Конспект урока для 10 класса «Молодые люди – старые проблемы»
МОУ средняя общеобразовательная школа №4
с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов
Проект урока на тему:
Разработал учитель:
Малина О.В.
Г. Навашино 2007г.
Конспект урока для 10 класса
«Молодые люди – старые проблемы»
10 класс
Дата проведения:
Место урока в структуре учебного курса:
Урок 3-й в главе 4 “Is it Easy to Be Young” в 10 классе.
Тип урока:
Контрольно-обобщающий перед Reading section.
Вид урока:
Урок совершенствования речевых умений.
Цели урока:
познавательный аспект - знакомство с социальными проблемами в подростковой среде в странах изучаемого языка.
развивающий аспект - развитие способности к переключению внимания в упражнениях комплексного характера, к логическому изложению, догадке.
воспитательный аспект - формирование правовой культуры личности, развитие умения анализировать окружающую действительность с правовой точки зрения, развитие самосознания и ценностной ориентации учащихся, понимание роли права и правового регулирования в жизни, предупреждение правонарушений, осознание ответственности за совершение действий, запрещенных моралью и правом.
учебный аспект - контроль уровня развития речевых умений, умения аудировать с общим охватом содержания, совершенствование лексических навыков чтения с целью понимания общей идеи прочитанного.
Сопутствующая задача - контроль умения учащихся самостоятельно оценивать себя в разных видах речевой деятельности.
Оборудование: политические документы: Конвенция Организации Объединенных Наций по правам ребенка, Конституция РФ, статья из газеты «English» ( приложение к «1 сентября»), аудиозапись, магнитофон, таблицы для аудирования, таблицы для самооценки, учебник, книга для чтения, тетрадь для упражнений.
Межпредметные связи: правоведение, социология.
Ход урока:
I. Вводная часть:
1) организационный момент. Приветствие, беседа о погод, об отсутствующих (если таковые есть), о дате урока, о теме, о готовности учащихся к уроку.
Учитель: Good morning , boys and girls. Greet our guests.
Ученики: How do you do?
Учитель: Sit down ,please. Who is on duty today?
Ученик: I am.
Учитель: What date is it today?
Ученик: Today it is the of
Учитель: What day of the week is it?
Ученик: It is .
Учитель: What is the weather like today? Look through the window? Ученик: The weather is fine (frosty , sunny etc). Учитель: Who is absent today?
Ученик: is (are) absent. Или : Nobody is absent.
Учитель: What have you done for the lesson?
Ученик: We had to
Учитель: Thank you. Take your seat, please. Разговор занимает не более двух минут.
2) Сообщение преподавателем темы и целей урока.
Boys and girls, listen to me attentively. Today we have the last lesson on the topic "Young people - old problems". I want to find out how you know these problems, how do you know your rights and what you have learnt during this topic. Г 11 check up your skills of reading, listening and speaking and writing on the topic "Young people - old problems". Don't be shy, show yourselves. I'm very proud of you.
II. Фонетическая разминка (1 мин)
We have a poem in your text books at page 124.
Let’s read it.
Why is nothing ever easy?
Why are some boys so very sleazy
Why can’t I have that brand new dress?
Why am I under so much stress?
Why don’t my parents ever believe me?
Why can’t they ever see…
Why do I feel so often unhappy?
Why do they always wish I was still in a happy?
Why does my face feel like a block of lard?
Why are all these years really hard?
There’s a reason for all these problems and tears.
I’m going through my Teenage years!
Tell me, what is this poem about?
Yes, It’s about youth’s problems.
Do you have problems?
Ok. So, let’s discuss them today.
III. Проверка домашнего задания.
Домашнее задание учащиеся получили в зависимости от способностей, склонностей. Ш. Бечу, А. Бебнева, О. Курашкина получили задание пересказать текст “What makes our children do this?”, который мы читали на предыдущем уроке. К. Бибикова, Н. Олюнина, Л. Бабина, Н. Новикова получили задание – письменный перевод текста. Н. Рябец и И. Лялин получили задание написать свои мысли на тему “Children’s problems of my town”, поскольку они не умеют свободно держаться перед классом, замкнуты, стеснительны. Зато Т. Скалина пишет интересные сочинения.
М. Вилков получил задание 12) на стр. 113, он должен упростить текст до 4-х предложений, что говорят и думают о проблеме взрослые, подростки, специалисты, правительство, так как изучает английский экстерном 1 год (изучал со 2-ого класса французский язык до смены места жительства). Мальчик способный, «хорошист», быстро схватывает.
What Makes our Children Do This?
Today it is fashionable to speak about teenage problems. A few years ago alcohol, fights, killings and other kinds of violence were more problems for adults than for young people.
