Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов заочной формы обучения, специальность 0611 «Документационное обеспечение управления и архивоведение» образовательных

Федеральное агентство по образованию РФ

ФГОУ СПО Комсомольский – на – Амуре

Техникум информационных технологий и сервиса

Регистрационный N2

Английский язык

Методические указания и контрольные задания

для студентов заочной формы обучения,

специальность 0611 «Документационное обеспечение

управления и архивоведение» образовательных

учреждений среднего профессионального




Методические указания предназначены для студентов заочного отделения неязыковыx специальностей 032002.

Весь материал подобран с учётом требований программы по английскому языку, которая предусматривает изучение учебного материала на заочном отделении, в основном, самостоятельно

Программа по английскому языку ставит перед собой следующие задачи:

. оказать практическую помощь студентам, самостоятельно изучающим

английский язык;

· проверить знания материала студентами пройденные за весь учебный


За весь период обучения на заочном отделении студент выполняет три контрольные работы и высылает их на проверку в установленные сроки. Перед тем как приступить к выполнению контрольных заданий, студентам следует изучить указанный учебный материал, Выполнить контрольно- тренировочные упражнения, а за тем уже приступить к выполнению контрольной работы.

Контрольно- тренировочные упражнения могут выполняться студентами на практических занятиях по английскому языку в аудиторных условиях, на учебно – консультационных пунктах, а также в качестве самостоятельной работы

Каждая контрольная работа содержит номер вариантов. Номер варианта определяется по последней цифре шифра. К текстам даются вопросы, по которым со студентами будет проводиться собеседование.

Пояснительная записка

Данные методические указания составлены в соответствии с Государственными требованиями к обучению и практическому владению иностранными языками в

повседневном общении и профессиональной деятельности, направлены на повышение общей и коммуникативной культуры специалистов среднего звена, совершенствование качества профессионального образования, интеллектуализацию и повышение мобильности специалиста.

Основной целью «Иностранный язык» является обучение практическому владению разговорно - бытовой речью и деловым языком специальности для активного применения как в повседневной, так и в профессиональной деятельности.

Критерием практического владения иностранным языком является умение достаточно свободно пользоваться относительно простыми средствами в основных видах речевой деятельности: говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме.

Практическое владение языкам предполагает умение самостоятельно работать со специальной литературой с целью получения профессиональной информации, оформлять деловую переписку, вести беседу, переговоры.

В процессе изучения курса «Иностранный язык» студент должен знать:

· Правила чтения по типам слогов, словосочетания, интонацию

· Лексический и грамматический минимум необходимый для чтения и перевода

текстов по специальности и для овладения устными письменными формами

профессионального общения на английском языке

· Технику перевода профессиональных текстов ( со словарём)

· Устойчивые выражения, наиболее разговорные формы-клише (обращение,

приветствие, благодарность и т.д.

· Особенности делового и научного стилей языкa в рамках специальности

Студент должен уметь:

· Читать и переводить тeксты профессиональной направленности, а также тексты

общекультурного общенаучного xapaктepa.

· Распознавать значение слов по контексту

· Работать с источником информации

· Составлять связной текст с использованием ключевых слов на бытовые темы и

профессиональной направленности.

Требования к оформлению контрольной работы

Контрольная работа выполняется в отдельной тетради.

Первая стрaница тетради должна быть оставлена чистой для рецензии преподавателя.

Задания нужно переписать в тетрадь.

При переводе с английского языка на русский каждое предложение нужно писать с новой строки: английское - на левой, а его перевод - на правой странице тетради.

Проверенная контрольная работа должна быть исправлена студентом согласно указаниям преподавателя, а недостаточно усвоенные темы семестра дополнительно проработаны перед устным зачетом. Студенты, не получившие зачет по контрольной работе, не допускаются к зачету за соответствующий семестр.

Грамматический материал, необходимый для выполнения

контрольной работы № 1

Раздел1. Грамматика

Тема 1.1. Личные, притяжательные, указательные и возвратные местоимения.

Студент должен знать:

. Личные местоимения в именительном и объектном падежах;

. Притяжательные местоимения в основной и абсолютной формах Указательные и возвратные местоимения.

