Тест для 9 класса "Prepositions"
Тест на знание английского языка:
Translate from Russian into English. Мой друг на крыше.
a)My friend is in the roof.
b) My friend is at the roof.
c) My friend is on the roof.
d) My friend is under the roof.
2. Translate from Russian into English. Все мои рисунки под той книгой.
a)All my drawings are under that book.
b)All my drawings are over that book.
c)All my drawings are at that book.
d)All my drawings are from that book.
3. Translate from Russian into English. Его машина в гараже.
a)His car is into the garage.
b)His car is on the garage.
c)His car is in the garage.
d)His car is from the garage.
4. Translate from Russian into English. Наши сумки на улице.
a)Our bags are in the street.
b)Our bags are on the street.
c)Our bags are at the street.
d)Our bags are into the street.
5. Translate from Russian into English. Директор школы у доски.
a)School head is at the blackboard.
b)School head is off the blackboard.
c)School head is on the blackboard.
d)School head is to the blackboard.
6. Translate from Russian into English. Идите домой, пожалуйста.
a)Go to home, please.
b)Go at home, please.
c)Go home, please.
d)Go on home, please.
7. Translate from Russian into English. Положите билеты ко мне в карман.
a)Put the tickets in my pocket.
b)Put the tickets at my pocket.
c)Put the tickets into my pocket.
d)Put the tickets on my pocket.
8. I’ll get some sugar _____ the shop. Я добуду сахар из магазина
9. Translate from Russian into English. Я перепрыгнул через забор.
a)I jumped from the fence.
b)I jumped to the fence.
c)I jumped over the fence.
d)I jumped up the fence.
10. Translate from Russian into English. Мой дом находится напротив магазина.
a)My house is opposite the shop.
b)My house is beside the shop.
c)My house is behind the shop.
d)My house is over the shop.
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