Конспект урока на тему "Рецепт любимого блюда. Неопределенные местоимения"
Тема урока: Рецепт любимого блюда. Неопределенные местоимения.
Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием ИКТ.
Цель урока:
- учить школьников использовать усвоенный лексический материал по теме “Food”, грамматические структуры в различных видах речевой деятельности;
- способствовать развитию языковых, коммуникативных умений; обеспечить условия для развития навыков работы с источником;
- способствовать развитию положительных качеств личности, создавать условия для формирования навыков здорового питания.
Прогнозируемый результат: предполагается, что к окончанию урока учащиеся смогут рассказать о любимой еде.
Методическое обеспечение: учебное пособие для 6 класса под редакцией Н.В.Юхнель, телевизор, наушники, компьютер, презентация к уроку, раздаточный материал для парной и индивидуальной работы.
Ход урока:
Этапы урока
Задача этапа
Содержание этапов
Средства обучения
деятельность учителя
деятельность ученика
I.Организация начала урока
1. Приветствие
Создать психологический настрой для речевого общения
Good afternoon, dear children. Nice to meet you. So, let’s start working.
- Do you like cooking?
P: Yes, I do.
T → CL
2. Сообщение темы и цели урока
Сообщить тему и цели урока
-Today we are going to speak about your favourite dishes. I hope you have chosen your best recipes and you would like to share with us. The topic of our lesson is “Favourite dish”.
T → PP
3. Речевая зарядка
Создать атмосферу иноязычного общения
-How many meals have you got every day?
- Where do you usually have your meals?
-What food do you like?
-What food you dislike?
-What is healthy food?
- What is unhealthy food?
P1: I have three meals every day.
P2: I have my meals at home.
P3: I like pizza.
P4: I don’t like milk.
T → CL
II. Основная часть урока
Актуализация прежних знаний по теме (употребление местоимений few/ a few, little/ a little с названиями продуктов питания)
Снять грамматические трудности
-What do few/ little mean in your language?
- That’s right. When do you say few? When do you say little?
- What do a few/ a little mean in your language?
- Ok. When do you say a few? When do you say a little?
P1: few, little - мало
P2: We say few with
countable nouns and little – with uncountable nouns.
P3: немного, несколько
: We say a few with
countable nouns and a little – with uncountable nouns.
T →P1,P2
Демонстрационный материал
Активизация лексического материала по теме
Повторение активной лексики
Закрепить изученный лексический материал
Here you can see two columns. The name of the Belarusian dishes is in the left column and their descriptions are in the right one. Read and match the names with their descriptions.
Shchi b) Soup with pickled cucumbers.
Rassoknik c) Fruit jelly made of fruit or berry juice and potato flour.
Kasha d) Soup with boiled eggs, beets and cucumbers. Everything is chopped. It is cold.
Kissel e) Cabbage soup with fresh cabbage.
Kholodnik f) Cereal pudding. It is made of oats, rice, buckwheat.
Blini g) Pancakes (made of flour, water or milk, and eggs).
- Open your books and let’s do ex.1 p.109. Answer the questions to each other.
Ex. 2 p.109 – Match the verbs.
P1: Shchi – e) Cabbage soup with fresh cabbage.
P2: Rassoknik - b) Soup with pickled cucumbers.
P3: Kasha - f) Cereal pudding. It is made of oats, rice, buckwheat.
P4: Kissel - c) Fruit jelly made of fruit or berry juice and potato flour.
P4: Kholodnik - d) Soup with boiled eggs, beets and cucumbers. It is cold.
P5: Blini - g) Pancakes (made of flour, water or milk, and eggs).
T →P1,P2
Демонстрационный материал
Fill in the gaps with the words
Take (1) apples and (2) them. Take two bananas. (3) the fruit into pieces.(4) five berries. Mix with (5) yogurt. You do not need (6) sugar. Put (7) ice cream on the top.
(Any, some, a spoonful of, wash, some, cut, add)
-Now change your papers and let’s check. Have you got any mistakes?
Take some apples and wash them. Take two bananas. Cut the fruit into pieces. Add five berries. Mix with some yogurt. You do not need any sugar. Put a spoonful of ice -cream on the top.
