Методическая разработка для серии уроков по теме "People nd their personalities"

Методическая разработка серии уроков по теме


автор: Чикишева Ольга Александровна,

учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 3,

г. Качканар, Свердловская область

Ex.1. Topical vocabulary. FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS.


:admiration — восхищение, восторг

enthusiasm — восторг, энтузиазм

excitement — возбуждение, волнение

elation — восторг, энтузиазм

joy — радость

love — любовь

pride — гордость

zest — энергия, живость


angerгнев, раздражение

annoyance — раздражение

irritation — раздражение, гнев

anxiety — тревога

despair — отчаяние, безысходность

humiliation — унижение

embarrassment — смущение

tension — напряжение

envy — зависть

hate — ненависть

jealousy — ревность

fear — страх

shame — стыд

guilt — вина

rage — ярость, гнев

terrorстрах, ужас


be bright and happy быть веселым

be in a good mood - быть в хорошем настроении

feel uneasy - чувствовать смущение, неудобство

feel anxious - чувствовать беспокойство

feel lonely - чувствовать одиночество

feel scared - чувствовать страх

feel miserable - чувствовать себя несчастным

feel low - чувствовать подавленно

feel guilty - чувствовать вину

feel put upon - чувствовать себя обманутым

be upset - огорчаться

be tense and jumpy - быть нервным, раздражительным

be furious - быть в ярости

be in a bad temper - быть в плохом настроении


express one's feelings - выражать чувства

hide one's feelings - прятать чувства

disguise one's feelings - скрывать чувства

control one's feelings - контролировать чувства

reveal one's feelings - проявлять чувства

cope with one's feelings - справиться, совладать с чувствами

outlet for one's feelings - выпускать чувства

let off steam - давать выход чувствам

throw tantrums - метать громы и молнии

scream and yell at somebody - кричать, орать

lose one's temper - выйти из себя

fly into a rage - впадать в гнев

Ex.2. Topical vocabulary TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE


Affable - приветливый

amiable - дружелюбный

good-natured, good-humoured, kind, kind-hearted - добрый

communicative, sociable - общительный

modest - скромный

discreet - осторожный, неболтливый

generous - щедрый

considerate, attentive - внимательный

thoughtful - вдумчивый

earnest - серьезный, убежденный

calm, quiet - спокойный

composed - сдержанный

self-possessed - владеющий собой

honest - честный

merciful - милосердный

impartial - беспристрастный

just - справедливый

patient, forbearing - терпеливый

sympathetic - сочувственный

respectable - почтенный

cordial - сердечный

broad-minded - с широким кругозором

witty - остроумный

dignified - достойный

capable - способный

benevolent - доброжелательный

philanthropic - щедрый

scrupulous - щепетильный, добросовестный

consistent - последовательный

easy-going - легкий на подъем

affectionate - нежный

devoted - верный

loyal - верный, лояльный

courageous - мужественный

persevering - настойчивый, упорный

sweet - милый

gentle - деликатный

proud - гордый


ill-natured, unkind, hardhearted - черствый, злой, плохой

reserved - скрытный

uncommunicative - скрытный

unsociable - необщительный

hostile - враждебный

haughty - надменный, высокомерный

arrogant - надменный

dashing - лихой

showy - роскошный, эффектный

indiscreet - нескромный, болтливый

unscrupulous - бессовестный

greedy - жадный

tactless - бестактный

inconsistent - конфликтный, несовместимый

insincere - неискренний

hypocritical - лицемерный

false - лживый

vulgar - вульгарный

double-faced - двуличный

indifferent - безразличный

dispassionate - бесстрастный

dishonest - нечестный

fussy - надоедливый

unrestrained - несдержанный

cruel - жестокий, коварный

bottled-up - замкнутый

partial - пристрастный

intolerant - нестерпимый, невыносимый

conceited - тщеславный, самодовольный

self-willed, willful - упрямый

capricious - капризный

perverse - извращенный

insensible - нечувствительный

inconsiderate - невнимательный

servile - раболепный

presumptuous - самонадеянный

deceitful - лживый

harsh - резкий, жесткий

sulky - угрюмый, надутый

sullen - мрачный, сердитый

obstinate - упрямый

coarse, rude - грубый

vain - тщетный, суетный, пустой

impertinent - дерзкий

revengeful - мстительный

Ex.3. Discuss the following questions:

  1. Does every life have its critical moments and situations that determine the entire future of a person or the future of many others?

