Урок по английскому языку в 10 классе «Школьная жизнь»
Урок по английскому языку в 10 классе «Школьная жизнь»
Короткова Ольга Юрьевна
МБОУ «Исилькульский лицей»,
учитель английского языка
Topic “School Life”
Objectives Students will be able
to get feedback on their progress throughout the unit,
to present and discuss the findings on the survey.
Skills development Students will
practice giving an oral presentation,
practice evaluating presentation.
Procedure I Introduction
Today we’ll have the final lesson for the topic “School Life”. You have made school surveys and have prepared reporting on your findings. You’ve done great work and today we’ll see the results of it. We’ll see the presentations of your projects.
II Warm-up
Do you know how to behave presenting your work? How to give a perfect presentation? Can you give advice for presenter? (students’ answers)
III Reading
I have prepared advice for you “How to give a perfect presentation”. You have cards with advice on your desks. Your task is to read and divide them into 4 groups: “body language”, “voice”, “timing” and “language”. (Students do the task in groups then we do on the blackboard together.)
Show your enthusiasm about what you want to say.
Think about your posture, hands, movement and facial expressions before you start presenting.
Establish and keep your eye contact with the audience and be natural while speaking.
Speak so that you can be heard in every corner of the room.
Pay attention to your pronunciation. Articulate sounds and words clearly.
Try to stay within the time limit.
Try to speak without long pauses.
Be careful with your choice of words. Think about the register of your presentation and your style.
Avoid making grammar mistakes.
IV Presentation
Today your classmates will evaluate your projects. You will use “Evaluation Table” (see the Appendix). On the blackboard you can see the evaluation card (see the Appendix). We have four projects “School Uniform”, “PE Lessons”, “Music Preferences” and Gain Time”. The categories for evaluation are grammar, vocabulary, form and phonetic. The score you can find in the evaluation table.
The first group will evaluate the project of the third group, the second – the forth project, the third – the first project, the fourth - the second project.
Is everything clear? Do you have any questions? So let’s start.
The first project is “School Uniform”. The evaluation group is the third. (Students present their project. After students evaluation teacher tell some words about the project.)
You’ve demonstrated a good knowledge of the topic. It was interesting to listen to you. The most surprising thing about this survey is that girls prefer to wear dress. Frankly speaking, I think it will be jeans.
The second project is “PE Lessons”. The evaluation group is the fourth. (Students present their project. After students evaluation teacher tell some words about the project.)
Your presentation is whole and logical. You have shown confidence and enthusiasm about your survey. I was glad to know that half students don’t miss their PE lessons.
The third project is “Music preferences”. The evaluation group is the first. (Students present their project. After students evaluation teacher tell some words about the project.)
Your presentation has a clear structure. You use visuals to help the audience understand your information. Your chart is unusual and attractive.
It’s not a secret that students have so many responsibilities and have to do so mane home tasks. But we have only 24 hours a day. So the question is how to gain time.
The fourth project is “Gain Time”. The evaluation group is the second. (Students present their project. After students evaluation teacher tell some words about the project.)
Your presentation is very useful. It’s very important for everyone to gain time. You show enthusiasm about what you want to say. Your speaking is loudly and clearly. It was please to listen to you.
V Evaluation
We have total score. On handouts you have scale how to make your score. Your marks are…
VI Round – up
For my point of view your projects are perfect. I think you have known how to conduct a survey and now you know how to report on it in English.
You are brilliant students. Thank you for your work.
Form (organization)
There are practically no errors of grammar.
The word order in the sentences is appropriate.
There several mistakes that don’t interfere with communication.
The project displays good vocabulary resource used appropriately.
Wide range of vocabulary used effectively and correctly.
Project is highly organized.
Material is clear stated.
There is good sequencing of ideas.
There are a few grammar mistakes which do not interfere with communication.
Wide range of vocabulary used sometimes incorrectly.
Limited range of vocabulary used correctly
Material well organized.
There is logical sequencing for the most part.
There are practically no mistakes.
There are some mistakes that doesn’t interfere with communication.
There are a number of grammar mistakes.
Grammar mistakes are few but interfere with communication.
Limited range of vocabulary sometimes used incorrectly.
Wide range of vocabulary with numerous mistakes.
Some lack of organization.
Ideas are not always logically sequenced.
A number of mistakes which can interfere with communication
Mark your score
10 – 11 – well done
7 – 9 – good
4 -6 – you can do better
Evaluation Card
Name of the project
Total Score
School Uniform
PE Lessons
Music Preferences
Gain Time
Show your enthusiasm about what you want to say.
Pay attention to your pronunciation. Articulate sounds and words clearly.
Avoid making grammar mistakes.
Think about your posture, hands, movement and facial expressions before you start presenting.
Try to stay within the time limit.
Body language
Establish and keep your eye contact with the audience and be natural while speaking.
Try to speak without long pauses.
Speak so that you can be heard in every corner of the room.
Be careful with your choice of words. Think about the register of your presentation and your style.
PE Lessons (survey)
Study “How to conduct a survey” in “Learning Strategies” (p. 171).
Write down the questions you would like to ask your schoolmates about PE lessons.
You may prepare questions for parents /teachers.
Decide how many people you are going to ask and who will do the asking.
Conduct a survey.
Collect and summarize the results.
Prepare report on your findings. It can be a presentation or a poster. See “How to report on a survey” in “Learning Strategies” (p. 172).
Group 1.
School Uniform (survey)
Study “How to conduct a survey” in “Learning Strategies” (p. 171).
Write down the questions you would like to ask your schoolmates about school uniforms.
You may prepare questions for parents /teachers.
Decide how many people you are going to ask and who will do the asking.
Conduct a survey.
Collect and summarize the results.
Prepare report on your findings. It can be a presentation, a poster or a fashion show. See “How to report on a survey” in “Learning Strategies” (p. 172).
Group 3.
Music Preferences (survey)
Study “How to conduct a survey” in “Learning Strategies” (p. 171).
Discuss the following questions in your group:
Who is your favourite singer/ musician/musical group?
How often do you listen to them?
Why do you like them?
What does your favourite music make you feel?
What would your life be like without music?
Decide how many people you are going to ask and who will do the asking.
Conduct a survey.
Collect and summarize the results.
Prepare report on your findings. It can be a presentation or a poster. See “How to report on a survey” in “learning Strategies” (p. 172) and “Dialogue Vocabulary” (p. 37)
Group 4
Gain Time (advice)
Read the text in Ex.141, p.48, try to understand (or translate if you need it). Do the task.
Add some advice to the list in Ex.141, p.48.
Ask school psychologist advice how to make your schedule work.
Think how to present your advice.
See “How to prepare for a presentation effectively” (p. 169) and “How to give a perfect presentation” in “Learning Strategies” (p. 170).
Add school survey, Ex.119, p.43.
Group 2
Body language
Show your enthusiasm about what you want to say.
Think about your posture, hands, movement and facial expressions before you start presenting.
Establish and keep your eye contact with the audience and be natural while speaking.
Speak so that you can be heard in every corner of the room.
Pay attention to your pronunciation. Articulate sounds and words clearly.
Try to stay within the time limit.
Try to speak without long pauses.
Be careful with your choice of words. Think about the register of your presentation and your style.
Avoid making grammar mistakes.
Fnnc ktbj hr nesdm vhsg sgd lzm vgh cndr’s hmbktcd hs hm sgd okzm.
good luck is always with the man who doesn’t include it in his plan

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