Конспект урока на тему "Good morning everybody"

МОУ СОШ №8 с углублённым изучением английского языка г. Мончегорск

Учитель английского языка высшей категории Кушнаренко Стелла Александровна

Урок английского языка в 7 классе


I. Организационный момент.

1) Приветствие

Good morning everybody

I’m glad to see you. I hope you are fine and ready to work, aren’t you? Then let’s begin our lesson.

2) Сообщение целей урока

T: Today we’ll continue to work on the topic “Me and My World”. The name of our today’s lesson is “Welcome to My World”. I invite you to talk about the most important things in your lives – your families, your hobbies and pastimes, your friends. You are going to have some pronunciation and vocabulary drills, to discuss the topic of small and big families in groups, you’ll also watch a movie clip from a real feature film and do some tasks on it. Near the end of the lesson you’ll do a test to find out if you are a good friend or not. By the end of the lesson you’ll have to be able to talk on the topic “Me and My World” and use topical vocabulary properly.

II. Фонетическая разминка

T: First I’d like you to brush up on your sounds. Let’s have a phonetic drill. Read the following words after me.

curly, turn, burn, return, purple, purse, university, first, skirt, shirt, church, girl, dirty, early, worth, worker, worm, journey, circus, thirsty, further, world, Thursday, learn, during

T: Say what sound is repeated in the words. ([ɜ:])

T: Try and read the “ladder” as quickly as you can.


You heard

When you heard

When you heard a carol

When you heard a carol and saw a purple carpet

When you heard a carol and saw a purple carpet on the floor

When you heard a carol and saw a purple carpet on the floor in the church

When you heard a carol and saw a purple carpet on the floor in the church, you realized it’s another world

T: Read out the words with the sound [ɜ:]. (Heard, purple, church, world)

III. Речевая разминка

1) Тренировка лексических навыков

T: Look at the words and choose the adjectives to characterize people.

T: What are your relatives like? What qualities do they have? Describe one of them using the adjectives from the slide.

P1: My aunt Irena is very helpful. She always helps me with my English.

P2: ……………………………………………

2) Игра «Question Loop Activity»

T: Now let’s play a game which will help you to practise the vocabulary describing the relatives and their age.

You can see a question or a definition in the left half of the strip and an answer in the right half, but the answer is to a different question. Read the first half of your strip out loudly and clearly so that everyone can hear. If someone has the answer, raise your hand and read it out loudly.

The husband of one’s daughter

An aunt

The son of your brother or sister

A teenager

The wife of your brother

A baby (an infant)

A very old person

A toddler

The child of your uncle or aunt

A Son-in-law

A very young child who hasn’t learnt to speak or walk

A brother-in-law

The husband of your sister

A person who is as old as the hills

Not a child

A sister-in-law

A small child who has just learnt to walk

A nephew

The father of your wife or husband

An adult (a grown-up)

The sister of your father or mother

A father-in-law

A young person of between 13 and 19 years old

A cousin

3) Учебный разговор T P1, P2, P3

T: Answer the questions about your families.

  1. How big is your family?

  2. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

  3. Are you good friends with your sister/brother?

  4. Do you help your mother to take care of your sister/brother? What do you do?

  5. Have you got any family traditions? What are they?

  6. What is an ideal family as you see it?

  7. What kind of family would you like to have?

  8. Is your family important for you? Why? (support you, encourage you in what you do, brighten your life)

IV. Обучение монологической речи

1) Тренировка навыка говорения с опорой на картинку

T: Look at the two photos. How are they connected (what do they have in common) and what makes them different. (Both photos depict families. In photo A we can see a small family with two children but in photo B – a big family with a lot of children).

T: What is better: to have a small family or a big family with a lot of children and other relations?

(Ответы учащихся)

T: You have different opinions. Do you want to know what other people think of these families? Here are some ideas from different people talking about the families in the photos A. and B. Read these sentences and decide if the sentence describes photo A., photo B. or both. Work in pairs.

  • I think children get more attention from parents here. (A)

  • I’m afraid children will never learn to be independent in this family because of much attention from parents. (A)

  • I’m sure you have to share your bedroom with brothers or sisters in this family. (B)

  • In my opinion your brothers and sisters can always play with you when your parents are busy. (B)

  • I feel that when you have a lot of older brothers and sisters, they can support you and give you useful advice. (B)

  • As I see it people in the family are good friends. (A, B)

2) Работа в группах

T: Now I’d like you to work in groups. Make three groups of four and discuss advantages and disadvantages of a big and a small family. Complete the table. Choose a pupil who will report back to the class. You are given 5 minutes for the discussion.

A small family

Advantages (+)

Disadvantages (-)

A big family

Advantages (+)

Disadvantages (-)

V. Проверка домашнего задания

1) Работа с генеалогическим древом королевской семьи (Activity Book: unit 3 ex 20 p 41, ex 21 p 42)

T: Do you recognize this family? Right you are. This is the royal family. At home you did exercise 20 of your activity books where you were to complete the text looking at the family tree of the Windsors. Let’s check up the results.

T: We’ve remembered how the members of the royal family are related. Now let’s describe their ages. (ex. 21 p 42)

2) Рассказ о родственниках в семье (Textbook: unit 3 ex 57 (b))

T: Unfortunately or luckily, Vitya Obryadin is not from the royal family but with the help of his mother and aunt he tried to make the genealogical tree of his family. Now Vitya is ready to show us Obryadins’ genealogical tree and to tell us how the members of his family are related. Listen to him attentively and be ready to ask additional questions about his family.