  2. How does reading contribute to our understanding and judgment of people?

  3. Do people today measure up in courage and endurance to the people of earlier generations?

  4. Should people fight adverse circumstances and obstacles or should they surrender to them?

Ex.4. Speak about different people. Make use of the outline of a character sketch.

  1. APPEARANCE: age, height, weight, build of figure, face, hair, eyes, complexion, clothes.

  2. BACKGROUND: family, education, profession or occupation.

  3. LIKES AND DISLIKES: with regard to people, tastes, hobbies and interests.



Ex.5. What's the difference between a feeling and an emotion? Make use of the following:

emotion is a strong feeling of any kind (love, joy, hate, fear); a feeling is something which a person feels inside him/herself (emotion or idea).

Example: I have a feeling he doesn't love me.

Ex.6. Discuss the following questions

Why do people have emotions and feelings? What good are they? What emotions and feelings are usually classified as positive and negative?

If you have a look at the topical vocabulary list, you'll notice that it deals with painful feelings and emotions rather than joyous ones. How can you account for it?

It isn't always easy for us to keep our tempers when things go wrong. What do you say to let off steam?

What is the best way to make someone take an interest?

Ex.7. Learn to discuss different people. Make use of the following.

  1. What kind of person will never arrest anyone's attention? (take a risk, spend more than he can afford, take anything to heart, lose his temper, do a silly thing, disobey instructions, wave in the face of danger, fail his friend).

  2. What kind of people are often lonely (are usually surrounded by people, friends, are easily forgotten, are quick to see the point, think only for themselves, feel uneasy in company, keep their thoughts to themselves, easily lose their patience, enjoy other people's confidence).

  3. What kind of people are called good mixers, poor mixers, colourful, discreet, just, business-like, levelheaded, sympathetic, revengeful, squeamish, persistent, haughty, humble, placid, broad-minded, vulgar, vain, ambitious.

  4. What do you call a person who can't keep a secret? (can appreciate a piece of art, feels deeply, pokes his nose into other people's affairs, intrudes his views on others, is always sure of himself, is mostly in high spirits, gets annoyed easily, keeps on forgetting things, is unlike others, says what he thinks, has no moral principles).

  5. What traits of character would you appreciate in a mother, a father, a bosom friend, a teacher...?

6. What traits of character are required to make a good teacher, a good doctor, a good lawyer, a good journalist? What traits must prevent one from becoming a good specialist in those fields?

Ex.8. There are different degrees of anger and different ways of showing it. Comment on the following text.

If we could listen in on classrooms without being seen, we would hear many kinds of anger being expressed by teachers. One teacher frequently screams and yells at her children. Another furiously bangs on her desk. A third teacher throws an eraser across the room. Another sarcastically insults a child. One teacher grabs a child furiously and shakes him. One teacher slaps a child; another raps children on the knuckles. Many angry threats are heard: “I’ll show you who's boss. Don't talk to me that way.” One teacher is furiously tearing up papers, another charges back and forth across the front of the room, letting off steam.

Ex.9. Compose different dialogues, paying attention to the different feelings and emotions of the personages.

Ex.10. Work in pairs. Use expressions dealing with moods and feelings.

JOY AND ENTHUSIASM: Great/That's great; Marvelous! Terrific! Fantastic! How wonderful! How ex­citing! How thrilling!

ANNOYANCE: How annoying! What a nuisance! What a bore! That's just what I needed! I've just about had enough of...

DISTRESS: I'm worried. I just don't know what to do... I feel terrible. I've got a lot on my mind. I don't feel at all happy. I'm fed up. I can't take much more of this.

INDIFFERENCE: I can't say I'm interested... I couldn't careless... Please yourself... I don't mind what you do. The whole thing bores me to death.

REASSURANCE: Cheer up. Take it easy. Don't you think you're overreacting a bit? There's no need to get so upset. Don't let it get you down. It's not as bad as all that, surely? Oh, come on, it's actually quite inter­esting. I see what you mean, but on the other hand…

Ex.11. Work in pairs. Make up different dialogues as if you were in different moods.

Ex.12. Give a detailed description of the appearance and character of some personage from a well-known book or film. Don't mention the name. Let your fellow-students guess who you mean.

Ex.13. Describe some two literary personages who are antipodes.

Ex.14. Think what you would do, wear, look like if you were...

Ex.15. Read the text and discuss Bill’s mother’s emotional condition after he had gone away.


By the time she had finished tidying up, Bill was almost ready to go. He was looking for his gloves.

