Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 4 класса по теме: «Одежда»
Контрольная работа
по английскому языку
для 4 класса (УМК «Enjoy English», Биболетова М.З. и др.) по теме:
Список использованной литературы
Биболетова, Денисенко, Трубанева: Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English для 4 класса
учитель английского языка
Душина Н.А.
МБОУ «Гимназия №3»
г. Белгород
Task 1. Put in the missing letters
bo__ts, mi__tns, sho__ts, tr__iners, soc___s
a co___t, a s___arf, ra__ncoat, a swe___ter,
clot___es, j___ans, tro___sers, a ja___ket,
Task 2. Read and translate the text.
Father Giraffe and Mother Giraffe lived in Africa and they had a little Baby Giraffe. Baby Giraffe was six. He wore blue shorts, a green T-shirt and red trainers. He had a little cap on.
One day Baby Giraffe said: “Mum, Dad, I want to go to school”.
“Ok, but you haven’t got a suit!” said Father Giraffe.
“And you haven’t got a shirt!” said Mother Giraffe.
“And I haven’t got shoes!” said Baby Giraffe.
So they went to Mrs. Lion’s shop. Father Giraffe bought a black suit, a white shirt and shoes for Baby Giraffe. Baby Giraffe put them on and looked very beautiful.
“Can I go to school now?” asked Baby Giraffe.
“Yes, you can. You look so nice!” answered Mother Giraffe.
“I like your clothes very much,” said Father Giraffe.
On the 1st of September Baby Giraffe came to school. His Mum and Dad went with him. Mother Giraffe had a pink skirt and a white blouse on. Father Giraffe put on a white shirt and grey trousers. They looked nice and happy.
Task 3. True or false?
______________ Baby Giraffe wanted to go to school.
______________ Baby Giraffe had shorts, a T-shirt, a cap and trainers on.
______________ The Giraffes went to Mrs. Tiger’s shop.
______________ Father Giraffe bought new clothes for Baby Giraffe.
______________ Baby Giraffe didn’t like his new clothes.
______________ Mother Giraffe had a pink blouse on.
______________ Father Giraffe put on a black suit.
______________ Mother Giraffe and Father Giraffe looked nice and happy.
Task 4. Fill in the gaps.
Father Giraffe and Mother Giraffe had a __________________________.
Baby Giraffe was __________________. He wanted to go to _________________.
Father Giraffe bought ___________________________________________________________for Baby Giraffe.
Baby Giraffe looked very _______________________ in his hew clothes.
Father Giraffe had a white ________________ and grey ____________________ on.
Task 5. Write the 2nd form of the verb.
put on
Task 6. Who said that?
I want to go to school. ______________________
You haven’t got a suit! ______________________
I haven’t got shoes. ______________________
You look so nice! ______________________
Can I go to school now? ______________________
I like your clothes very much. ________________
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