Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Хорошие и вредные привычки" 7 класс
МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа п.Заволжский Пугачевского района
Саратовской области»
Задачи: 1.Коммуникативные: с помощью драматизации ситуаций научить учащихся
обмениваться информацией о вредных и здоровых привычках, делать
выводы о пагубности вредных привычек.
2. Практические: тренировать умения учащихся в употреблении лексики по
теме урока; практиковать учащихся работать в группах; чтение и
аудирование текстов.
3. Воспитательные: а)воспитывать негативное отношение к вредным
привычкам; б)понимать важность и назначение диеты; в)развивать
творческую активность учащихся при выполнении заданий на карточках,
при решении кроссвордов; г)использовать правила этикета за столом, при
сервировке стола, использование вежливых форм обращения;
д)воспитывать уважительное отношение к английским традициям;
е)практиковать учащихся в использовании правил поведения за столом.
Оснащение занятия: аудиозаписи, плакаты о вредных привычках, раздаточный
дидактический материал, столовые приборы: ножи, вилки, ложки,
тарелки; чашка с блюдцем, чайная ложка, салфетка; жетоны.
Оформление классной комнаты: высказывания размещены на стенах класса.
Sayings: 1. Active life makes you feel happy.
2. Health is a gift of fate and it deserves our full attention.
3. A person who has a wellness lifestyle can make right decisions.
4. Wellness means more than physical health.
5. Wellness is a journey which begins at the moment of our birth.
6. The quality of man’s life depends on his lifestyle.
I. Вступительное слово учителя.
T: I’m glad to see you at our meeting.
How are you?
P: Fine, thanks and you?
T: I’m fine too. Thank you.
T: Have a look around. Could you read the sayings? What shall we talk about today?
P1: We shall talk about active life.
P2: I think we shall talk about health.
P3: we shall talk about health habits.
T: So, I want to invite you to the “Club of Good Habits”. Many people from different
countries think about their health, lifestyle. They try to exercise more to be healthy. Good
habits help people to keep fit but bad habits cause of different diseases.
II. Речевая зарядка.
T: What are the good habits?
P1: Exercising is a good habit.
P2: Dieting is a good habit.
P3: Sport is a good habit.
(Карточки с названиями хороших привычек прикрепляются на доску.)
T: What are the bad habits?
P1: Smoking is a bad habit.
P2: Drinking alcohol is a bad habit.
P3: Taking drugs is a bad habit.
P4: Physical inactivity is a bad habit.
(Карточки с названиями вредных привычек также прикрепляются на доску.)
T: Smoking. What does it cause of?
P1: Smoking causes of a cough, pneumonia, cancer, heart disease.
T: Drinking alcohol. What does it cause of?
P2: Drinking alcohol causes of a headache, loss of memory.
T: Taking drugs. What does it cause of?
P3: Taking drugs causes of blood disease and brain disease
T: So, you see that some bad habits are really deadly.
III. Драматизация ситуаций о плохих и хороших привычках.
T: Among good habits dieting is a very important habit.
I’ve invited a guest at our club. Who is she? Try to guess.
Miss Diet: Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you?
Ps: Fine, thanks.
Miss Diet: How is your health?
Ps: OK.
Miss Diet: Try to guess who I am. I make your body slim and keep your fit. I count
calories. I cut down on fat and eat more fruit and vegetables. Who am I?
P: You are a diet.
Miss Diet: Yes, I am Miss Diet. Thanks to a diet you can lose your weight to be healthy.
Besides you should follow to good habits.
(Miss Diet присаживается и в ужасе смотрит на происходящие ситуации.)
А) Ученик ест бутерброд на ночь. Зевает. Ложится спать.
Miss Diet: What are you doing? Do you eat at night?
P: Yes, I do. I like to eat at night.
Miss Diet: Don’t eat at night. It causes of heart disease and overweight.
P: I agree with you. I’m sorry.
(Ученик говорит это виноватым голосом, а Miss Diet убирает тарелку.)
Miss Diet: Don’t eat at night. It’s the first rule.
(Мисс Диета прикрепляет на доску первое правило здорового образа жизни и присаживается.)
Б) Но вдруг слышится кашель и чихание.
T: What is it? Who is here?
P: I am ill. Help me, please. What should I do?
T: Try to help to Sasha to be good. Could you come here? What should we offer to Sasha to
be healthy?
