Контрольная работа по английскому языку за III четверть 8 класс
МБОУ «Приреченская СОШ»
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 8
Фамилия, имя:___________________________
Контрольная работа за III четверть
Вариант 1
Define the tense of the following verbs(the Active or the Passive Voice), translate into Russian:
They are sending for the doctor.
She often asked him this question.
This paper has been just received.
Football is played in winter in Great Britain.
Transform the sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive Voice translate into Russian:
He is building the house now.
Tolstoy wrote the novel Anna Karenina.
They will meet the guests at the station in the evening.
Vlad invites many friends to his birthday.
The family has placed the sofa in the left corner.
Choose correct answer:
Where … their apartment located?
has b) is c) been
The letter … written by student.
are b) were c) was
This book will be …. a lot of about.
built b) repaired c) spoken
The salad has already …cooked.
been b) being c)benefit
МБОУ «Приреченская СОШ»
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 8
Фамилия, имя:___________________________
Контрольная работа за III четверть
Вариант 2
Define the tense of the following verbs(the Active or the Passive Voice), translate into Russian:
1The doctor is being sent.
2The armchair was placed in the sitting room.
3They will be speaking about the problem with you tomorrow at five.
4 The room will be wallpapered tomorrow.
Transform the sentences from the Active Voice into the Passive Voice, translate into Russian:
The mother has already cooked the dinner.
The Chinese invented the ink many times ago.
I will write a letter to my friends in Britain.
The Germans burned many books.
He is asking the teacher about this rule at the moment.
3.Choose correct answer:
1.Where … their apartment located?
a) has b) is c) been
2.The letter … written by student.
are b) were c) was
3.This book will be …. a lot of about.
built b) repaired c) spoken
4.The salad has already …cooked.
been b) being c)benefit
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