Тест по теме "Герундий" по английскому языку в 11 классе

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа № 70 города Липецка

Тест по теме «Герундий» в 11 классе


учитель иностранных языков

Семенихина Надежда Анатольевна

г. Липецк



Вариант 1

  1. Complete the sentences using the –ing form of the verbs (the Gerund) in the box:

do, have, listen, play, read, go, make, borrow, swim, wash

  1. I enjoy _________ to the radio in the morning.

  2. They suggested _________ in the sea after breakfast.

  3. Give up ______ money. Be economical.

  4. I hate _______ with cold water in the winter.

  5. Have you finished ________ this work?

  6. Would you mind _________ a talk with him?

  7. It is worth ________ there.

  8. I am fond of ________ novels of F. Handy.

  9. I dislike _______ the bed in the morning.

  10. He gave up ________ computer games. He is a student now.

  1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. Give up eating sugar. It is not good for your health


  1. Sasha stopped reading and fell asleep.



  1. Skating is also a very good way of keeping fit.



  1. My mother’s hobbies are knitting and cooking.




Вариант 2

  1. Complete the sentences using the –ing form of the verbs (the Gerund) in the box:

do, have, play, be, read, go, not make, borrow, swim, rob

  1. I’ll lend you the book when I’ve finished _______ it.

  2. Do you go ______ in the sea?

  3. They suggested ____________ dinner in an Indian restaurant.

  4. Robert gave up __________ football years ago.

  5. The men admitted __________ the bank.

  6. I really don’t mind _________ the housework.

  7. I didn’t feel like ___________ out last night, so I stayed at home.

  8. Would you mind __________ so much noise? I am trying to study.

  9. I normally try to avoid _______ money.

  10. Since she moved from London, she misses _______ able to see all her friends there.

  1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. He admitted breaking the window.


  1. I enjoy getting up early in the summer.


  1. Have you finished doing your homework?


  1. They suggested meeting at2 o’clock.



Вариант 1.


  1. Listening

  2. Swimming

  3. Borrowing

  4. Washing

  5. Doing

  6. Having

  7. Going

  8. Reading

  9. Making

  10. Playing


а) Перестань есть сахар. Это плохо для твоего здоровья.

b) Саша перестал читать и заснул.

c) Кататься на коньках – тоже хороший способ держать форму.

d) Хобби моей мамы – шитьё и кулинария.

Вариант 2.


  1. Reading

  2. Swimming

  3. Having

  4. Playing

  5. Robbing

  6. Doing

  7. Going

  1. Not making

  2. Borrowing

  1. Being


а) Он признался в том, что разбил окно.

b) Я люблю вставать рано утром летом.

c) Ты закончил делать своё домашнее задание?

d) Они предложили встретиться в 2 часа.

Список использованной литературы

  1. Луконина И.М. Тесты. Английский язык. 10-й класс. – Саратов: «Лицей», 2001. – 64 с.

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