But now, as official reports admit, violence AIDS, drugs and alcohol are more and more associated with youngsters. For many children from poor families violence, drinking problems and all that is associated with poverty becomes more real than reality.
The Government surveys show that every fifth teenager who was arrested have an experience with drugs, alcohol and sex under age of 16. A lot of teenagers who have drug or alcohol addiction almost never believe that they are dependent. These things are often combined with family and school problems.
What has gone wrong? Some specialists explain that the changes of our society, the system of our life force young people to choose their own lifestyle. On the one hand, our society agrees that 15-17 year-old people are old enough to be responsible for what they do and give them quite a lot of freedom and rights. On the other hand, most adults think that teenagers are too young to be taken seriously. This misunderstanding produces many problems. Actually, a lot of teenagers say that their parents let them do anything they want and are quite indifferent to their problems. Many teenagers get upset or depressed when they can't solve their problems. As a result, it makes them believe that there is only way - to stop living and commit suicide.
No doubt, the teen's problems will increase. And young people should feel that they are cared for
Exercise 12) page 113
The Government
The specialists
1 ученик пересказывает тексты, остальные, кто получил письменные задания, сдают тетради.
IV. Повторение и обобщение ранее изученного материала.
1) Аудирование с общим охватом содержания (listening for the main idea). (7 минут)
Учащимся предлагается прослушать аудиозапись, в которой Мелани Стьюарт, эксперт по социальным проблемам, рассказывает о себе и своей работе. После двукратного прослушивания учащиеся заполняют таблицы.
Boys and girls , different experts investigate social problems and try to help young people to cope with their problems. Melanie Stewart is one of them. I want you to listen to the tape where Melanie Stewart gives an interview. Listen attentively, then you should complete these tables.
Текст аудиозаписи.
Hello , everyone. With me in the studio today I have a guest. Melanie Stewart is a social worker and deals with young people who have drinking problems. Mass media reports show that a lot of teenagers suffer drinking problems. Is this really true?
I'm afraid so. The recent surveys really show that alcohol cases are Increasing.
How awful. But there must be some reasons for that.
Well, teenagers experiment with alcohol for a variety of reasons. First, a lot of them associate drinking with adulthood. Curiosity can be one of the motives for teens' first try of alcohol. And most tees told me that nobody had ever warned them of the dangers of regular drinking. Actually , parents don't pay much attention to what their children do. And the most powerful influence on young people are their mates. A lot of teens said that they had their first glass of alcohol at a friend's party.
Do you see any way to help them?
A lot of young alcoholics are sent to special hospitals for the treatment. But sometimes - without any success. The teenager's attitude is very important too. First , I think there should be much more information about the danger of alcohol provided by mass media, schools. Teachers and parents can help a lot. Young people must have the feeling that somebody cares for them.
Thank you for coming. And I would like to say to all teenagers. Remember , we care for you.
What are the problems?
What are the reasons?
What are the ways to improve the situation?
Один ученик озвучивает таблицу, у остальных я собираю таблицы для проверки.
Thank you very much.
2) Работа с политическим документом - Конституцией РФ.
Цель работы: сравнить статьи Конституции РФ со статьями Конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций по правам Ребенка , которые ранее изучены как в русском , так и в английском варианте , еще раз подчеркнув права детей. (7 минут)
Recently, you've worked at the international agreement called the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. And you know all the main articles which proclaim children's rights. Now let's compare the Convention which is for all the children of our planet with constitution of the Russian Federation which is only for Russian people. Are there articles which give the same rights in these political documents? Look through chapter two of the Constitution and Let's translate some articles which give the main rights to the people of our country.
Учащиеся изучают Конституцию РФ и называют номер статьи и права, описанные в ней по-английски.
Примерные ответы
Article 20 : the right to life
Article 22 : the right to liberty
Article 23 : the right to privacy
Article 26 : the right to nationality
Article 29 : the right to express the views
Article 31 : the right to meet other people
Article 43 : the right to education
Does the Constitution of the Russian Federation give almost the same rights that the Convention?
Ученики: Yes , it does.
V. Контроль навыков и умений:
1) чтения с общим охватом содержания (reading for the main idea) (8 минут)
Учащимся предлагается прочесть статью из газеты о еще одной проблеме молодежи - проблеме отцов и детей. После прочтения учащиеся отвечают на вопросы по тексту.
I give you another article from the newspaper which touches anther problem of young people. Let's read it aloud, then answer some questions.
Текст статьи "Parents and Children - who is Right and Who is Guilty?”
Parents and Children - who is Right and Who is Guilty?