P1: Take an aspirin and drink it with water.
P2: Drink tea with lemon.
Sasha: Good. I’m good.
P3: Put thicker clothes on.
Sasha: Thank you for helping. Now I’m healthy.
В) На тарелке лежат продукты: колбаса с хлебом, булочка, чипсы. Толстый ученик сидит за столом, делая вид, что ест. А после тяжело дышит, держится за живот.
Miss Diet: Oh, my God! What are you look like? You are ugly and fat.
Fat pupil: I like to eat red meat and bacon and sausage and chocolate.
Miss Diet: You shouldn’t eat more fat good. What should we eat?
P1: Eat more fruits and vegetables.
P2: More exercise.
Г) T: Have a look at the picture. This man is Robin. He likes to eat very much. Let’s listen
to a poem “Robin”.
Robin, Robin, what a man!
He eats as much as no one can.
He ate a lot of fish, he ate a lot of meat.
He ate a lot of ice-cream and a sweet.
He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs.
And all the cookies Mother had.
He drank a lot of juice, he ate a cake
Then said: “I have a stomach-ache”.
T: So, diet is a way to keep your fit. Smoking is a bad habit.
P: (Picture “Smoking”.)
Don’t smoke. It looks smart in old movies. Smoking is unhealthy.
It is unpleasant and harmful to nonsmokers. It is offensive in public places like cafes and schools.
The 16th of November is the day when people all over the world quit smoking.
Every year 3 million people die of smoking.
Your life is 25% shorter if you smoke.
Only 13% of the population smoke in the USA, but in Russia – more than 76%.
400,000 people die in Russia every year as a result of smoking.
T: Act out. “A bad example”.
(Доктор сидит за столом с сигаретой)
Doctor: The next, please.
(Заходит пациент и начинает кашлять от табачного дыма. Поворачивается и пытается уйти. Доктор в удивлении смотрит.)
Doctor: Why did you run away?
Patient: Well, you see. How can I trust my health to a person, who doesn’t care of his own?
(С этими словами уходит.)
T: Proverb: If I try to be like him, who will be like me?
(Если я буду пытаться быть таким, как он, кто будет таким, как я?)
T: Do you agree with this proverb?
Those who smoke are weak. If you want to be a strong personality, quit smoking today if
you smoke.
P: Drinking alcohol is a dangerous habit. It influences the whole family. Drinking alcohol
causes a heart disease, loss of memory. I think we should sack from school for drinking
T: Do you think so?
P: Yes, of course.
P: Taking drugs is a very dangerous habit. People die in a young age. Taking drugs causes
of blood disease and brain disease. We should protect young people of it dangerous habit.
Don’t take drugs! It’s very dangerous!
T: I’m sure you will follow healthy habits.
IV. Соревновательный конкурс между командами.
T: Now I want you take part in a food quiz. Are you ready?
But first we form 2 teams. The name of the first team is “White”. The name of the second
team is “Black”. The leader of the “White” is … The leader of the “Black” is …
1) T: Have a look at the words. Complete each phrase with the most suitable word from the
Bacon Grapes
Butter Saucers
Forks Bread
Pepper Chocolate
Beer Instant coffee
Chips Wine
a) cups and … g) a loaf of …
b) fish and … h) a bottle of …
c) knives and … i) a can of …
d) bread and … j) a bar of …
e) eggs and … k) a jar of …
f) salt and … l) a bunch of …
2) T: Write down on the paper as many words as you can on the topic “Food”. You have 3
Проверяется выполнение работы: количество написанных слов и их соответствие теме.
T: Team “White” gets … points. Team “Black” gets … points.
3) T: Correct the mistakes.
a) Eat more sugar. (Eat less sugar.)
b) Don’t eat vegetables. (Eat vegetables.)
c) Eat more fat. (Eat less fat.)
d) Eat less fresh fruit. (Eat more fresh fruit.)
e) Eat a lot of salt. (Eat little salt.)
f) Eat a lot between meals. (Don’t eat between meals.)
g) An ice-cream makes you thin. (An ice-cream doesn’t make you thin.)
h) Eat more chips and hamburgers. (Eat less chips and hamburgers.)
i) Sleep too much. (Don’t sleep too much.)
