Сценарий урока на тему «Животные»,сказка: «Теремок»
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку,3 класс.
Автор: Першакова Ольга Валентиновна, учитель английского языка
Место работы: МБУ СОШ №81,г. Тольятти Самарская область
Тема: «Животные»,сказка: «Теремок»
Цель занятия: закрепление тематической лексики, расширение кругозора учащихся,
развитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка посредством занимательных форм
1.позновательный аспект: расширять с помощью английского языка представление
учащихся об окружающем мире, о языке как средстве взаимодействия с этим миром;
2.развивающий аспект: развивать речевую культуру школьников культуру общения,
актёрские способности учащихся; способствовать развитию внимания и памяти;
3.учебный аспект: тренировать у учащихся лексико-грамматические навыки, навыки говорения
и аудирования;
4.воспитательный аспект: воспитывать у учащихся интерес к английскому языку, любовь
к животным , формировать положительную мотивацию к учения.
Оборудование :магнитофон ,диск к учебнику М.З.Биболетова и др.3 класс;
декорации для сказки (фасад теремка ,цветы ,деревца)
костюмы и маски героев, игрушки животных.
Teacher: Dear children, parents , guests and teachers. Glad to see you at our English party.
I hope you will enjoy it. Today we are going to talk about animals and pets. Tell me, please
what animals do you know ?(уч-ся называют животных)
Well done .You know a lot of animals .Perhaps you know a lot of poems of them.
Учащиеся один за другим декламируют стихи, подготовленные заранее.
P1 .I have a little dog,
his name is Jack.
His head is white
and his ears are black.
P2. I love my cat,
It is warm and fat
My cat is grey
We like to play.
P3. I love all kinds of animals,
Dogs and cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds of animals,
I know their little habits .
P4. Baa, baa black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes ser ,yes ,ser
Three bags full.
Now I think you can dramatize some poems about animals .Who can?
Выходят два ученика, на одном маска мышки ,на другом кошки.
Cat : Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
Stay in your flat,
There is nothing to eat.
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse
Where is your house?
Where do you live?
Mouse: Little cat ,little cat
Stay in your flat,
I have nothing to give.
Cat: Little mouse, Little mouse,
Come in to my house!
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
I cannot do that!
You want to eat me.
Teacher: Good of you .I see you know a lot of animals. Now let’s play the game «Wild Animals»
I will throw a ball to each of you in turn. When you catch it, you must name a wild animal. Do it
quickly as you can.Учащиеся называют животных ,выигрывает тот кто назвал больше всех.
Teacher: That’ll do. Now take your toy animals and tell us about them.
Учащиеся рассказывают о своих животных. Остальные заполняют таблицу
It is…
It can…,
It lives…
It likes…
Teacher: Most children love animals and take care of them. But some boys and girls give their pets
Too much food to eat .And their pets become too fat and cannot jump and run well .Look at this puppy!
Ученик показывает рисунок толстого щенка и декламирует стихотворение Все учащиеся при словах «Jump,puppy,jump» встают и прыгают.
P.: Spot is a plump puppy,
Still he can jump.
Jump ,puppy! Jump puppy!
Jump, puppy, jump.
If you jump plenty
You will not be so plump.
So jump, puppy,
Plump puppy, jump!
Jump, puppy, jump.
Teacher: It is time to play the game «Guess the Animal»Делимся на 2 команды каждая задумывает животное, а команда противника, задавая общие вопросы ,старается угадать животное.
Does it live in the forest( on a farm, in the zoo…)?
Is it big (small)?
Does it eat corn ( meat, fish…)?
Has it a long tail ( neck )?
Is it coat bushy?
Teacher: Now I want you to sing a song «Old John Brown s Farm.»Исполняют песню.
I like the song and you sang very well .The next task is to say these tongue-twisters as quick as possible.
1 .A black cat sat on a mat and eat a fat rat.
2 .A girl sees six big grey geese.
3. King Kong kissed queen Kate.
Teacher :I would like to see how you draw.Выходят ребята из каждой команды на конкурс, кто лучше нарисует животное . Пока они рисуют на доске цветными мелками, водящий загадывает загадки попеременно учащимся обеих команд.
1. I have a bushy tail,
Sometimes I’m grey and sometimes I’m red,
I like nuts.
What am I? ( A squirrel )
2. This animal is small,
It lives in the woods,
And runs very fast .
It is afraid of everything.
What animal is it? ( A hare )
3. I’m red and I have a fine bushy tail, I like meat. I hunt and eat small animals ( A fox )
4. A very funny animal which moves very quickly .
It can hang by its tail ( A monkey )
5. Green and long
With many teeth.
