"Merry Christmas"

МБОУ «СОШ № 28»



Выполнила учитель

английского языка, 1 квалификационной категории

Британова Любовь Ивановна

г. Набережные Челны


Цель – познакомить учащихся 5-6 классов с некоторыми традициями празднования Рождества в Англии.


  1. познакомить детей с песнями, стихами, которые исполняются в Рождество, объяснить учащимся смысл этого праздника, развитие лексических навыков

  2. развитие творческих способностей детей.

  3. воспитание эстетических чувств, чувств сопричастности с культурой страны изучаемого языка.

“Merry Christmas”

(Зал украшен в традициях встречи Рождества)

Presenter 1 - Good evening, boys and girls. We are glad to see you!

Presenter 2 - Hello, my dear friends! There are many holidays in our country and English speaking countries. But the holidays we like most of all are New ye4ar’s Day and Christmas Day. People prepare for these holidays beforehand: they send greeting cards, buy presents, make fancy dresses and decorate their house. And when the holiday comes they congratulate each other singing songs and reciting poems.

Presenter 1 Today we shall find out how people celebrate Christmas in England.

Say ‘Hello’

And clap your hands!

Don’t say ‘No’

And, please, say ‘Yes’. (разучивают с залом)

Presenter 2 - Children, who knows why this day is called Christmas?

P1. Today is the birthday of Jesus Christ.

Presenter 2 -.Yes, you are right.

He was born this night in Bethlehem, baby Jesus tiny child.

(9 кл. исполняют песню ‘Born this night,

Presenter 1 - Девочки рассказали вам о том, как в далеком городе Верфлиеме в этот день у пастуха Иосифа и его жены Марии родился крошечный мальчик, которого назвали Иисусом. (На сцене спроецирован рисунок, изображающий рождение Христа)

Presenter 1 - Look, this Joseph and this is Mary. They are very happy.

P3 (читает на фоне музыки стихи)

Silent night,

Holy night

All is calm

All is bright

Holy infant so tender and mild

Sleep in a heavenly peace.

Тихая ночь

Святая ночь

Святой младенец, такой нежный и мягкий,

Спи мирно под небесами

(Учащиеся поет песни ‘ What child is this?”

и песню 'Bells are ringing…')

Presenter 2 -.Dear, children, you know that Christmas is impossible without …, yes, without Santa Clouse


P4. Wait a minute, please!

Presenter 2 -.What happened, Kirill?.

P4. I’m sorry, I’m late.

Presenter 2 Why are you late?

P4. Don’t you know I’m always a little bit late


Presenter 2 Where did you go?

P4. I went to L.A

Presenter 2 How interesting! Tell us about it/

( Инсценируется песня ‘Where did you go?’ 5 кл.)

Presenter 1 - Now, children, let’s meet Santa Clouse! He is on his way, he is coming. (дети три раза произносят эти слова и начинают петь песню ‘Santa Clouse. is on his way’. После песни появляется Санта Клаус.)

Santa Clouse

Merry Christmas to you

Merry Christmas to you

Merry Christmas to you

And a happy New Year


Merry Christmas to you

Merry Christmas to you

Merry Christmas to you

And a happy New Year

Santa Clouse

Dear, friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Children. We are fine, thanks. How are you?

Santa Clouse

I’m very fine, thank you! OK. Now tell me if you know poems and songs about Christmas and New Year?

Children. Yes! (Дети хором произносят ‘Christmas candies …’)

Santa Clouse

Tell me, please, why you love Christmas. ( дети рассказывают стихи и поют песню ‘ O Christmas tree!” и играют в игры «Снежки» и т. д.)

Santa Clouse

O you are brilliant, children. I’m very pleased with you!

Children, let’s wish Santa Clouse a Merry Christmas. Stand up and repeat after me:


We wish you a Marry Christmas,

We wish you a Marry Christmas

We wish you a Marry Christmas

And a happy New Year

Let’s all do a little clapping

Let’s all do a little clapping

Let’s all do a little clapping

And spread Christmas cheer.