"You needn't worry about me, Mum," he declared. "If the fog thickens, Harold will put me up for the night. In that case I promise I'll give you a ring as soon as we decide. I give you my word I'll take no risks."

"I hope not," she said. "I shall be waiting up till you call."

"I'll see," he said affectionately. "How about your dropping in to see Aunt Maggie when I've gone? She'll be only too pleased."

He kissed her good-bye and moved off noisily down the road. He turned, waved and disappeared into the mist. She had always enjoyed being alone. Bill had repaired the wireless so she could listen to it. And inevitably there was a pile of washing that needed ironing; there were clothes to be mended and patched, socks to be darned.

"By the time Bill returns I'll have done the whole work," she thought. She couldn't get rid of the feeling that her son was in danger.

"It's so absurd to be having such fancies," she said to herself. "I've obviously overworked and am tired out. I could do with a sleep. I shall feel better when I wake up."

She made up the fire with a few logs of wood and lay back in the rocking chair. She had never thought she would feel so lonely. The clock ticked rhythmically, her eyes closed and she slept peacefully. She woke up with a sick feeling of dread. The room was in darkness. Before turning on the light she came up to the window. She could see almost nothing through the yellow fog. Her uneasy feeling of coming catastrophe was increasing; she pulled herself together firmly and went to stoke the fire. Heavy steps were approaching the house; there was a single commanding knock. She went to open the door. On the threshold stood a tall grave-faced policeman.

Suggest your own ending of the story.

Ex.16. Say in short what sort of person he/she is:

  1. Robinson Crusoe was very clever in finding a way out of all his difficulties.

  2. You could rely upon Maggie. She would never let the cat out of the bag.

  3. He was wonderful. He would never grudge you anything be it money, books, ideas.

  4. Rebecca easily won the hearts of all those who met her.

  5. Martin never dropped any work half-way.

  6. Dr Chillip hadn't a word to throw a dog.

  7. Dobbin was easy to deal with.

  8. June always had her own way in everything.

  9. Mike was never good at doing anything about the house. He was always sure to drop or break something.

  1. Huckleberry Finn never let a friend down.

  2. Christine was a very pleasant companion.

  3. There was nothing Tom was afraid of.

  4. Oliver was afraid of everybody and everything.

  5. He always had a ready answer to every remark.

Ex.17. You know that emotional condition plays a decisive role in our life. Say when people feel good, great, pride and joy, uneasy, anxious lonely, miserable, low.

Ex.18. Speak about things which have happened to you which really made you angry. Imagine they all have happened today. Tell your friend about them.

Ex.19. You have had a task to give a talk about the meaning of feelings and the importance of their public expression. The magazines and newspapers you wanted haven't arrived. The talk begins in ten minutes. You haven't prepared it well enough. What will you do? What will you speak about?

Ex.20. Speak about the most striking traits of people's characters.

Consider the following:

  1. Your favourite traits of character in a person.

  2. The traits of character you detest.

  3. Your chief characteristics.

Ex.21. When you describe people you either criticize or praise them. When you criticize you normally try to find faults rather than positive traits of character but it certainly does not exclude the expression of praise. Here are some comments that people make when they are invited to analyze and judge:

I think I'd much prefer to...; nothing like as good (bad)as...; that's what I thought; and that's another thing; there is much variety in...; to be similar in...; there is a tremendous number of differences in..; to have little (much) in common.

Use these clichés in the conversations of your own when you are welcome with your criticism of people.

Ex.22. Write on the chalkboard the words, denoting different traits of character. Everyone should name the traits one appreciates most or less in one's friend. Then speak about your friend who possesses some of these traits.

Ex.23. Play a game.


Write your names on small pieces of paper. Take one of the pieces of paper and try to imagine that you are that person. Then you must complete the sentences:

I always..; I often..; I usually..; I occasionally..; I rarely..; I never...

Try to guess who some of you have pretended to be.

Ex.24. Suppose that you have just been elected President of the USA. What qualities would you look for in choosing a person to feel each post in your cabinet?

Ex.25. Render in English.

He удивительно, что главными человеческими достоинствами в супружеской жизни, три четверти опрошенных англичан назвали взаимопонимание, тактичность, предупредительность, а главной помехой для нее свыше половины опрошенных сочли плохой характер.

