because the discussion is in the form of contest and they can get good marks if they win.
6.Summing up
Hometask stage
3 min
So, let’s sum up the results of the lesson. You
worked hard today, you were active and creative. And now it’s time for your hometask. At home you have to read our text once again and to learn our new vocabulary. Write a short essay (about 70-100 words) on the topic “How can I develop mental skills?” using our new words. Don’t forget to include introduction, main part and conclusion. If you have any questions I’ll be glad to answer them. Thank you for the lesson! Good bye!
This stage of the lesson sums up the results of student work and teacher’s praise makes children feel satisfied and happy. Hometask is important part of work for mastering lexical and reading skills. A teacher should make sure that all students understand the task.
Attachment 1
Exercise 1
Match the word with the definition
1. brain
a) opinion or set of ideas affected by feelings
2. intelligence
b) making sensible decisions
3. genius
c) nervous and worried feeling because you think something bad might happen
4. score in IQ test
d) ability to understand, gain and use knowledge
5. be skilled verbally
e) strong need or wish to do particular activity
6. do better on visual-spatial tasks
f) cope with something relating sizes and shapes
7. emotional thinking
g) get points in special tasks that check thinking abilities
8. anxiety
h) somebody with very high level of abilities and skills
i) organ inside your head that allows you to think
j) be able to use words well
Keys: 1-I, 2- d, 3- h, 4 – g, 5 – j, 6 – f, 7 – a, 8 – c
Attachment 2
Exercise 2
Are the statements true or false?
Scientist know for sure how the brain work to produce intelligence.
Brains of clever people differ greatly from brains of ordinary ones.
Men and women think in different ways.
People with mental problems are always treated well.
Lobotomy is a special operation of the removal of the part of the brain.
Women are usually more skilled in visual-spatial tasks.
The brain contains around 100 million cells.
Russian scientist produced a list of weights of the brains of famous people.
Key: 1 – False, 2 – False, 3 – True, 4 – False, 5 – True, 6 – False, 7 – False, 8 – False
Exercise 3
Fill in the gaps with the proper names from the text
__________________________ is a famous Russian novelist, short story writer, and playwright. “Fathers and Sons” is his most famous and enduring novel.
An American anatomist who studied the brains of politics and writers was________________________.
The galaxy which is located in Solar system is called ____________________.
_________________________ is an American magazine columnist, author, lecturer, and playwright who is famous because of her listing in the Guinness Book of World Records under "Highest IQ".
________________________ is an American poet, essayist, journalist, and humanist.
Key: 1 Ivan Turgenev, 2 E. Spitzka, 3 the Milky Way, 4 Marylin vos Savant, 5 Walt Whitman
Attachment 3
Exercise 4
Discuss the questions in your groups.
What is one of the most continuing myths about brain?
Who studied weights of brain? What were the results?
What is IQ test? Who got the highest IQ score? Have you ever tried to pass this test? What score did you get?
What is the difference between men and women’s way of thinking? Have you ever noticed this difference? Give your example.
How are people with mental problems treated usually? How did people treat the mentally ill in previous years?
What are the modern methods of treating the mentally ill?
What is anxiety? Have you ever experienced this feeling? When and were there any reasons for it?
How can you develop your intelligence and thinking skills?
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