Урок английского языка для 6 класса по теме "Праздники"

План – конспект

урока английского языка по теме «Праздники»

в 6 А классе МКОУ СОШ №6 г. Минеральные Воды

Учитель Л.А.Заварзина

26 апреля 2012 года

Класс 6А

Дата проведения 26 апреля 2012 года

Тема Праздники

Тип урока: Урок комплексного применения ЗУН учащихся


Образовательная: Развитие навыка говорения и письменной речи в рамках темы «Праздники»


1. Практиковать учащихся в диалогической речи в ситуации «Праздники народов России и Великобритании».

2. Обучать письменной речи в ситуации «Написание пригласительной открытки» с использованием персонального компьютера.

3. Практиковать учащихся в употреблении ЛЕ по теме урока: holiday, celebrate, invite, invitation card, give presents, get presents, decorate, cook tasty dishes, bake a cake/a pie, Christmas, Easter, St.Valentine’s Day, Motherland Defender’s Day, Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, Boxing Day, Hallowe’en.

4. Практиковать учащихся в построении вопросительных предложений с использованием The Present Perfect Tense.

5. Проконтролировать уровень овладения ГМ с помощью персонального компьютера.

6. Формировать мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка через применение компьютерных технологий.

Развивающие: 1. Развитие речемыслительной активности учащихся и умения с достаточной точностью выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации.

2. Развитие интереса к решению творческих задач.

3. Формировать понимание необходимости овладения английским языком для повседневного общения.

4. Формирование навыка использования компьютерных технологий на уроке английского языка.

Воспитательные: 1. Воспитание интереса и уважения к традициям иноязычной культуры.

2. Развитие умения работать в группе.

Здоровьесберегающие: 1. Создание атмосферы психологического комфорта на уроке.

2. Выполнение релаксационных упражнений.

Оборудование: компьютеры с операционной системой Windows, мультимедийный проектор, программные средства: редактор Power Point,

Форма работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.

План урока

1. Начало урока 7 мин

- организационный момент

- фонзарядка

- речевая зарядка

2. Развитие навыка говорения 5 мин

3. Релаксационные упражнения 1 мин 4. Развитие навыка письменной речи 15 мин

5. Совершенствование навыка употребления The Present Perfect Tense 7 мин

6. Рефлексия. 2 мин.

7..Домашнее задание. 1мин

8. Итог урока 2 мин

Ход урока

речь учителя

форма работы

речь учащихся

1. Начало урока

- организационный момент

-Good morning, my friends. Sit down. Nice to meet you today. You all are so nice with your white blouses and shirts.

-Is anybody absent?

-It’s warm today, isn’t it?

-Do you like sunny weather?

-Would you like to arrange a picnic on a sunny day in spring?

-Me too. But only on the weekend. Now we are at school and we are going on with the topic “Holidays” (Слайд 1) and today we’ll talk about holidays and learn how to write an invitation card, after that we’ll try to consolidate your knowledge about how to ask and answer questions in the Present Perfect Tense. We’ll work using computers.

- фонзарядка

-Let’s remember some words that will be useful to speak about holidays. Look at the screen and try to read the words in transcription. Слайд 2.

-Well done, thank you.-

учитель – класс

учитель – ученик

1, 2,3…

ученик1, 2,3…

-Good morning!

-Nobody is.

-Yes, it’s warm and sunny.

-Yes, I do. I like to play in the yard when it is sunny.

-Of course, I would.

речь учителя

форма работы

речь учащихся

речевая зарядка Слайд 3.

-You know there so many different holidays. Look at the screen. You can see there symbols of many holidays: Christmas, New Year, Easter ….

-What holidays do we celebrate in winter?

-What spring holidays do you know?

-What is your favourite holiday?

-When do we celebrate this holiday?

-How do you celebrate it?

- I like this holiday, too and I always celebrate it.

2. Развитие навыка говорения

Now it’s time to talk about international and traditional holidays.

-What international holidays do you know?

- You are right, these holidays are celebrated in many countries but there holidays that are celebrated in some countries. Now I want you to work in groups. The 1st row will be The Russians and the 2nd row will be The British. The Russians will tell us what they know about traditional British holidays and The British will demonstrate their knowledge of Russian holidays. Use the information on the screen.

Слайд 4.

-Your time is over. The British, tell us what you know about holidays that people celebrate in Russia?



учитель – класс,

учитель – класс,

ученик 1,2,3…

-In winter we celebrate New Year Day, Christmas and Motherland Defender’s Day.

-In spring we celebrate Women’s Day and Easter.

-My favourite holiday is New Year Day.

-We decorate a New Year tree and give presents to each other.

I know Christmas, New Year, Easter and Victory Day.

-In Russia people celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. People go to the church and give presents to children. We arrange a family dinner and eat very tasty dishes.

речь учителя

форма работы

речь учащихся

-Now your turn, The Russians. What do you know about traditional British holidays?

- You know there are so many strange holidays that people celebrate in different countries. The British celebrate Queen’s birthday twice a year: on the 21 of April, it’s her real birthday, and on the 1st or 2nd Saturday of June, it’s her official birthday. It was King Edward VIII who celebrated his birthday twice a year. He was born in autumn and it was always rainy and foggy on his birthday. So he decided to celebrate his birthday in June. Since then British Kings have two birthdays.

