Конспект урока по английскому языку в 7 классе «Здоровье – дороже богатства»
Муниципальное Бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
« Средняя общеобразовательная школа №9»
Города Астрахани
Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 7 классе
«Здоровье – дороже богатства.»
учитель английского языка
Миллер Ирина Анатольевна
г. Астрахань
Тема урока ( Theme):”Здоровье – дороже богатства ”
Цель и задачи урока: Развитие навыков устной речи по теме. Развитие интеллектуального мышления. Тренировать навыки делать выводы из сказанного.
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент
Учитель: Hello, my dear children! Let`s get started our unusual lesson and understand its theme. How can you translate it? You see it consists of two proverbs Try to translate and give Russian equivalents of them: (учитель предлагает детям подобрать наиболее подходящий смысл пословиц, а тем самым и перевод темы урока)
II.Речевая разминка
Здоровье-первое богатство.
Здоровье - дороже денег.
Не рад больной и золотой кровати.
Здоровье - дороже всякого богатства.
Богатство - ничего без здоровья.
Учитель:We should discuss this theme and create the code which can help people be healthy (учитель предлагает обсудить данную тему и разработать кодекс который поможет жить здоровой жизнью).
III.Тренировка навыков устной и письменной речи по теме -умение делать выводы из сказанного.
Ученица 1(Y.Makarenkova):Health is above wealth. To be bouncy and cheerful you need go in for sports. Alcohol and fast food make harm for your health. Do morning exercises and improve your immunity. To keep fit is difficult but it is too easy to lose it. (дети записывают главную мысль высказывания).
Ученик 2(G.Kegel):I agree with Yuliya. Health is the main thing in our life. If you want to live a long life you must take care of it. You must do morning exercises and physical training every day. Don`t smoke, don`t drink alcohol and don`t use drugs. So I can make a conclusion if you want to live a long life you must have many healthy ways in your life. (учащиеся записывают вывод Гоши).
Ученица 3(D.Stepanova): Sport can help you have good health .As for me , sport is a wide road in better life. You must eat healthy food. People who go in for sports are sportsmen and are very healthy persons. I think every sportsman lives longer than people who don`t go in for sport. Every day you must do morning exercises. I think that going in for sports is a wide road into the better life. (главная мысль о спорте записывается детьми в тетради).
Ученица 4(L.Lasyi): Three things seem to be very important for people`s life: fresh air, fresh food and simple way of life. One old man in Azerbaijan lived to the age of 168 years. He said that he had no secrets When he was young he went in for
sports, eat good healthy food, of course he didn`t smoke and drink alcohol and kept fit. Every day he tempered. He had a very large family but he saw how his sons and daughters died. I don`t know if he is alive now. My conclusion is:fresh air fresh food and simple way of life .
Ученик 5(D.Conovalenco): In our life there are many things but health is the main. You must go in for sports, mustn`t smoke and drink alcohol to be healthy. You must be tempered if you want to be healthy. Never use drugs because our life is very short. During your life you must take care of health.(вывод Димы никогда не употребляй наркотики дети записывают).
Ученица 6(N.Mamonova): Health is the most important thing. It is given us only once. We must save it. I think to be healthy we must go in for sports, do exercises, follow healthy ways of life, have right food and avoid bad habits.
IV.Активизация аудитивных навыков и развитие интеллектуального мышления
Учитель делает паузу : Well done, children, do you know what a palindrome is? It is a word which you can read and write in the same way from left to right or from right to left. What are these words?
1. A girl`s name. (Ada)
2. Twelve o`clock, and the sun is shining. (noon)
3. You see with it. (eye)
4. A boy`s name. (Bob)
Учитель:There is a problem: Six apples in a bag.
A man had six apples in a bag, and he gave one to each of six boys. After he did it one apple remained in the bag. How was this? (Six apples in a bag. The sixth boy received his apple in the bag).
-OK, than le`s continue our discussion.
Ученик 7(T.Cuznetsov): I think nobody can buy health. To be healthy you must take cool shower, swim in a cold water, to be tempered and avoid illnesses. Never use drugs! Never smoke! Never drink alcohol! (вывод запишем)
Ученица 8(O.Chebotareva):As for me rich people are healthy. They go jogging in the morning, do exercises, eat right food, fresh fruit and vegetables. Those who smoke and drink alcohol haven`t good health . Try to become a rich person and follow healthy ways of life.
V. Совершенствование лексических навыков и чтения.
Учитель:Let`s make a conclusion. Read your notes please. (дети читают свои записи).And now there is a competition. I propose you to make a proverb.Приложение. Every team has an envelope with stripes of words .Your task is to complete a proverb, translate it and give Russian equivalent. Try to do it as quickly as you can.
Приложение (пословицы):
1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (Ешь яблоко в день и доктор не понадобиться)
2. The early bird catches the worm (Только ранняя птичка ловит червя);
3. Health is not valued till sickness comes. (Здоровье не ценится пока не приходит болезнь)
4. Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise (Кто рано ложится и рано встает тому Бог здоровье, богатство и мудрость дает).
VI. Итоги урока.
Учитель:Thank you for your work .Today you were active and worked well. Do you like your lesson today? What do you like?
Список используемой литературы
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Английский язык VII Москва. «Просвещение» 2000 г.
Книга для ежедневного чтения на английском языке VII Москва. «Просвещение» 1998 г.
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку VII Москва «Просвещение»"2000г.
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