Beautiful smile-
It’s … A Crocodile
После отгадывания загадок учитель просит учащихся сначала угадать , какое животное нарисовано на доске , а затем предлагает им описать животное , нарисованное «художником»
команды противника.
Teacher : Now look at the animal and describe it. Each of you will make a sentence about it . Your sentences must be without mistakes. Дети описывают животных .
Teacher: We come to our little play about animals “The house in the wood”
There is a house in the wood, wood, wood. A mouse is running through the wood, wood, wood. She stops at the door. She asks at the door.
1.Mouse: What a nice house! It is very nice. It is not small. It is not big. Knock, Knock, Knock. Who lives in the house? Nobody! Now I can live in it.
A frog is running through the wood, wood, wood. He stops at the door. He asks at the door.
2. Frog: What a nice house! Knock, Knock, Knock. Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I live in the house. I am a mouse. And who are you?
Frog: I am a frog. My name is Green. And what is your name?
Mouse: My name is Mickey. What can you do?
Frog: I can jump. I can sing.
Mouse: Sing a song, please!
Frog (поет):
I have got a mother.
I have got a father.
I have got a brother.
How I love them all.
Mouse: Glad to see you. Come in. Let’s live together in the house.
A dog is running through the wood, wood, wood. He stops at the door. He asks at the door.
3. Dog: What a nice house! Knock, Knock, Knock Who lives in the house?
Mouse: I am a mouse.
Frog: I am a frog. And who are you?
Dog: I am a dog. I am clever and pretty. I am not big. I am little.
Frog: What is your name?
Dog: My name is Jack.
Frog: Can you dance?
Dog (танцует):
Yes, I can.
I am a dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.
Frog: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
A Fox is running through the wood, wood, wood. She stops at the door. She asks at the door.
4. Fox: I am a fox. I am very nice. I am pretty and clever. I`m very cunning. Oh, what a nice house! Knock, Knock, Knock. Who lives in the house?
Звери по очереди:
I am a mouse. I live in the house.
I am a frog. I live in the house.
I am a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?
Fox: I am a fox.
Dog: Can you count?
Fox: Yes, I can.
Dog: Count, please.
Fox: 111-little dog run!
222-cats see you!
333-birds in the tree!
444-rats on the floor!
Dog: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
A bear is running through the wood, wood, wood. He stops at the door. He asks at the door.
5. Bear: What a nice house! Knock, Knock, Knock. Who lives in the house.
Звери по очереди:
I am a mouse. I live in the house.
I am a frog. I live in the house.
I am a dog. I live in the house.
I am a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?
Bear: I am a Bear. My name is Billy.
Fox: Can you read?
Bear: Yes, I can.
Fox: Read please, please.
Bear: A cup of nice coffee in a nice coffee-cup
Fox: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
A hare is running through the wood, wood, wood. He stops at the door. He asks at the door.
6. Hare: What a nice day! What a fine weather! What is it? This is a small house. Knock, Knock, Knock Who lives in the house?
Звери по очереди:
I am a mouse. I live in the house.
I am a frog. I live in the house.
I am a dog. I live in the house.
I am a fox. I live in the house.
I am a Bear. I live in the house. And who are you?
Hare: I am a Hare. My name is Willy. I m not happy. I haven`t a house ( плачет)
Звери поют:
-Why do you cry, Willy?
-Why do you cry?
-Why , Willy , why ,Willy?
Hare: i want to live with you.
Bear: What can you do?
Hare: I can jump and skip.
Bear: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
A Cat is running through the wood, wood, wood. She stops at the door. She asks at the door
7. Cat: What a nice house! Knock, Knock, Knock. Who lives in the house?
Звери по очереди:
I am a mouse. I live in the house.
I am a frog. I live in the house.
I am a dog. I live in the house.
I am a fox. I live in the house.
I am a Bear. I live in the house.
I am a Hare. I live in the house. And who are you?
Cat: I am a cat. My name is Hat.I`m not fat. I like to chat.
Hare: What do you like to do?
I like to read.
I like to play.
I like to study every day.
I like to jump.
I like to run.
I like to play.
It’s fun!
Hare: You are very nice. Come in. Let’s live together.
Now all friends live together in the house and they are happy!!!
Все поют песню “The more we are together”.
Teacher: Well boys and girls. It`s very good that you know so much about animals, that you have pets at home, and that you take care of them. Never forget that animals and birds are our friends. Now I`d like to give you some presents for your work.

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