Сценарий игры по английскому языку «Заседание школьного Совета по распределению пожертвований на улучшение работы школы»

Юдина Татьяна Фёдоровна

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное

учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №12

с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»

г. Шарыпово Красноярского края

Учитель английского языка

Сценарий игры «Заседание школьного Совета по распределению пожертвований на улучшение работы школы»

Деловая ролевая игра «Заседание школьного Совета по распределению благотворительных пожертвований» проводится как заключительное занятие по теме №4 «The root of all evil» («Корень зла») в 10 классе по УМК «New Millenium English» (автор Гроза О.Л.). Данная ролевая деловая игра успешно была применена на завершающем этапе изучения темы. Она является моей авторской методической разработкой при использовании методических рекомендаций по организации данной ролевой игры в «Книге для учителя» и в учебнике для учащихся 10 класса по указанному УМК. Основная идея занятия – в увлекательной форме систематизировать и закрепить знания воспитанников по теме, расширить их знания в данном вопросе, а также развивать спонтанную коммуникативную компетенцию на основе аутентичного текста. Контроль навыков устной речи был осуществлён в условиях, приближенных к процессу естественного общения на английском языке. Предложенный текст в данном случае создаёт условия для организации процесса креативного чтения при создании необходимой мотивации для устного общения, а также позволяет смоделировать речевые ситуации согласно теме, которые требуют от учащихся личного осмысления бизнес – проблемы по распределению благотворительных средств на улучшение процесса обучения в школе и спонтанной языковой реакции.

The role business play “The meeting of the school Council on distribution a charity donation”

Goals of the lesson:

  1. to develop skills of creative reading;

  2. to develop communicative skills on the basis of the authentic reading (to develop skills of reporting speech with the most important information according to the topic, skills of arguing and making conclusions);

  3. to practice reporting speech;

  4. to practice active vocabulary;

  5. to develop skills of summarizing;

  6. to develop speaking fluency.

Objectives of the lesson:

For the students to do:

1. Participate in communication on the basis of the authentic reading.

2. Participate in feedback on their progress in making decision and performing in the discussion.

3. Practice performing public speaking.

4. Evaluate the progress in public speaking.

For the teacher to do:

1. Give detailed instructions for the students.

2. Distribute the roles among students.

4. Evaluate and assess students' performance.

5. Organize and help the process of making decision and preparation speech.

6. Organize feedback on students' performing their decision and the process of work as a whole.

7. Reflect on the students’ progress.

8. Make a conclusion of the discussion.

Teacher’s activity in the procedure of the lesson:

Instructions for the teacher:

The lesson is a summary lesson of the Unit “The root of all evil” in the 10th Form of New Millenium English. It is a fluency-oriented lesson, so students should be given an opportunity to express themselves freely. But this lesson is worked out for the students who have no highly fluent skills of communication, it’s for the group of the students with intermediate skills, so they are to develop their communicative skills on the basis of the text supported (it’s the letter with a message about a donation).

Students will take part in a meeting of the School Council to decide how to spend a donation for the school development in the best way. Their pretensions are different as they will represent different interests for personal and public development.

The aim of the whole lesson is to come to a decision which in this activity is more important than simply to speak English correctly.

It’s very important to tell the students that they are supposed to use English through the process as their ability to do it. It must also be evaluated at the end of the lesson.

Setting a time limit is about 15-20 minutes, so that students could get prepared with their talks — read the letter thoroughly, look through the sources of information, make notes, etc.

Students can need teacher’s help in preparation: the teacher walks around the class and helps if it is required.

On the stage of follow-up activity the teacher gives feedback and assessment of students' work filling in the table in the Student's Evaluation Card according to the specified criteria created. It’s important to choose the most valid of them. Points can be from five to one, this will enable to see students' progress and to judge their work fairly. It is useful to acquaint students with the criteria before the beginning of the session to make them feel secure. Also it’s extremely important to organize feedback in a positive way, focusing on students' progress rather than on criticizing them!

To deal effectively with students' typical mistakes the teacher can do a few more exercises with the whole class or recommend some specific ones to certain students.

The teacher may ask students to answer the questions after presentations to summarize about students’ imaginations, feelings or emotions and also for organizing self-evaluation:

Ns n/n


Yes! (4 points)

Almost (3 points)

More or less (2 points)

Not quite (1 point)

No! (0 point)


Was I prepared enough?