(Let’s do a little stomping…

Let’s do a little twirling)

(Исполняется песня “Jingle bells”)


Santa Clause is on his way

Santa Clause is on his way

He is coming

Santa Clause is on his way

He is coming

Here today, on his sleigh

Jingle bells are ringing

Santa Clouse is singing

Santa Clouse is on his way

He is coming

Santa’s coming here today

Everybody knows it’s Christmas

Santa Clouse is on his way today

Santa Clouse is on his way.

Christmas candies

Christmas candies

Yam, yam, yam

Christmas cookies

Yam, yam, yam

Christmas fruit cake

Yam, yam, yam

Mistletoe, Mistletoe,

Kiss, kiss, kiss

Christmas morning

Lots of toys

Christmas turkey

For boys and girls

Christmas carols

Tra – la – la

Mistletoe, Mistletoe,

Kiss, kiss, kiss


I love Christmas for many things

Trees, candles and angel wings,

Stars in the heavens

Snow covered hills,

Little toy


Dolls in their frills.

I love Christmas, ribbons of gold,

Familiar carols, so very old.

Sweet candy canes, bright red sleds

Little ones tucked snug in their beds.

I love Christmas, but most of all

I look forward to a neighbor’s call

A friendly chat, a cup of tea

Love in the home means Christmas to me.

Christmas tree, we love you so

Play with us, live with us, don’t go

We’ll plant you out doors with grass at your feet

On all you brunches, si8nging birds sweet.

Christmas is coming,

The goose is getting fat,

Please put a penny

In the old man’s hat

If you have no penny,

Then good bless you

If you have no penny,

Then good bless you

Santa Clause is coming

Christmas is near,

Hang all the stockings,

We can’ wait

Until he’s here.

Bells are ringing ( the song)

Bells are ringing

Bells are ringing

Baby Jesus born today

Bells are ringing

Bells are ringing

Baby Jesus born today

Celebrate his birth in Bethlehem

Celebrate his birth with joy

Bells are ringing

Bells are ringing

Baby Jesus born today.

O Christmas tree!

(the song)

O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree!

How lovely are your branches.

O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree!

How lovely are you branches.

Lovely and green they always grow,

Through summer sun and winter snow.

O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree!

How lovely are your branches.

New Year’s resolution

(the song)

I promise to be very, very good

I promise to do things I should

I promise to make my bed each day

I promise to put my things away

I promise not to throw my suck on the floor

I promise to put my sucks on the …

I promise to do my homework all right

I promise not to stay late at night

I promise to listen to my Mum and Dad

I promise not to do anything bad

Born this night in Bethlehem. (the song)

Born this night in Bethlehem,

Baby Jesus tiny child.

Alleluia, Praise the King

Baby Jesus born today.

Kneel before Him as He sleeps

Baby Jesus tiny child.

Alleluia, Praise the King

Baby Jesus born today.

Worship him, our Savor’s come,

Baby Jesus tiny child.

Alleluia, Praise the King

Baby Jesus born today.

What child is this? (the song)

What child is this

Who lay to rest

On Mary’s lap asleeping?

Whom angels sing their anthems sweet

While shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this is Christ the King!

Whom shepherds guard and angels sing.

Haste, haste to bring him, Lord.

The babe, the son of Mary.

So bring him incense, gold and myrrh

Come pleasant, King, to owe him.

The King of Kings salvation brings

Let loving hearts enthrone him.

Raise, raise the song on high!

The Virgin sings her lullaby

Joy, joy for Christ is born

The babe, the son of Mary

lap -колени

anthems - песнопение

shepherd - пастух

haste – спешка, торопливость

incense - ладан

myrrh – мирра

salvation – спасение души

enthrone – возводить на престол

lullaby – колыбельная.


  1. English” приложение к «Учительской газете» №6, 2005-2006.

  2. Celebrate English? Eng. Рус. 1996.

  3. Charrington Mary. Christmas fun. (Songs and activities for children). OUP, 2004

  4. Carolyn Craham. Holiday jazz chants, OUP, 2003.

  5. Kathereen Carroll, Maria Novicova. Holidays go round and round. «Химера»б 1998.

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