4) T: The task is to fill in the missing words and read the story.
a) People cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from … (animals). People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from … (birds). Milk comes from … (cows). From milk people make … (butter) and … (cheese). From plants we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows on trees: apples, oranges, bananas. Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So coffee is a … (fruit) drink!
b) What about tea? Tea comes from a plant too, but it is not a … (fruit). We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a … (vegetable).
What about tomatoes? “Tomatoes are a vegetable”, some people say. No, they are not. Tomatoes are … (fruit).
Different food comes from different countries. Oranges and bananas grow in …(Africa) and … (America).
V. Правила этикета за столом.
2) T: Listen to the poem and say what things you need to lay the table.
(Перед участниками набор столовых предметов, но они выбирают необходимые, т.е. те, о которых услышали в стихотворении.)
Helping Mother
Help your mother to lay the table
With a knife, and fork, and spoon;
Help your mother to lay the table
Every afternoon.
Help your mother to clear the table,
Take the knife, and fork, and spoon;
Help your mother to clear the table
Morning, night and noon.
T: Do you help your mother to lay the table? How often? Do you clear the table?
Well done!
3) T: The task is to read these good rules and say what words are missing.
(Команды получают карточки с правилами и пропущенными словами.)
T: Read these rules for 2 minutes and act out these rules.
I. a) Always wash your … (hands) before eating.
b) Don’t talk with your … (mouth) full.
c) If you eat meat, eat it with a … (fork) and a … (knife).
d) Have a … (fork) in your left hand and a … (knife) in your right hand.
e) Never put a … (knife) into your mouth.
II. a) If you want to have a cup of tea, don’t drink it out of the saucer, drink it out of the …
b) When you have tea or coffee, don’t put your spoon into the cup or glass. Put the spoon
only on the … (saucer).
c) Don’t … (stand up) when other people are still eating.
d) Always remember to say … (please) when you ask somebody to pass you something.
e) Always remember to say … (thank you) when somebody passes you something.
T: Well done! The team “White” gets … points. The team “Black” gets … points.
VI. Английские традиции.
1) T: The last task is to put the passages of the text in the right order. And think of the title
for it.
a) English meals.
The English take four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner or supper.
In England breakfast time is between seven and nine, lunch time is between twelve and two, tea is between four and four and a half and dinner or supper time is between seven and ten.
In some English houses lunch is the biggest meal of the day – they have meat or fish, vegetables, fruit or pudding.
In the afternoon at tea time the English like to have a cup of tea with milk.
For dinner they have soup, fish or meat, vegetables, pudding and fruit.
For supper they usually have a glass of milk and a cake or a cup of tea and a sandwich.
b) English Tea.
English people are tea – drinkers. They love tea. They have it many times a day.
If you come to an English home even at 5 o’clock in the morning, you get a cup of tea. And you say with your best 5 o’clock smile: “Thank you so much! I adore a cup of early morning tea.”
Then you have tea for breakfast; then you have tea at 11 o’clock in the morning for lunch; then you have tea for tea; then tea after supper; and again at 11 o’clock at night.
The phrase: “Your best 5 o’clock smile is funny, isn’t it?”
Подведение итогов конкурсов.
2) T: Let’s act out “Forks and Fingers”.
Story teller: Now when you eat with a fork, you think it’s a usual thing. But it was different
many years ago. Not always did people eat with forks. Here is the story to show
it. It was many, many years ago, in 1608. Thomas Coryat, an English traveler,
went to Italy. There, for the first time in his life he saw forks. People in Italy ate
meat with them. When Thomas Coryat came back to England he brought some
forks with him. His English friends laughed very much.
Friend: It’s very good to eat with fingers. (Smile.)
Thomas: Look here! It’s very good to eat with forks, not with fingers, because people don’t
always have clean hands.
Friend: Do you think that people in England don’t wash their hands before eating?
Friend: Aren’t the ten fingers that nature gave us enough for us?
Thomas: Сердитый вид. Показывает как нужно есть вилкой. Он взял немного мяса
вилкой, но мясо упало.
Friends: Смеются.
Thomas: Убирает вилку в карман.
Story teller: We are sure you can eat with a fork, can’t you?
Class: Yes.
VII. Итог занятия.
T: Our meeting at the Club of Good Habits is over. We talked about:
P1: Good and bad habits.
P2: Table manners.
P3: English traditions.
T: I’m sure you’ll follow good habits to be healthy and to keep fit.
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