Did I structure my speech will?


Did I speak good English?


Did I look confi­dent?


Was my speech effective?

Teacher’s preparations:

The teacher has to prepare Student's Evaluation Card:


for teacher's




Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3




Donor (1)

Donor (2)

Donor (3)

Activity in speaking and preparing speech

Task achievement

The amount of speech

Language appro­priateness



Total score

Also the teacher has to prepare the role cards for the students according to their roles:

- Chairperson, secretary

- Speaker for computers

- Speaker for English studying

- Speaker for helping the poor

- Librarian

- Headmaster

- Parents

- Donors


He introduces the problem, gives the floor to the speakers, manages the whole discussion.


She keeps notes of the discussion, controls the timing and is a time keeper, reports on the decisions.


You decide how to distribute the money best for those who were the most convincing in the discussion.

Speaker 1 (teacher of Information technology)

You are in favour of spending the money on buying personal computers for each student.

Speaker 2 (teacher of English)

You insist on buying personal computers for the English classroom for each student.

Speaker 3 (social researcher )

You are in favour of the idea of supporting the children from poor families with the money.


You are convinced that the biggest part of the money should be spent on school redecoration and renovations.


You are convinced that the money should be spent on spiritual values: books, journals for young readers, etc.


You are in favour of the idea of supporting the children who study well and have excellent results in studying, different contests and events with the grants and supporting their further involvement and development. He is sure that really bright pupils should be supported with scholarships.

Also the teacher prepares the text of the letter about a donation, gives additional comments if necessary. If there are more students than roles, the teacher can group them according to their roles. There might be two to three students who have the same role card. They can be divided separately in one and the same role in their speaking with their separate parts of speaking.

The aims of the participants of the discussion:

The aim of the managers:

- they plan the procedure of the discussion, decide on the order of speakers.

The aim of the speakers:

- they persuade the donors to invest money in their projects so they have to work out the ideas and think over arguments to support them.

The aim of the donors:


- produce a set of criteria to assess the speakers’ performing and to distribute the donation;

- discuss how they are going to make decisions to distribute the donation;

- listen to the speeches attentively and take notes;

- make a decision to distribute the donation thoroughly and explain it to pretenders.

Stages of the session

I. Introduction.


Our school has been recently offered a letter from which we realized that we are suggested a donation of 500,000 roubles by the charity organization of our town to spend it for one or another field of school activities to support for making it better (the name of the town is given as you wish). You are suggested to participate in a meeting where you are present as responsible representatives of different categories of the school community to make a decision on how this sum will be spent for better application this donation to make the process of school activities better. Bear in mind that your aim is to persuade the donors to invest as much as possible in your favoured project.

Think of arguments that will be convincing for each group of participants to persuade the donors to distribute this donation for performing your ideas.

(Pupils are supposed to use English through all the session as their ability to do it will also be assessed at the end of the lesson.)

To be more convinced you are to follow the rules in preparation presentation your speech for performing before the audience:

1. State your problem briefly but clearly.

2. Describe the aim and perspectives of application the donation according to your ideas in detail.

3. Give examples to use these donations in your practical application according to your ideas.

4. Offer possible ways of application but be realistic.

5. Find a clear and convincing conclusion to your speech.

6. Be sure a lot and try to persuade the donors to distribute these donations to perform your project.

Your roles in the session are:

Speaker 1 (teacher of Information technology). He/she is in favour of spending the money on buying personal computers for each student.

Speaker 2 (teacher of English). He insists on buying personal computers for the English classroom for each student.

Speaker 3 (social researcher). He is strongly in favour of the idea of supporting the children from poor families with the money.

Headmaster. He/she is convinced that the biggest part of the money should be spent on school redecoration and renovations.

Librarian. She thinks that the money should be spent on spiritual values: books, journals for young readers, etc.

Parent. He is strongly in favour of the idea of supporting the children who study well and have excellent results in studying, different contests and events with the grants and supporting their further involvement and development. He is sure that really bright pupils should be supported with scholarships.

The people who are taking part in the meeting to manage the process of it are:

Chairperson. He introduces the problem, gives the floor to the speakers, manages the whole discussion.

Secretary. She/he keeps notes of the discussion, controls the timing and is a time keeper, reports on the decisions.