T → PP
(один ученик у доски)
IV. Физкультминутка
Создать условия для отдыха детей
-I see you are a bit tired. Let’s have a rest and watch a part of video “Fast Food song”.
- Do you like it?
- Do you like fast food?
Pupils watch the video.
T → CL
Выполнение тренировочных упражнений
Закрепить изученный лексико-грамматический материал
Now work in groups. Your task is to prepare a recipe of fruit and vegetable salad. Put the sentences into right order.
1 group
Fruit salad.
Take two bananas, some strawberries, three apples.
Put some cherries on the top.
Mix the fruit with yogurt.
Add some sugar.
Cut the fruit into small pieces and put them into a bowl.
2 group
Vegetable salad.
Take two potatoes, two carrots, an onion, and three tomatoes.
Put some eggs on the top.
Mix the vegetables with mayonnaise.
Add some salt.
Cut the vegetables into small pieces and put them into a bowl.
- Do you know any table manners?
-Yes, you are right.
1 group
Fruit salad.
Take two bananas, some strawberries, three apples. Cut the fruit into small pieces and put them into a bowl.
Add some sugar.
Mix the fruit with yogurt. Put some cherries on the top
2 group
Vegetable salad
Take two potatoes, two carrots, an onion, and three tomatoes. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and put them into a bowl. Add some salt. Mix the vegetables with mayonnaise. Put some eggs on the top.
P1: You should sit up straight.
P2:You shouldn’t eat with your fingers.
P3: You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.
P4:You should say “Thank you “after the meal.
P → PP
раздаточный материал
V. Просмотр видеозаписи
1. Преддемонстрационный этап
2. Демонстрационный материал
а) первичное восприятие
б) повторное восприятие
3. Последемонст-рационный этап
Снять лексические и фонетические трудности
Формировать навык общего понимания содержания просмотренного и прослушанного текста
Формировать навык детального понимания просмотренного и прослушанного текста
Контроль понимания прослушанного
- And now I propose you to watch a video how to make a very popular salad. But first of all look at the blackboard, let’s read the following words: chop, dice, peel, pickles.
Take your places and put on earphones.
Listen, watch and then give the name of this salad.
-What is the name of the sa-
- Yes, it’s olivier. We often cook it on different holidays.
-So now put on your earphones. Now watch the video again, listen attentively and pay attention to the details.
- And now I have some tasks for you. Answer the questions.
1. How many eggs do we need for the salad?
2. What do we do first?
3. What do we chop?
4. What do we add at the end?
-And now do the test.
P: Chop, dice, peel, pickles.
T → CL
T → CL
Хоровая отработка
VI. Презентация мини – проектов по теме “My favourite dish”
Формировать навыки монологической речи
- Now it’s time to listen about your favourite recipes of something tasty. While listening you can make some notes. Try to choose the healthiest dish.
- Well, dear experts, can you tell me whose dish was the healthiest?
Учащиеся рассказывают о приготовлении любимых блюд.
P: The healthiest dish is …
P → PP
VII. Чтение, дополнение диалогов с последующим инсценированием в парах
Формировать навыки диалогической речи
- Let’s work in pairs. Read, complete and role-play the dialogues.
1.-Would you like a cup of tea?
-Yes, I would like a cup of tea or a glass of juice.
-Would you like a sandwich?
-No, thank you. I’m not hungry.
-Would you like cake or honey with your tea?
- I’d like little honey.
2.- What would you like to drink?
- ..
- What would you like to eat?
- …
- Would you like fish and chips and some salad?
- …
- Do, you want any juice?
- …
Учащиеся читают, затем в парах дополняют диалоги.
P → PP
раздаточный материал
VIII. Заключительная часть урока
Подведение итогов
Домашнее задание
Проанализировать и дать общую оценку работы класса и отдельных учащихся
Объяснить домашнее задание
Учить выражать свое отношение к уроку
- Our lesson is going to be over. I’m satisfied with your work. So your marks are …
Ex.3a p.110 (Read Yan’s letter about his favourite meal)
- But now I’d like to add my favourite recipe. I enjoy cooking cakes. This is my recipe and these are my cakes. Good appetite. (The teacher invites the pupils and guests to try cakes).
-Do you like our lesson?
- What do you like best? The lesson is over. Good – bye.
T → CL
T → CL
T → PP

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