Конспект урока на тему «Fill in the gaps awful»

Конспект урока на тему «Fill in the gaps awful»

1.I can’t eat this soup it smells …

2.Why are you smiling?-I am…

3.Try this pizza.You’ll like it.It tastes…

4.I can’t hear you very …Can you say that again,please?

5.I don’t want to watch this film.Kate told me about it and it sounds…

Fill in the gaps awful/awfully good/well happy/happily great/greatly boring/boringly

1.I can’t eat this soup it smells …

2.Why are you smiling?-I am…

3.Try this pizza.You’ll like it.It tastes…

4.I can’t hear you very …Can you say that again,please?

5.I don’t want to watch this film.Kate told me about it and it sounds…

Fill in the gaps awful/awfully good/well happy/happily great/greatly boring/boringly

1.I can’t eat this soup it smells …

2.Why are you smiling?-I am…

3.Try this pizza.You’ll like it.It tastes…

4.I can’t hear you very …Can you say that again,please?

5.I don’t want to watch this film.Kate told me about it and it sounds…

A Poem

By Masefield

One road leads to London,

One road runs to Wales,

My road leads me seawards

To the white dipping sails.

One road leads to the river

As it goes singing slow,

My road leads to shipping

Where the bronzed sailors go.

My road calls me, lures me

West, east, south and north.

Most roads lead men homewards.

My road leads me forth.

«Моя Родина»: "My Heart's in the High­lands" (by R. Burns

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