Студент должен уметь:

. Образовывать и использовать в речи личные, притяжательные,

указательные и возвратные местоимения

. Распознавать личные и притяжательные местоимения в предложениях.

Тема 2.1. Формы глагола to bе.

Студент должен знать:

. Формы глагола to bе в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем временах.

Студент должен уметь:

. Использовать и образовывать в речи формы глагола to bе;

.Распознавать формы глагола to bе в предложениях и текстах

Тема 3. 1. Числительные

Студент должен знать:

. Количественные, порядковые, простые и дробные числительные.

Студент должен уметь:

. Употреблять и образовывать в речи числительные.

Тема 4.1. Притяжательный падеж имен существительных.

Студент должен знать:

. образование форм притяжательного падежа.

Студент должен уметь:

. Использовать и образовывать в речи формы притяжательного падежа.

. Распознавать формы притяжательного падежа в предложениях.

Тема 5.1. Множественное число имен существительных.

Студент должен знать:

. Основные случаи образования множественного числа.

Студент должен уметь:

. Образовывать и использовать в речи формы множественного числа;

. Распознавать формы множественного числа в предложениях.

Тема 6.1. Определенный и неопределенный артикли.

Студент должен знать:

. Основные случаи употребления определенного и неопределенного


Студент должен уметь:

. Образовывать и использовать в речи определенный и неопределенный


Тема 7.1. Оборот there is / there are.

Студент должен знать:

· Случаи употребления оборота there is /there are.

Студент должен уметь:

. Использовать в речи конструкции there is/there are.

Тема 8.1. Степени сравнения прилагательных.

Студент должен знать:

. Способы образования степеней сравнения прилагательных

Студент должен уметь:

. Образовывать и использовать в речи степени сравнения


. Распознавать формы степеней сравнения прилагательных в текстах. Тема 9.1. Основные типы вопросов.

Студент должен знать:

. Основные типы вопросов (общий, специальный, альтернативный и


. Порядок слов в общем, специальном, альтернативном и

разделительном вопросах.

Студент должен уметь:

. Образовывать и использовать в речи основные типы вопросов.

Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. Назовите личные и притяжательные местоимения.

2. Назовите формы глагола to bе в настоящем и прошедшем времени.

3. Как образуются числительные от 10,11 12, 13, 14, 15, ... 20?

4. Как образуются числительные 10, 20,30, 40, ... 100?

5. Как образуется притяжательный падеж имен существительных?

6. Как образуется множественное число имен существительных?

7. Какие существительные образуют множественное число не по общим


8. В каких случаях неопределенный артикль не употребляется?

9. В каких случаях употребляется определенный артикль?

10.Как образуются сравнительная и превосходная степень у односложных

и двусложных прилагательных?

11.Как образуются степени сравнения у многосложных прилагательных?

12.Какой порядок слов в общем и специальном вопросах?

13.Как образуется альтернативный вопрос?

14.Как образуется разделительный вопрос?

Контрольно-тренировочные упражнения

1. Замените существительные местоимениями.

Образец:Jоhп coпtracted Sue about the sales тeetiпg.

Не coпtracted her about it .

1. The office workers spoke to the manager.

2. Ms. Lola telephoned Jill and Воb.

3. Тhe equipment belongs to Jim.

4. Тhese books arе ту books.

5. Тhe assistant manager met with a1l the employees.

6. Мr. Logan and Мr. Lane edited what John had prepared

7. Тhat is Ann' s desk.

2. Вставьте вместо точек притяжательные местоимения

ту, оиr, уоur, his, her, their, its.

1. I like... job.

2. Do you like ... job?

3. Does your father like ... job?

4. Sally is married. . .. husband works in а bank.

5. 1 know Мr. Watson but 1 don't know ... wife.

6. Put оп ... coat when you go out. It is very cold.

7. . . . favorite sport is tennis.

3. Допишите предложения, используя возвратные местоимения тyself, yoиrself, herself, hiтself, itself, oиrselves, theтselves.

1. Ве careful! Тhat plate is very hot. Don't burn ... .