Donors (2-3 persons). They decide how to distribute the money best for those who were the most convincing in the discussion.

II. Preparation (15-20 minutes).


- You see these roles are demonstrated on the display and are given for you in the role cards. You are to get them now to get acquainted with your roles in the meeting to be in favour of your projects to use a donation.

(Pupils take their role cards and answer additional questions if necessary and if they want to understand details in a card.

- Then it’s high time to get acquainted with the letter about a donation from the charity organization of our town. They recommend spending the donation thoroughly to support our school. Attention, please!

(The letter is demonstrated on the screen on the blackboard and is additionally given to every participant of the meeting. It’s read aloud for acquaintance by anybody of the students who can red fluently. If necessary some phrases are detailed if the students can’t understand their meaning.)

The letter to be suggested:

- Dear School Council!

Our charity organization decided to suggest your school the donation 500 000 roubles to make some fields of school activity better. We realize modern school needs much to be progressive in high results in teaching students. We hope your school is quite interested in advanced increasing of maximum results in the process of teaching in order to give your students good knowledge in different fields of science.

We think there is different application this money in school.

We suppose to be good at different subjects you need working on the computers as much as possible. To be in the know of all kinds of information you need dealing with it in the Internet. Computers let work with the latest information really quickly. There is much easier way to print the documents with the help of computers. So it’s possible to spend the donation on buying personal computers for the students to work in the field of information and computer technology studying.

Also practically all the world communications are in the English language. To make pen-friends abroad and communicate with them closely you need having personal computers just at the lessons. So to make the process of English communication easier and more progressive maybe you also need to have personal computers for each student. Besides mostly world computer programs are written in the English language and support with the personal computers can help students to learn more about information technology.

There are children from poor families who have equal rights in the society to study, to develop, to be educated and to live with some degree of dignity. So you can support the children from poor families with the money.

Also there is a great deal of talented pupils in your school. They are intellectually advanced in different fields of science and are extremely good at various tests and contests. Why not to support them with the money as a scholarship?

Also your school should be better decorated to be an attractive place for students and their parents. To have a school as a comfortable place is very important to attract students and to provoke them to be more successful in studying. But not all the rooms in your school are well-equipped enough and have all the necessary things for studying. So the need redeco­ration and renovations. Probably you should spend some of the money on school equipment and redecoration.

No school to live without printed support: textbooks, books, magazines, newspapers, ref­erence books, dictionaries, etc. To read books alive in the reading hall of the library is an interesting activity for children of all ages. They like to learn more about the world from encyclopedias. So you may spend money on support for the school library.

So we think you would be decisive in spending the donation in a right way for a better school functioning. Be considerate and convinced. Good luck!


T e a c h e r

- So you know the proposal to spend the donation in the best way. You are to think over your ideas and try to represent them to the donors. They will listen to you and try to consider how and who to distribute it. The donors will work out the criteria according to which it’s more convenient and more appropriate to do it. Everybody of you has to think of arguments tо persuade each other in the best application of the donation. You have 15-20 minutes for preparation your speech. Let’s begin working!

III. Activity. Presentation speech.


- Let’s go on our school meeting. So we have got a letter from the charity in our town. You have just been introduced this letter. Our school has been offered to spend a donation 500 000 roubles. The aim of our school meeting is to decide on how to spend it to make our school process of studying more productive. Our secretary will keep timing, make notes of the discussion and try to represent them to the listeners. Are you ready to begin?

So I’d like to give the floor to the teacher of Information technology. You are welcome!

Speaker 1 (teacher of Information technology)

Do you understand the real importance of the era of total computerizing of the world? You really know there is no opportunity to make progress in life without computers! It’s true to consider our modern world as the electronic era. Now people prefer computers to work with the latest information really quickly. Nothing is much easier but printing the documents with the help of computers. So I think it’s more profitable to spend the donation on buying personal computers for the Information and Technology study.


Thank you for your speech. Let’s listen to the teacher of English.

Speaker 2 (teacher of English).

We live in a modern world where communication has a magnificent meaning. The English language plays the main role in this communication because it is the international language. More than half of the world speak English. We have no possibilities to visit English speaking countries but we can do it just in the English study if we have the Internet. So to make the process of English studying more interesting and effective we need to communicate with native English speakers abroad alive just at the English lessons and for that we need to have personal computers in the English study. This support promises to be quite profitable. Also our pu­pils will learn more about different sites because they are mostly in the English language. Computer language is also English in general. Students can make a lot of pen-friends in different countries. It's very important for them. Because of that I insist on buying computer equipment for better and effective English studying.


