Конспект урока на тему "Extended family"

Extended family

I-Answer the questions:

1-What is the house in north London?

2-Whome Jessica share her house?

3-How old are Jessica and Andy?

4-Why do Jessica and Andy live with Olive?

5-What do they have plane?

6-What does Jessica say about her future life?

7-What are benefits of living together?

8-What will they do if they can not live together.

II- Translate the phrases from English into Russia:

1-Jessica Constantinidis shares a four bedroom house in north London with her husband.

2-When both residences sold, they were free to move into their new home in the Finsbury Park.

3-Sharing with Olive enabled Jessica and her Family to move into a larger and more comfortable house.

III-Translate the phrases from Russia into English:

1-Джесика (34 года) и ее муж Энди (42 года) продали свой трехквартирный дом.

2-Оливия будет иметь свою собственную территорию с микроволной печкой и своим телевизором.

3-Их новые условия жизни имеют дополнительный бонус для сына Томми.

4-Хотя перспектива жизни с родителями или с тещей может быть неудобна, но Джесика не растраивается.

IV-Say True or False: True False

1-Jessica shares her house with mother, her husband and son.

2-Jessica is 37 years old.

3-Andy is 40 years old.

4-When both residences sold, they will buy a car.

5-The new arrangement has proved ah added bonus for Tommy.

6-Jessica doesn t recommend to live together.

V- Make the words combinations:

1-four a- arrangement

2-years b- situation

3-new c- bedroom

4-comfortable d-taste

5-everybody s e-home

6-our f-old

VI-Make the words:

Rsceesiden, nidencndeepe, ondoLn, forcomabtle, spprctoe, rommenecd, edbromo, eanyrb

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