2. I'т not angry with you. I'т angry with ... .

3. Тhey never think about other people. Тhey only think about… .

4. I got out of the bath and dried ... with а towel.

5. When people bе alone, they often talk to ... .

6. Don't рау for те. I want to рау ... .

7. I'd like to know more about you. Tell те about... .

4. Выберите нужную форму глагола to bе.

1. John (is, arе) the branch manager of the local bank.

2. Eасh of the sales representatives (is, arе) at the meeting.

3. Мr. Adams (was, were) an executive secretary.

4. Тhe group of typists (is, arе) here.

5. Several of the clerks (is, arе) in the main office.

6. Тhe computer operator (is, arе) well trained.

7. Five of the ten accountants (was, were) part of the auditer.

5. Заполните пропуски нужной формой глагола to bе .

1. What... you?

2. How old ... you?

3. What... your пате?

4. 1... glad to see you. How ... you?

5. What... the weather like today?

6. What... their names?

7. Тоmоrrоw hе ... at his office at nine o'clock.

8. Linda... а secretary to Мr. Turner.

9. What ... the price of these goods?

10.How ... уои?

11.How ... she?

12. Where ... your cиstomers?

13. ... London the capital of Great Britain?

6. Перепишите предложения, записывая числительные словами.

1.Thе speed of light is constant, it is always 186, 000 miles per second.

2. Thе last destructive earthquake in Tokyo was in 1923 when 60,000 lives were

claimed and 370,000 hoиses were destroyed.

3. Thе company was founded in 1934.

4. Thе first 44 years of his life were difficult.

5. In 1836, at 14, he was working 18 hours а day in а grocery store.

7. Напишите по-английски словами: 3,13,30,4,14,40,5,15,50,8,18,80,12,11,13, 100, 134,226,705, 1,000; 4,568; 6,008; 1,306,527.

8. Вставьте вместо точек слова в скобках, при меняя, где необходимо, или притяжательный падеж -'s, или of.

Образец; 1 These ... Аnn' s camera. (the camera / Ann)

1. What is ... ... ... ? (the name/this town)

2. When is ...? (the birthday/your sister)

3. Do уои like ? (the colour/ this coat)

4. Write your паmе at ... . . . .? ( the top/ the page)

5. What is ... ... ? (the address/Jill)

6. ..is near the city center. (the hoиse / mу parents)

7. For mе the morning is ... ... ... (the best part/ the day)

8. .. .are very thin. (the wa1ls/this hoиse)

9. Переведите на английский язык, применяя притяжательный падеж.

1. Сын моего друга. 2. Книги нашего преподавателя. 3. Друг моей сестры.

4. Словарь моего студента. 5. Семья Феликса. 6. имя врача.

10.0бразуйте множественное число следующих существительных.

Receipt teeth 

day house 

tomato deer 

leaf news 

friend man 

printer mouse 

lady money 

woman child

11. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

I.Тhis тan is an engineer. 2. Тhat woman is ту sister. 3. Тhis child is ту son. 4. Has this lady а knife? 5. Тhe child is sitting оп а bench. 6. Му tooth is white. 7. Тhere is а flower in the vase. 8. Му uncle has а large flat. 9. Тhere is а match

in the bох.

12. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Тhis is ... book. It is ту ... book. 2. Is this your ... pencil? - No, it isn't ту

... pencil, it is ту sister' s ... pencil. 3. 1 nave Bicycle. ... bicycle is black. 4.

Тhis is ... meat. . .. meat is fresh. Тhese are ... books. . .. books are good. 5. Wе are at ... home. 6. 1 have по ... sister. 7. ... earth is ... planet. 8. ... sun is yellow. 9. Му friend has ... very good compиter. 10. Тhis ... bоу is big. Не is ...stиdent.

11. ... Moscow is situated оп ...Moscow River. 12. In ... Siberia there are тanу long rivers: ... ОЬ, ... Irtysh, ... Yenissei, ... Lena, and ... Amur. 13. February is ... shortest month of the year. 14. ... USA is ... largest country in ... America.

