Тест на тему "Revision tests"
Revision tests.
You have summer holidays. I think you have a lot of fun. Do you have free time? It seems to me, yes you do .
Would you like to check yourself? Let’s do it with me, your English teacher.
Task1 .Phonetic drill.Find a pair.
Nut, sit, tree, car, people, meat, side, who, say, four, book, much, noise,
Fine, flower, cold, dark, letter, English, name, song, well, piano, judge.
Цветок ,имя, место ,люди ,песня, фортепьяно, шум, мясо, машина,
сторона, oрех, кто, хороший, темный, письмо, книга, хорошо, судья,
Холодный, английский, много, говорить, четыре, дерево.
Ex. Nut-орех.
Task 2.Reading. Read Rosie’s e-mail. What are the people doing?
Answer the questions.Ответь на вопросы и определи соответствуют или нет данные утверждения
Hi, Linda,
Thanks for your email. How are you? I’m doing my homework.
How boring!
All the family are here and are busy too. Mum’s in the living room.
She’s making some phone calls. Dad’s working in the garden.
It’s hard work. My little brother ,Tom is helping him. He’s planting some flowers .My sister, Zoe, is having a good time though.
She’s playing games with her friend.
What are you doing? Any plans for Sunday? Write back soon.
True or false.
1.Rosie is reading a book. 5.Her sister is playing with friends.
2.Mother is making some calls. 6.Rosie likes doing her homework.
3.Father is watering in the garden.
4.Tom is planting flowers.
Task 3. Grammar. Check yourself .Вставь нужную форму глагола, подбери русский перевод.
To have
I , you have we have
He, she has you, they have
1…Laura got a camera? No, she ….got. а. У моей мамы есть зонтик от солнца.
2.Laura and Steve ….skateboards. в.У кошек есть корзина.
3. Paul …..a bike and a camera. с.Есть ли у Лоры камера? Нет.
4.My mother …a sunshade. е.Стив и Лора имеют скейт.
5.The cats …a busket. к.У Паши есть велосипед и камера.
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