Сценарий итогового занятия "Our little friends" по английскому языку


  1. Андреева Н.А.

  2. ГБОУ ЦРТДиЮ "Некрасовка" г. Москва

  3. Педагог дополнительного образования

Сценарий итогового занятия

Our little friends

Конспект внеклассного мероприятия (праздника) позволяет использовать разные приёмы подачи материала, что помогает глубже познать предмет, увлечься этим предметом. Целью данного мероприятия является расширение кругозора, раскрытие и развитие творческих способностей каждого ребёнка.


- Hello. I’ m glad to see you.

- Good afternoon. Today we speak about our little friends.

- Let’s begin our holiday about the animals!

- Listen to the poems.


Bill’s dog

Bill’s dog is big,

Tom’s dog is small,

Bill’s dog

But our little Jack

Has no dog at all.

I like dogs

I like dogs, all dogs,

Big dogs and small dogs,

Black dogs and white dogs,

But I like best as you can see,

The dogs who like to play with me.

My cat Pit

I have a cat,

His name is Pit,

And with me

He likes to sit,

For Pit loves me,

And I love Pit.


- Listen to the news about the woodpecker.


The woodpecker

When you are in a forest, you sometimes hear tap-tap-tap-tap. What’s that? It’s a wood-pecker, a big bird, with a beautiful coat, black, white and red. It is trying to make a hole in the tree; it wants to get at insects that live there.

The woodpecker eats insects. It has a very sharp beak.

The woodpecker is a clever bird. If it can’t get at an insect with its beak, it finds a small stick and gets at insects with it.

The woodpecker doesn’t make a nest like other birds. It makes a hole in a tree and that is a nest for the woodpecker.

The woodpecker is a tree doctor. Winter is a hard time for birds. They can’t find food in the forest.

Take care of birds! Feed them in winter! Never destroy their nests!


- Listen to the news about the woodpecker.


The little Red Hen and the grain of wheat

One day as the little Red Hen was scratching in field, she found a grain of wheat.

“This grain of wheat should be planted,” she said.

“Who will plant this grain of wheat?”

“Not I,” said the Duck.

“Not I,” said the Cat.

“Not I,” said the Dog.

“Then I will,” said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

Soon the wheat grew tall and yellow.

“The wheat is ripe,” said the Little Red Hen. “Who will cut the wheat?”

“Not I,” said the Duck.

“Not I,” said the Cat.

“Not I,” said the Dog.

“Then I will,” said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

When the wheat was cut, the Little Red Hen said, “Who will thresh this wheat?”

“Not I,” said the Duck.

“Not I,” said the Cat.

“Not I,” said the Dog.

“Then I will,” said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

When the wheat was all threshed, the Little Red Hen said, “Who will take this wheat to the mill?”

“Not I,” said the Duck.

“Not I,” said the Cat.

“Not I,” said the Dog.

“Then I will,” said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

She took the wheat to the mill, and it was made into flour. Then she said, “Who will make this flour into bread?”

“Not I,” said the Duck.

“Not I,” said the Cat.

“Not I,” said the Dog.

“Then I will,” said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

She baked the bread. Then she said, “Who will eat this bread?”

“Oh! I will,” said the Duck.

“I will,” said the Cat.

“I will,” said the Dog.

“No, no!” said the Little Red Hen. “I will do that.” And she did.


- This is a very good fairy tale. I know, that we can help other the animals, people.

- Ok! Now listen to the song.


Song 1

(Песня о животных по выбору)


- Ok! Now listen to the poems.


The Zoo

I like to go to the Zoo,

To the Zoo, to the Zoo!

Come with me to the Zoo,

To the Zoo, to the Zoo!

A zebu lives in the Zoo,

In the Zoo, in the Zoo!

A zebra lives in the Zoo,

In the Zoo, in the Zoo!

On Sunday

On Sunday, on Sunday

We go to the Zoo!

We meet after dinner,

Peter, Nelly and you!

I am big and I am strong

And my trunk is very long!

Who is it? The elephant.

The squirrel

I am a little squirrel

As busy as can be,

I’m gathering some acorns

For winter food for me.

Monkeys friend

У обезьянки - monkey

Была подружка - frog - лягушка,

А у нее была сестричка,

Сестричку звали - fox- лисичка.