14.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Тhere is а river in the forest. Тhe river is in this forest. 2. Тhere are books and

magazines in ту bag. 3. Тhere is hot tea and cheese оп the table. 4. Тhere is а mиseиm in the street. Тhe mиseиms is in this street. 5. Тhere is а trolley-bиs stop near ту office. 6. Тhere is mиch snow in the street. 7. Тhere are тanу flowers in the vase.

15.Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем и будущем


1. Тhere is mиch snow in winter. 2. Тhere are 61essons today. 3. Тhere is по lift in our hoиse. 4. Тhere is а little milk in the bottle. 5. Тhere is а picture оп the wall.

16. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.

1. Which is (large): the United States or Canada?

2. What is the пате of the (big) port in the United States?

3. Moscow is the (large) city in the world.

4. Тhe rivers in America are mиch (big) than those in England.

5. What is the пате of the (high) mountain in Asia?

6. Тhe island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.

17.0бразуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных.

Sma1l, hot, fat, happy, clever, safe, big, cold, short, wide, good, busy, manу, far,

active, pleasant, comfortable, little, interesting.

18. Поставьте к следующим предложениям вопросы: общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный.

1. Тhey often meet this engineer here. 2. Не is taking his English book off the table. 3. Тhis engineer works at oиr office. 4. John went to the Library of Foreign

literature yesterday. 5. Тhere will bе а 10 of people at the lесturе today. 6. I can see several planes high in the sky. 7. I have many friends in Kiev. 8. It was raining the whole day yesterday.

Раздел 2. Чтение.

Студент должен знать:

. Основные правила чтения; Основные типы словарей.


Студент должен уметь:

. Читать тексты общекультурного, общенаучного характера и тексты по


. Определять содержание текста по знакомым словам,

интернациональным словам, географическим названиям и т.п.;

. Распознавать значение слов по контексту;

. Выделять главную и второстепенную информацию;

. Пользоваться общими и отраслевыми словарями и справочниками на

иностранном языке.

Грамматический материал, необходимый для выполнения

контрольной работы 2.

Раздел 1. Грамматика.

Тема 1.1. Группа временных форм Simple (Indefinite). Формы глагола в

Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

Студент должен знать:

. Глагольные формы Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple;

Студент должен уметь:

. Распознавать глагольные формы в предложениях; . Образовывать и использовать их в речи.

Тема 2.1. Группа временных форм Progressive (Continuous).

Формы глагола в Present Progressive, Past Progressive, Future


Cтyдeнr должен знать:

. Глагольные формы Present Progressive, Past Progressive, Future


Cтyдeнr должен уметь:

. Распознавать данные формы в предложениях; . Образовывать и использовать их в речи.

Тема 3.1. Группа временных форм Perfect. Формы глагола в Present

Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect.

Cтyдeнт должен знать:

Глагольные формы в Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect.

Cтyдeнт должен уметь:

Распознавать данные глагольные формы в предложениях; Образовывать и использовать их в речи.

Вопросы для самоконтроля.

1. Какие действия описывают глаголы в формах Simple?

2. Как образуется Present Simple?

3. Какие действия описывают глаголы в Past Simple?

4. Как образуется Past Simple?

5. На какие группы делятся глаголы в прошедшем времени?

6. Как образуется 2-ая и 3-ья форма у правильных глаголав?

7. Как образуется 2-ая и 3-ья форма у неправильных глаголав?

8. Какие действия описывают глаголы в Future Simple?

9. Как образуется Future Simple?

10.Какие действия описывают глаголы в Present Progressive?

11.Как образуется Present Progressive? Какие обстоятельства времени

используются в Present Progressive?

12.Какие действия описывают глаголы в Past Progressive?

13.Как образуется Past Progressive?

14.Какие действия описывают глаголы в Future Progressive и как


15.Какие действия описывают глаголы в Present Perfect и как образуются?

16. Какие действия описывают глаголы Past Perfect и как образуются?

17.Какие действия описывают глаголы в Future Perfect и как образуются?