Thank you for your expressive speech. Now I'd like to give the floor to our social researcher.

Speaker 3 (social researcher).

Parents living in poverty want to be recognized as human. I think we must support the children from poor families with the money. There should be priority in pre-schooling for the children of illiterate and badly - housed parents. The society should be responsible for all the children in our country. They must have equal rights to study, to develop, to be educated and to live with dignity. So I am strongly in favour of the idea of supporting the children from poor families with the money.


Thanks a lot for your speech! We shall take into consideration all your arguments. Now I'd like to give the floor to our Headmaster.


Do you like our school? Do you like our Assembly Hall, workshops and classrooms? Yes, they are comfortable and nice. But they are not well-equipped enough and they don't have all the necessary things for studying. And many classrooms need redeco­rating and renovations. School can’t be attractive for students and their parents with no convenience. Besides students can study more effectively if they have comfortable conditions for the process of studying. Do you agree with me? So I'm convinced that the biggest part of the money should be spent on school equipment and redecoration.


Thanks for your speech. The real headmaster must really take care of his school/ And now let's listen to the li­brarian.


As for me, I am against materialism among young people. I think that the money should be spent on spiritual values (books, extra musical classes, video films, etc). Computers couldn't re­place printed books in the future. A printed page is better for human eyes than a computer screen. Besides, printed books don't need electricity! Also it’s well known that any person can develop intellectually more effectively and better if he reads printed production. By the way a person can’t develop its speech with no reading books. It was proved by the world scientists. The books are cheaper and easier to use. So you should spend money on ref­erence books, dictionaries, etc.


Thank you very much. Let's listen to the next speaker. Now I'd like to give the floor to our par­ents.


There are a lot of talented and creative pupils in our school. They attend a lot of courses. They take part in many intellectual contests. There are a lot winners in them in our school. By the way a lot of contests are of the federal and world significance. Our students are hardworking and clever. I’m sure they should be awarded for their success. So I am strongly convinced that the money should be given to some really bright students as a scholarship.


And now dear donors! You should decide how the money will be spent after the discussion.

Donors (decide how the money will be distributed and give reasons for their choice):

Donor 1

I think that 20 % of all this sum of money should be distributed on school equipment and redecoration. As it is the main aim of school to have good conditions for teaching pupils.

Donor 2

We consider that 50 % of the money should be spent on buying personal computers for pupils, the lessons of In­formation technology and the English lessons are very important now.

Donor 3

Poverty is one of the main problems of modern world. And we must solve it. So 5 % of the money will support the children from poor families.

Besides, we mustn't forget our future, our hope, our best pupils, it's our duty to help them, and 15 % of this sum of money will be given to them.

Our pupils can't learn without books, so 10 % of the money will be spent on books for the library.


What about the secretaries notes?


I’ve made notes about the pretensions of the speakers to get the donation. I’ve reflected the main idea of the meeting: all of the speakers are full of passion to make the process of studying at school more effective and progressive. It’s good. The results of distribution are also reflected in my notes:

1) 20 % of all this sum of money will be distributed on school equipment and redecoration;

2) 50 % of the money will be spent on buying personal computers for pupils to study at the lessons of In­formation technology and the English lessons ;

3) 10 % of money will be given on books for the library:

4) 15 % of money will be given to bright students for granting:

5) 5 % of the money will support the children from poor families.

All these notes will be reflected in the school wallpaper to introduce the school.

IV. Evaluation with the help of evaluating cards.

V. Feedback activity.

VI. The conclusion of the lesson.


Thank you for your active work at this meeting. Give me your self-evaluation cards.

(Each student gives the teacher his own self-evaluation card.)


Список используемой литературы:

1. Гроза О.В. New Millennium English. Английский язык нового тысячелетия. Учебник английского языка для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Издательство Титул Publishers, 2008.

2. Гроза О.В. New Millennium English. Английский язык нового тысячелетия. Книга для учителя для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Издательство Титул Publishers, 2008.

3. Гроза О.В. Программа курса английского языка «Английский язык нового тысячелетия» для 5-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. - Издательство Титул Publishers, 2010.

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