Конспект урока на тему "new american"

I. Работа с текстом до чтения.

1. Знакомство с заголовком.

We are going to read the text “New Americans”. Have a look at the title – how do you think, what could the text be about? What`s on the pictures? (Chinatown – one of the city`s districts. Who lives there? Are these people the Native Americans?; Ellis Island - was the gateway for millions of immigrants to the United States).

II. Работа с текстом во время чтения.

«Чтение с пометами». Read the text and make notes while reading: + I have understood, - I haven`t understood and we shall discuss it or translate all together. Цель стратегии – мониторинг понимания читаемого текста и его критический анализ. По ходу чтения читатель делает на полях пометы (например, «+» – понял, «--» – не понял, «?»– требует обсуждения). После чтения текста обсуждаются пометы и проверяется осмысление текста.

III. Работа с текстом после чтения.

6 типов вопросов: Каждый тип вопроса актуализирует, вовлекает в какую-то сторону мышления.

1.Простые вопросы.

2.Уточняющие вопросы.


4.Оценивающие вопросы.

5.Творческие вопросы.

6.Практические вопросы.

1. «Ромашка Блума». Учащиеся отрывают лепесток от цветка и выстраивают высказывания, начинающиеся следующим образом:

  • NAME - People of what nationalities came to the USA?

  • WHY did all these people arrive to the New World?

  • EXPLAIN such icy welcome? E.g. “The Chinese immigrants in the West also met with prejudice”.

  • OFFER your own way to avoid conflicts.

  • Little Italy” and “Chinatown” are famous for their food restaurants. THINK OUT: What can “Little Russia” or “Little Germany” be famous for?

  • SHARE your ideas about the text: was it interesting / useful for you? Why/not?



1. American food is a kind of mix of international cuisines.

2. There are only American restaurants in the US.

3. Doughnuts (Donuts) were originally from Poland.

4. The first fast food restaurants served pizzas.

5. “Salad bar” is the bar where you can drink vegetable juice.

6. There will always be enough food on your plate, when you go to the restaurant.

7. “A doggy bag” is the bag for dog`s food.

8. Most Americans prefer a light breakfast nowadays.

9. “Brunch” means “picnic with family”.



1. American food is a kind of mix of international cuisines.

2. There are only American restaurants in the US.

3. Doughnuts (Donuts) were originally from Poland.

4. The first fast food restaurants served pizzas.

5. “Salad bar” is the bar where you can drink vegetable juice.

6. There will always be enough food on your plate, when you go to the restaurant.

7. “A doggy bag” is the bag for dog`s food.

8. Most Americans prefer a light breakfast nowadays.

9. “Brunch” means “picnic with family”.



1. American food is a kind of mix of international cuisines.

2. There are only American restaurants in the US.

3. Doughnuts (Donuts) were originally from Poland.

4. The first fast food restaurants served pizzas.

5. “Salad bar” is the bar where you can drink vegetable juice.

6. There will always be enough food on your plate, when you go to the restaurant.

7. “A doggy bag” is the bag for dog`s food.

8. Most Americans prefer a light breakfast nowadays.

9. “Brunch” means “picnic with family”.

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