Конспект урока по английскому языку «Prepositions of Time»

МБОУ Лицей № 7

г. Саяногорска Республика Хакасия

Конспект урока по английскому языку

«Prepositions of Time»

Выполнила: Черноусова Олеся Ярославовна,

учитель иностранных языков

Г. Саяногорск, 2014

Prepositions of time







at 3 o'clock

in May

on Sunday

at 10 am

in summer

on Tuesdays

at noon

in the summer

on the 6th of March

at bedtime

in 1990

on Christmas Day

at sunrise

in the next century

on Independence Day

at sunset

in the Ice Age

on my birthday

at the moment

in the past/future

on New Year's Eve

Look at these examples:

  • I have a concert at 9 am.

  • The shop opens at 10 a.m.

  • Jane went home at lunchtime.

  • In September it is often rainy.

  • Do you work on Mondays?

  • My birthday is on the 9th of August.

Keep in mind:




at night/at midnight

at the weekend

at Christmas/Easter

at the same time

at present

in the morning

in the afternoon

in the evening

on Tuesday morning

on Sunday afternoon

on Monday evening

Ex. 1

Fill in at, on, in:

  1. Peter gets up ____________7 o’clock ___________the morning.

  2. We brush our teeth ___________the morning and ___________the evening.

  3. ___________Sunday we go to the zoo.

  4. We usually have dinner __________5 o’clock.

  5. I attend music classes ___________Tuesday and ____________Wednesday.

  6. I have got my birthday __________the 9th of March.

  7. __________winter they always go skiing.

  8. I do my homework ___________the afternoon.

  9. My family likes going on picnic __________the weekend.

  10. He hates working in the garden __________summer.

Ex. 2

Fill in the prepositions in, at, on:

  1. What do you write to your relatives______ Christmas Day?

  2. William Shakespeare is a famous English poet, he was born ______1564.

  3. _____ August it is always foggy.

  4. _____ Thursdays and Fridays I have got English classes.

  5. Children like getting presents ______ Easter.

  6. A lot of people go to churches ______ Christmas.

  7. Let’s meet ______ the evening.

  8. ______ Monday morning all the family gathered in the dining room.

  9. ______ 2002 they went to London.

  10. Children enjoy watching beautiful fireworks ________ Guy Fawkes’ night.


Complete the sentences with the correct pre"; line-height: 100%">I wake up ____ 7 a.m.

  • We sometimes work ______ Saturdays.

  • I see my family _______Christmas.

  • My little sister goes to sleep ______ 9 p.m.

  • The Halloween party is ______the 31st of October.

  • Children start a new school year ______ September.

  • They go skiing and skating ______ winter.

  • I was born ______ 1980.

  • English people have tea ______5 o’clock.

  • My brother watches TV ______ the afternoon.

  • Нравится материал? Поддержи автора!

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