3. Релаксационные упражнения

-OK. I see you are a little bit tired. Let’s do some exercises to relax. Please stand up, repeat and do.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

And eyes and ears and mouse and nose.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Thank you, sit down.

4. Развитие навыка письменной речи

-Is your birthday your favourite holiday? Why?

-Who do you usually invite to your birthday party? What do you usually do?


ученик 1,2,3,4,5…

учитель – класс,

учительученик 1,2,3,4,5…

-People in Great Britain celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. They decorate a special tree. Children write letters to Santa Claus and put their stockings near the chimney.

-Yes, it is. I like it very much.

My parents and friends give me presents. We arrange a party.

I usually invite friends. We have tea with tasty cakes and pies. After tea we play games, listen to music, and sing songs or dance.

речь учителя

форма работы

речь учащихся

-Today we are going to write an invitation card.. Now look at the screen. Слайд 5.

You see an invitation card there. Read it aloud Misha.

-If I write an invitation card to my friend I’ write: Dear Ann, I’m having my Birthday party on the 4th of May. You are invited. Please come at 11 am.

-What will you write?

-Then I’ll write: Mum is going to make some salads and to bake an Apple pie.

What will you write?

-Then I’ll write: After lunch we may go for a walk or have some music.

What will you write?

- Then you should sign the card. If I were you I would write: With love, Mary.

-And you? How will you sign your card?

-It’s OK. Now pay attention on how the card is written: Firstly, you’ll write the date in the right corner of the card. -What will you write it? You have to write the name at the very beginning of the line and put comma, then you will start an indénted line and will write the first word with the capital letter. You will write your name like this. Is everything clear? You’ll write to your friends and invite them to your birthday parties. You will work on the computer. Take your sits by the computers. Tell me what programme should we use to write a card? Open the folder «Семинары English» on the desktop. Please open “Publisher”,

учительученик 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8…

-I’ll write: Dear Nick, Welcome to my Birthday party. It will take place on the 16th of June.

-I’ll write: My mum will bake a chocolate cake for us.

-I’ll write: After tea we will play computer games and dance.

-Yours, Pete.

-26 April,2012

-Yes, it is

-It’s the programme


речь учителя

форма работы

речь учащихся

«Публикации для печати», «Приглашения». Now choose the picture you like. There is a folder that has many pictures to decorate your cards. It is in the folder «Семинары English».

Have you opened it? OK

- Begin writing your invitation cards then.

- I see you are ready. Please read your invitation card, N.

-It’s a very good invitation card. Thank you. Children, look your friends cards and choose the most beautiful and bright.. What card do you like best of all?

-Would you like to get such postcard?

- I like all your cards. You have done the work very well. I hope the skills you’ve got working at your cards will help you in real situations. At home you will write an invitation card to your friends to invite them to your Spring holiday.

5. Совершенствование навыка употребления The Present Perfect Tense

-Now tell me, please, have you just written an invitation card to Vanya?

- Who have you just written an invitation card to?

- Has Stas written a beautiful card?

- Have you ever got an invitation card?

- We have just begun talking using the Present Perfect Tense. Listen to me and ask questions to make it more exact.

учительученик 1,2,3,

учительученик 1,2,3,4,5,6


Dear Martin, I’m going to arrange my Birthday party on the 11th of May. You are invited. Come at 11 oclock. Mum is going to make some salads and bake a cake. After lunch we may play computer games or have some music. Yours, Mary.

-Nadya’s card is the most beautiful.

- Sure.

-Yes, I have.

-I’ve written a card to Misha.

-Yes he has.

- No. I haven’t.

речь учителя

форма работы

речь учащихся

Listen to the model:

-I have just watched an interesting film.

-Have you watched an interesting film?

-What have you just watched?

-We have already done our homework.

- They have just read the text.-Nick has collected many stamps lately.

-My friends have arranged a picnic.

- Well done. Now it’s time to work on the computer again. Open “Tests” choose Test 3, write your surnames and names in Russian. Read the task You have to choose the correct option.

- What is your mark, Lena?

-What mark have you got, Dima?

6. Рефлексия.

-Thank you, children. We have done everything we had to. Now look at the screen and say what you have done and learned today.

Слайд 7.

-What have we done today?

-What have you learned?

-What can you say about the lesson?

Was it interesting or not? Was it easy or difficult to work? How do you feel?


7.. Домашнее задание.

Open your diaries and write down the home task for Friday. Look at the screen.

8. Итог урока

Today you have worked hard and I give these marks….

The lesson is over. Goodbye. .

учительученик 1, 2,3 ..

учительученик 1,2,3,4,5,

-What have you already done?

- Have they read the text or the homework?- Who has collected many stamps?

- Have your friends arranged a picnic?

- Excellent.

- I’ve got a good mark.

-We have asked and answered questions; we have written a test and an invitation card, we have spoken about holidays.

-We have learned how to write an invitation card.


It was interesting but difficult.

-I feel well. Im tired


Приложение 1.

Слайд 1

Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

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