Эти данные, основанные на результатах авторитетного социологического исследования, приводит автор книги "Английский характер" Джеффри Торер. При всей относительности любых анкетных опросов, результаты их во многом показательны. Торер, в частности, обоб­щил мнение тысяч опрошенных о том, какие качества они ценят в своих супругах выше всего. Отвечая на вопрос о мужьях, 33 % английских жен назвали понимание, 28 — заботливость, 24 — юмор, 23 — честность, 21 — верность, 19 — щедрость, 17 — любовь, 14 — терпимость. По мнению английских мужей, жена прежде всего должна быть хорошей хозяйкой (29%), затем непосредственно следуют такие качества, как уживчивый характер (26), взаимопонимание (23), любовь (22), верность (21), внешность (21), умение гото­вить (20), ум (18).

С другой стороны, английские мужья больше всего осуждают в своих женах такие черты, как сварливость (29 %), глупость (24), сплетничество (21), мотовство (17), эгоизм (16). Жены же считают наиболее нетерпимыми недостатками своих мужей эгоизм (56%), недо­статок ума (20), инертность, нежелание помогать по дому (18), неопрятность (17), нечестность (16).

(В. Овчинников. "Сакура и дуб')

Ex.26. Topics for discussion.

I. What are the essential factors that help to mould a person's character: background and environment; educational possibilities; cultural standards; circumstances.

II. What are the ways and means by which a person's character is revealed and estimated: appearance; speech characterization; manners and attitudes; likes and dislikes.

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You've lost the key from your flat.

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You are disappointed with your pupils’ behaviour

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You've quarreled with your best friend

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You are eager to go to a party but you’re too busy

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You've offended your best friend and now you feel ashamed

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend what do you feel when you

are going to punish your pupils

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You've left your handbag in a taxi

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend what do you feel when you

You've are in a bus during rush hours

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

Your parents have left for another country and you are missing them

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend what do you feel when you

You've found a large sum of money in the street

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend what do you feel when you

look at an outstanding painting

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend what do you feel when you

had a test and understood that you failed

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend what do you feel when you

see a street fight

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend what do you feel when you

you've made a silly mistake

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You've got to buy a present.

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You got very wet in the rain because you left your umbrella at home.

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You've lost your purse.

FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life. We cannot be always bright and happy. Sometimes we have moods of depression or sadness. It's been one of those days. Tell your friend about this event which has made you feel really depressed.

You've got an exam tomorrow and you are going to fail.



  1. One of your neighbours is always listening to CDS of opera. Last night it woke you at 2 am. You hate opera. Tell your neighbour how angry you are.



  1. You feel fine today. It's sunny. You are enjoying yourself. Your friend doesn't seem so cheerful, though. Find out what the matter is and be sympathetic.



  1. Your friend is late and in a bad temper. Find out what's the matter and try to calm him/her down.

Explain when people are anxious

Explain when people cope with their feelings

Explain when people feel miserable



  1. This time it's your friend who's depressed. Ask what's wrong and listen sympathetically. Try to cheer your friend up. Perhaps offer some advice or suggest something to take your friend's mind off his/her problems. When your friend is happier discuss what you did with the rest of the class.



  1. Try to interest your friend in these plans: going to the cinema: spending some time studying together: reading a good book you've just read; helping you with some shopping; watching TV this evening; going to a museum.

If you succeeded in arousing his/her interest, discuss what you did with the rest of the class.



7. Listen to your friend's ideas and pretend to be indifferent. All your partner's plans seem really boring to you. Even talking to other people in the class bores you to death.



  1. You have a toothache and a headache. It's Sunday. It is rainy. Your boyfriend/girlfriend has left you. You can't contact her/him and you are nervous. Tell your friend about it.

Explain when people are tense and jumpy

Explain when people are upset

Explain when people are furious

Explain when people feel uneasy

Explain when people are in a bad temper

Explain when people are bottled-up

Explain when people feel put upon

Explain when people are arrogant

Explain when people are in a bad temper

Explain when people are hypocritical

Использованная литература

  1. Ю. Голицынский - Spoken English- С. Петербург, Каро,2000

  2. С.Л. Занина.- 95 устных тем по английскому языку- М.Айрис Рольф.

  3. И.И. Бурова.С.В. Силинский -Практикум по английскому языку 60 разговорных тем для изучающих английский язык- С.Петербург. Союз,2001.

  4. И.М. Павлоцкий, Н.А. Храмова. 20 Topics for Free Conversation-С.Петербург,Базис,Каро,2001.

  5. B.A. Миловидов. 10 консультаций по английскому языку- М, Айрис-пресс, 1997

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