Урок английского языка в 5 классе "We love the world"

Урок английского языка в 5 классе "We love the world".

1. Org. moment.

2. Today the theme of our lesson is "We love the world". Our world is a very beautiful place. There are mountains, rivers and large forests. But some people destroy the environment. Today we are going to discuss the problem of environment protection. You know that people all over the world are worried about environment. The issue of ecology is important. Our nature is nice, but there some ecological problems in our country. What are they?

3. Pupils: 1. Flowers are picked up.

2. Litter is left.

3. The water is polluted.

4. Fires are started.

5. Trees are cut down.

6. Birds and animals are killed.

7. The air is polluted.

4. Teacher: You are right! All these problems are very serious and important. Please, look at the drawings, which our pupils brought at our lesson.

5. Checking of the home-work:

a) Paper comes from trees. If we don't recycle paper, a lot of trees are destroyed. People cut down trees. We like flowers very much, but people shouldn't pick flowers. People, don't harm plants!

b) We leave litter near the river. The water is polluted and fish in the river die. People, help to keep all water clean!

c) I like fishing, but some people use such thing for fishing which kill animals. People, protect animals and fish!

d) There are many rivers and springs near our city. It's wonderful to drink some water from spring in a hot summer day. People, clean springs!

e) Each of us must do everything possible to protect nature. People, plant trees and flowers!

f) Every spring I see rubbish near our city. People, take litter and home!

Teacher: Children, I have just got an audio letter from the President World Protecting Environment. He gives us some information and suggests some important rules to protect environment. Listen to him and fill in the sentences - True or False?

6. Аудирование текста.

7. Работа по карточкам - True or False?

a) The world is beautiful.

b) Some people destroy the environment.

c) The British not clean rivers.

d) They destroy the grass.

e) We also cut trees.

f) People cut trees.

g) People destroy forests.

8. Teacher: Now, we need the rest.

Physical activities.

9) Teacher: The next task - you should find the right translation.

Environment, pollution, wildlife, nature. ecology, to protect, to reuse, to reduce, to recycle, harmful.

Экология, природа, вредный, живая природа, использовать еще раз, загрязнение, перерабатывать, окружающая среда, уменьшать, защищать.

10) Consolidation of the material: We have already spoken about ecology and importance of keeping the environment clean. Pollution is getting worse, but there always hope. What do you think about it? Let's make a conclusion of our lesson.

Pupil: We could design the posters telling people to solve ecological problems.

11) Teacher: Take pencils and paper and started working.

Work in groups (design the posters).

12) Giving -up the home -task: Our lesson comes to the end. Open your dairies and write down your home -task for the next lesson - ex -10, p - 167 (WRITE THE LETTER OF THE PPEOPLE WHO DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT).

13) Your mark today are following:

"Excellent" -

"Good" -

"Sat" -

Teacher: Our short discussion is over. I am sure that you are real friends of our planet. We all must do what we can to keep the air, water, land clean. Now , let's sing a song!

14) Song "May there always the Sun"

The lesson is over, good - bye!

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