3) Тренировка в составлении вопросов на основе услышанного

T: Ask any questions about the Vitya’s relatives (what they are like, what they look like, their age, occupations and hobbies)

VI. Динамическая пауза

  1. T: I see that you are a bit tired. Let’s have a short break and relax Stand up! You may sit down

  • If your grandmother is a doctor (Gleb, Saveliy, Kirill)

  • If your aunt is a teacher (Vitya)

  • If your younger sister is a pupil of primary school (Sveta, Yulya)

  • If your elder sister is a teenager (Olga)

  • If your elder sister is in her twenties (Masha)

  • If your mother’s name is Tatyana (Sasha, Roma, Diana, Anya)

Stand up! You may sit down

  • If English is your favourite subject

T: Do you remember the chant “Couch Potato”? Let’s sing/say it together. Who wants to be a couch potato this time?


Do you like to swim?

Do you like to ski?

I’m a couch potato.

I like TV.

Does he like to swim?

Does he like to ski?

He’s a couch potato.

He likes TV.

He doesn’t like to swim.

He doesn’t like to ski.

He’s a couch potato.

He likes TV

VII. Подготовка монологического высказывания по теме «My Hobbies and Pastimes»

T: It was only a funny chant. Of course pupil 1 is not a couch potato at all. He likes both to swim and to ski. Chris and Alice also have different hobbies and pastimes. You can guess about them looking at the pictures of their bedrooms. Say what their hobbies and pastimes are. (Chris: playing football, watching TV, listening to music, reading, driving a motorcycle. Alice: watching TV, listening to music, playing tennis, keeping pets)

T: Open your textbooks on page … . Find exercise 65. You can see eight word boxes with the words describing different activities. What word boxes can you use for describing Chris’s or Alice’s hobbies? (#2 – keeping pets; #6 – listening to music).

T: Use the words in the word boxes and describe Chris’s and Alice’s hobbies. Work in pairs then report to the class.

VIII. Обучение диалогической речи на основе аутентичного видеофрагмента из художественного фильма

T: Some lessons ago we read and discussed “Danny’s Story” by Roald Dahl. Let’s return to it for a while.

  • Who were the main characters of it? Will you remind me of them? (Danny and his father)

  • Where did they live? (in the old gypsy caravan)

  • When did Danny like their caravan most of all? (in the evenings)

  • Why? (in the evenings he was tucked up in his bed and his father was telling him stories, when Danny went to sleep his father was still there, very close to him, sitting in his chair by the fire)

  • Reading stories, telling fairy tales before bedtime – is it a family tradition?

Преддемонстрационный этап

1) T: Now you are going to watch a movie clip. It is about a mother and a daughter who have just moved into a new town and into a new house. In this scene they have a conversation just before bedtime. Try to predict some of the words or phrases you think might appear in such a conversation.

(Возможные варианты ответов учащихся учитель записывает на доске: Good night, Mummy; Tell me a story/ a fairy tale, please; Not today - I’m so tired; It’s time to go to bed\to go to sleep; It’s too late)

2) T: Put the cut-up conversation in a logical order. There are several possibilities. (Приложение 1)

Демонстрационный этап

T: Watch the scene paying special attention to the dialogue. You shouldn’t re-arrange the cut-up conversation. You should only watch the movie at this stage.

Последемонстрационный этап (Контроль понимания)

1) T: Now return to your jumbled/cut-up conversation and put it into the correct order. While you do it I shall replay the scene a few times.

2) Role-play. T: Act out the conversation in front of the class.

IX. Объяснение домашнего задания

T: You have a choice. Write a paragraph either about your hobby or about one of your family traditions (the things you like doing together: traveling, singing songs, fishing, going in for sports, watching and discussing feature films)

- write a paragraph about your hobby (family tradition) in 10-12 sentences

- topical vocabulary pp 79-80

X. Развитие навыка чтения с полным пониманием

T: “Tell me what company you keep, and I’ll tell you what you are.” (A famous Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes [mi’gwel də sɜ:’vænti:z]) How do you understand these words about friendship?

Возможный вариант ответа: We and our friends usually do certain things together, we share likes and dislikes and have much in common.

  • Do you have any good friends?

  • What are they like?

  • Do you have much in common?

  • Do your parents know your friends?

  • Are you a good friend?

  • What do you do to be a good friend?

T: Now test yourselves to find out if you are good friends or not.

XI. Итоги урока

1) Выставление оценок

T: Our lesson is coming to the end. Most of you have worked hard today. I’m proud of you. Your marks are … .

2) Рефлексия на урок

T: Now it’s interesting to hear your reflections on the lesson. Did you like our today’s lesson? What was the most interesting part of the lesson? What was the most difficult for you? Finish the following sentences.

During today’s lesson I have

Now I know how to\can…

Приложение 1

Worksheet (Chocolate)


Daughter: What a nice town this is.


Daughter: Don’t you think so, Maman?


Mother: It’s a lovely town.


Daughter: Maman, Partoufle wants to know how long we can stay.


Mother: Oh, you tell Partoufle not to worry. Time for bed.


Mother: What story tonight?


Daughter: Partoufle wants to hear about Grandmere and Grandpere.


Mother: Not tonight, Anouchka.


Daughter: You always say that.


Daughter: Tell about about Grandmere and Grandpere.


Mother: Not tonight.


Mother: How about the Princess and Pirates?


Daughter: Okay.



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