Внеклассное мероприятие “Good Night, Babies”
Внеклассное мероприятие “Good Night, Babies”
Хрюша: Good evening, children. I am Khryusha. I am twelve. I live in Gremyachka. I can sing and dance. I like chocolate, cakes, sweets, cheese, milk and sausage.
Степашка: Sausage? What fun! I like a big carrot. (Показывает большую морковку. Хрюша что-то рисует; глядя на него, начинает рисовать и Степашка.) Khryusha, are you busy?
Хрюша: Yes, I am.
Степашка: What are you doing?
Хрюша: I am drawing.
Степашка: What are you drawing?
Хрюша: I am drawing my little pussy. It cannot read and write; it can run, jump and mew. My pussy can drink milk. (Показывает рисунок кошки и читает стихотворение.)
I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t harm her
She’ll give me no harm.
I’ll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But pussy and I
Very gently will play.
Степашка: I like your poem, thank you. Khryusha, what do you see? (Показывает свой рисунок)
Хрюша: I can see a teddy-bear.
Степашка: Oh, yes, it’s my teddy-bear, it is brown, it has four legs and a tail. My teddy-bear can climb, sing, dance and sleep. It likes apples and sweets. (Показывает свой рисунок и поёт под музыку)
Teddy-bear, teddy-bear, look around,
Teddy-bear, teddy-bear, touch the ground
Teddy-bear, teddy-bear, switch off the light.
Teddy-bear, teddy-bear, say “Good night”.
Входит учительница и садится между Хрюшей и Степашкой.
Учительница: Good evening, my friends. Nice to meet you.
Хрюша и Степашка: Good evening! Nice to meet you toо.
Учительница: Thank you. How are you?
Стук в дверь.
Хрюша: Who’s there?
Входит Каркуша, плачет.
Степашка: Come in, please, Karkusha. What’s the matter?
Why do you cry,Karkusha?
Why do you cry?
Why, Karkusha? Why, Karkusha?
Why, Karkusha? Why?
Каркуша: I have lost my friend Philya on the way. Oh, my poor Philya! Where can he be?
Учительница: Don’t worry. It’ll be all right, Karkusha. Let’s go to the Lost-and-found.
Каркуша подходит к окошечку «Бюро находок» и обращается к служащему.
Каркуша: Good evening.
Служащий: Good evening.
Каркуша: Oh, help me please.
Служащий: What’s the matter?
Каркуша: I have lost my friend, a dog.
Служащий: What is his name?
Каркуша: His name is Philya.
Служащий: What colour is he?
Каркуша: He is brown.
Служащий: How old is he?
Каркуша: He is three.
Служащий: Can your friend run and jump?
Каркуша: Oh, yes. My friend can walk, swim, run, jump and sleep. Philya likes “Pedigree Pal” .
Служащий: Oh, let me see. ( Находит игрушечную собачку).Oh, here you are!
Каркуша: Oh, my friend Philya! (Обнимает, целует любимца)
Хрюша, Степаша и Каркуша исполняют песню “ The More We Are Together”.
Учительница: My little friends, you are a bit tired. Sit down, please. Let’s watch the cartoons.
Все смотрят инсценированную сказку «The Silly Chicken»
Инсценировка сказки “The Silly Chicken”
Characters: The Cock, the Frog, the Hen, the Cat, Chicken Little, their son, the Rat.
(Chicken Little stands between the Cock and the Hen. The Hen has a wing on his head.)
Hen. Look, Father, how nice our little son is! (Chicken Little raises his head proudly.) Sonny, my dear sonny, say: “How do you do” to your father!
Chicken Little. How do you do, daddy!
Cock.How clever our son is!
Hen.Now, my darling, make a pretty bow!
(Chicken Little makes a bow.)
Cock. Oh, my dear sonny, you are strong, you can do everything!
(Chicken Little raises his head higher and sticks out his chest.)
Hen. Now I must go and get some crumbs and seeds for you, my dear little sonny-boy!
Cock. And I must go and cry “cock-a-doodle-doo”.
Hen. My dear son, you may play here, in the yard!
Chicken Little. Yes, mummy! Good-bye, daddy!
(The Cock and the hen go away.)
Chicken Little. (walks up and down). I am clever, I am strong, I can do everything!
(The Frog jumps up to him!)
Frog. Croak, croak! Hello, Chicken Little!
Chicken Little. Hello, Frog! Look at me! ). I am clever, I am strong, I can do everything. Mummy says so, daddy says so.
Frog. Can you jump? Look! (He jumps across the stage.)
Chicken Little. Of course, I can! I can do everything! Mummy and daddy say so! (He begins to jump, falls down and cries.) Mummy, mummy! Oh, my leg!
Hen. I am here! Oh, my poor little chicken! (She bandages his leg.) Now, now, here are some crumbs for you! (Chicken Little eats them up.) My poor little darling! (She goes away.)
(The Cat comes on the stage. Chicken Little crosses the stage. He cannot walk well.)
Cat. Miaow! Hello, Chicken Little! Are you ill?
Chicken Little. Hello, Cat. I am not ill. I am not strong. I am clever, I can do everything. Mummy and daddy say so.
Cat. And can you say “miaow”?
Chicken Little. I can do everything! Listen: peep, peep, peep!
Cat. But that is not “miaow”, it is “peep, peep”! And can you catch rats?
Chicken Little. Oh, yes. Yes, I can! I can do everything!
(The Rat appears.)
Rat. Hello, hello, Chicken Little, can you catch me? Chicken Little, catch me, catch me!
(The Rat runs, Chicken Little runs after it, then the Rat looks round, turns and runs after Chicken Little. It bites him on the heard.)
Chicken Little. (cries). Mummy, mummy, come here! My head, my head! Oh, oh, mummy!
(The Hen runs up to him.)
Hen. Oh, my dear, oh my poor little sonny-boy! Don’t cry! (She bandages his head.) Here are some seeds for you! (Chicken Little eats them up.) My poor little child! Are you well now? Yes, you are, I see you are. You can eat seeds.
(She goes away. The Frog, the Cat and the Rat come up to Chicken Little.)
Frog. I don’t think he is clever.
Rat. I don’t think he is strong.
Cat. What can he do? He can do nothing.
Chicken Little (stamps his foot). But I am clever, I am strong, I can do everything! Mummy and daddy say so!
Frog. But it is not true!
Cat. No, it is not true!
Rat. You must learn and learn.
Frog. Then you will be clever.
Cat. Then you will be strong.
Rat. Then you will be able to do everything.
Frog, Rat, Cat (together). But now you are only a silly little chicken! Good-bye.
Учительница: Let’s say “Good Night” to our TV- viewers.
Хрюша: Good night, father!
Степашка: Good night, mother!
Каркуша: Kiss your little son!
Хрюша: Good night, sister!
Степашка: Good night, brother!
Каркуша: Good night, everyone!

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