Были: a rabbit - крольчонок,

A bear-cub - медвежонок,

A duckling - утенок,

A pig - поросенок,

A black cat - черный кот,

И козленок – a goat .

Они жили в лесу – in a wood

И были очень хороши – very good.

А около озера – near the lake

Жила большая змея – a big snake.

It was hungry - она была голодна,

And was very angry - и всегда была зла.

И вот однажды - one day

Она решила съесть друзей.

Fist of all I shall catch the monkey -

Я поймаю сперва обезьянку.

I shall catch the rabbit - крольчонка,

I shall catch the bear cub - медвежонка,

А затем the black cat - котенка,

A billy goat- козленка,

На закуску the frog – лягушонка,

The fox - лисичку подружку.

Однако друзья были смелы

But the friends were very brave.

И удирать они не стали –

They didn’t run away.

Они дружно смеялись

Together they laughed

И назад уползла она к озеру –

She runs away back to the lake.

A pig

Mary Midding

Has a pig

Not very little,

Not very big,

Not very pink,

Not very green,

Not very dirty,

Not very clean.

Cat and mouse

This is a mouse,

She lives in the house.

This is a cat,

He is a cat,

He is very fat.

Because he lives

In the house

And likes to eat

A mouse.

Two little puppy dogs

Two little puppy dogs

Walk down the street.

Two little puppy dogs

Wag tails as they meet.

Two little puppy dogs

Bark when they run.

Two little puppy dogs

Surely have fun!

Little crabs

Little crabs

That live at mad

As they can be!

For little fish

All go to school –

And crabs just wish

To change the rule.

For while the fish

Are learning ballads,

The little crabs are

Cracked for salads!


- Listen to the news.


The squirrel

When you walk in a forest, look at the trees near you – there may be a squirrel near. The squirrel makes its home in a tree.

It is interesting to watch squirrels. They jump from one tree to another. Squirrels are very lively animals. There are red squirrels and gray squirrels.

Do squirrels sleep all winter? No, they don’t. They go to sleep in the winter, but they sleep with one eye open. When it is cold, they sleep, but when it is a warm, winter day and the sun is bright, they go out to jump and to play.

If you have any nuts with you, throw them on the ground. Squirrels like to eat them when they are hungry.

But if they are not hungry, they hide them.

Which is the biggest animal in the world?

You think it is an elephant. Yes, the elephant is a very big animal, but it is not the biggest in the world. The biggest of all is the blue whale. The blue whale is about thirty meters long and it weighs about one hundred and thirty tons. That is as much as thirty six elephants.

The whale has a body like a torpedo, it is very good for swimming in the sea. But the whale is not a fish, it is mammal. It breathes the air as we do.


- Let’s sing together.


Song 2

(Песня о животных по выбору)


- Well done. Listen to the fairy tale The Fox and the Crane.


The Fox and the Crane

The Fox comes to the Crane. The Crane has invited the Fox to have dinner. There is a jug on the table.

Crane: Clad to see you. Please, sit down and help yourself to the soup.

Fox: Thank you, dear friend. You are very kind.

Crane: I hope you liked the soup.

Fox: Thank you! I am full.

The Fox’s house. A table and two chairs stand in the room. The Fox and Crane enter the room.

Fox: Here is my home. Sit down, dear Crane. Dinner will be ready in a minute.

Fox: Help yourself, dear. The porridge is very good.

Fox: I hope you like the porridge, my dear, I have cooked it myself.

Fox: Sorry, my dear Crane, but I have nothing else to give you.

Crane: I was hungry after your dinner. Good bye, dear friend.

Fox: We are no longer friends.


- Thank you!

- It’s very good holiday.

- Tell us please: Are you agree with us?

- Good bye!

- Bye!


  1. Английский для малышей: Стихи, песни, игры, рифмовки, инсценировки, утренники/Автор-составитель А.В. Конышева. – СПб.: КАРО, Мн.: Издательство «Четыре четверти», 2004. – 160 с., 2004;

  2. English for older children Учебник английского языка для школьников средних классов (под ред. Перлмуттер Т.) Изд. 2-е, испр., доп. Е.Б. Полякова, Г.П. Раббот, Г.П. Шалаева. –М.: АСТ, 1997.

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