The problem which 1 am going to discuss is as oid as the world but it is still being discussed nowadays. for some the answer to this question is quite clear, but 1 suspect dial most children are still going to face this problem very often. They try to find a way out, but, sometimes it is not enough for effective results. Because of this it is necessary to search again for harmony between parents and children, old and new generations.
The most obvious aspect of the topic is that children think they are the victims of their parents' power. This is normal because life is not static. Sometimes parents do not understand us. It is hard to image that you never have conflicts with your parents about your dressing style, music, interests, friends and so on. How often have you heard phrases in family arguments such as "That is absurd!", "I have made my decision and it is final", "I am not going to argue about it!" This problem is first of all due to adolescence. Of course all these conflicts do not grow from the process as it is. Disagreements appear because of a new value system. This new system can be opposite the old one. The parents' advantage in this case is quite clear. In the transition period we, as a rule, depend on our "tutors". It is not a problem for parents to find arguments against children's actions.-The reasons can be different: danger, anxiety, trouble and so on. For many years children do not understand their parents. But eventually a new period of life comes. It is necessary to persuade parents that the child has become independent. Otherwise children remain with a "child status" for a long time.
No, I do not think that you should run to your parents and demand independence. It is not simple because many arguments will not work. I just present all sides of the conflict in order to find a way to achieve harmony and to make a compromise.
The second aspect is not so popular. Children see in parents first of all people who gave us life. Later they notice other sides of them with negative and positive aspects. Parents become competitors and idols, enemies and friends, and sometimes even "children". One day you see that your parents are like kids with strange habits. The idea comes that you have changed positions; you do not understand your parents, and you have life yourself. When this moment comes, it is better to support them and to give them understanding, as you wanted the same tiling from them many years ago.
Maybe someone is very far from this topic; still. 1 believe that it is true and, independently of time, this problem will be eternal.
By Kuterinu Ivovich, Higher School of
Economies student
nowadays - в наши дни to persuade - убеждать
to suspect - подозревать eternal – вечный
obvious – очевидный former – бывший
adolescence – юность transition – переход
transition period - переходный период
Двое учащихся по очереди читают текст вслух, остальные следят по тесту.
2) Вопросы к тексту и предполагаемые ответы:
1. What is the problem touched in the article? It is the problem of children and parents . the problem of miss understanding of them.
2. What conflicts have old and new generations? They have conflicts about youngerster's dressing style, music, interests, friends.
3. What is necessary to do not to remain with a "child status" for a long time?
It is necessary to persuade parents that children have become independent, when they've grown up.
How do former children see their parents? And what children should do for their parents?
One day you see that your parents are like kids with strange habits. When this moment comes , it is better to support them and to give them understanding.
Отвечают учащиеся на вопросы устно , находят ответ в статье.
Enough, thanks.
3) Контроль навыков говорения на основе изученных статистических таблиц.
(5 минут)
Учащиеся должны ответить на вопросы по статистическим таблицам на стр. 114.
Boys and girls , the previous lesson we learnt the charts on page 114.
Answer my questions , please.
How many teenagers have drinking problems?
Ответ: At the age of 12-14 9 percent of children have drinking problems. At the
age of 15-17 - 31 percent have drinking problems.
How many children die in America every day?
Ответ: 27 children die from poverty , 10 children die from guns.
You've already known the statistic. Now tell me please , have young people of our country similar problems?
Ответ: Young people of Russia have these problems too. May be the statistic is
Thank you for your answers.
VI. Заключительный этап урока
1) Объяснение домашнего задания.
For homework you should do exercise 5 at page 49 in Activity Book. Recall reported speech.
2) Подведение итогов урока (4 минуты)
Учащимся предлагается заполнить таблицу самооценки, они должны оценить свое участие на уроке по 5-бальной системе и написать вкратце, чем урок был полезен.
Такое задание учащиеся получают часто, им нравится оценивать себя.
Now complete the table in English and give it to me.
После урока я просматриваю таблицы, спорные вопросы мы обсуждаем с учащимися вне урока.
Was the lesson useful for you? Why?
Your participation at the lesson.
а) Сообщение результатов урока
I am very pleased with your answers today
б) Выставление оценок
________________ gets ___________etc.
Объявляю оценки, выставляю в дневники и журнал.
O.K. boys and girls , our lesson is over.
You may be free.
See you tomorrow
УМК В.П. Кузовлева “English 10 – 11”
Конвенция ООН по правам ребенка
Конституция РФ
Приложение к газете «1 сентября»
«Урок иностранного языка» Е.И. Пассов
Приемы обучения проблемно-поисковому чтению на иностранном языке» Г.Н. Салтовская, Г.В. Юргишина ИМИ 2/06
“Problems of the Youth” А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева экз. материалы 9класс.

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