~ 1/

Контрольно-тренировочные упражнения

1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. Just (tell) уои the answer. 2. I (tell) уои the answer yesterday. 3. John and Richard just (go) away. 4. She a1ready (answer) the letter. 5. She (answer) it оп Tuesday. 6. John and David (go) away five minutes ago. 7. I (read) that book in the summer holidays. 8. Тhe baker (sell) now аll his cakes. 9. I (not see) it for three years. I wonder where he is. 10. I (fly) over Loch Ness last week. - Уои (see) the Loch Ness monster? 11. Уои (wear) your hair long when уои were at school? - Yes, ту mother (insist) оп it. 12. Не (not smoke) for two weeks. 13. Уои (1ock) the door before уои left the house? 14. I (read) his book when I was at school. 15. Here are your shoes; Just (clean) them. 16. Уои (see) the moon last night.

п. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужную форму.

I.Where is the old man living now? - Не (live) with his married daughter. Не usually (live) with her for six months every year. 2. Не' s а night watchman. Не works at night and (sleep) in the daytime. It is now noon, and he stil1 (sleep). 3. I (meet) George а month ago, and I (meet) him several times then. 4. I usually (go) to bed before midnight. 5. We are in September now, and we (do) а 10 of work this year; we (do) а 10 last year. 6. What's your brother doing? - Не ( do) the crossword in the newspaper. Не (do) it every day. 7. Не wants to bиу а car, but first he must learn how to drive, so he (take) driving lessons. 8. I (write) to ту parents а fortnight ago, but they not had а reply, so just (write) again.

IП. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в соответствующем времени.

1. Му sister ( come) to stay with us at the seaside.

2. I never (see) snow. I hope to see it when winter (сome).

3. Не (рlау) the piano when oиr guests arrived last night.

4. Did уои post your letter after уои (write) it?

5. Му secretary (not соmе) yet. She never (соmе) to work before nine.

6. In oиr climate the vine (not grow) out-of-doors, as it (do) in countries with а

hotter summer, and hot-house grapes () very expensive.

7. Не (finish) this work before уои leave.

8. As I (run) downstairs I heard а shout.

9. ... уои (see) him yesterday? No, ( meet) him since he left oиr office.

10. Науе уои anу idea what she (do) when I (ring) her ир tотоrrоw?

11. Не never () the same since his accident.

12. Не got there sooner than he (expect).

13. I never (have) such а terrifying experience in ту life!

14. After.you (1еаvе) I (must) apologize for your behaviour.

15.1 (not сan) imagine what he 1ooks like!

Грамматический материал, необходимый для выполнения

контрольной работы № 3

Раздел 1. Грамматика.

Тема 1.1. Неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, герундий,


Cтyдeнт должен знать:

. Функции инфинитива;

. Сложное дополнение4

. Пассивные и активные формы герундия;

. Функции причастия I и причастия П;

. Отличительные признаки герундия и причастия

Cтyдeнт должен уметь:

. Употреблять неличные формы глагола: Infinitive, Gerund and Participle . Распознавать неличные формы в предложениях

. Определять функции инфинитива, причастия и герундия

Тема 2.1. Согласование времен в главном и придаточном предложениях.

Cтyдeнт должен знать:

. Согласование времен в утвердительном предложении . Согласование времен в общих и специальных вопросах

Cтyдeнт должен уметь:

. Понимать согласование времен в утвердительных предложениях,

общих и специальных вопросах

. Использовать данные предложения в речи

Тема 3. 1. Страдательный залог. (Passive Voice).

Cтyдeнт должен знать:

. Формы страдательного залога в Simple, Progressive и Future . . Образование страдательного залога

Cтyдeнт должен уметь:

. Образовывать формы страдательного залога

. Использовать в речи формы страдательного залога

Тема 4.1. Модальные глаголы и их заменители.

Студент должен знать:

· Формы модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов

· Особенности употребления модальных глаголов

Студент должен уметь:

· Использовать в речи формы модальных глаголов и их эквиваленты · Различать формы модальных глаголов и их заменителей

Вопросы для самоконтроля

1. Что такое инфинитив (Infшitivе)?

2. После каких глаголов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to? 3. Какие формы имеет инфинитив?

4. Что такое Соmрlех Object?

5.Что такое герундий (Gerund)?

1. Какие формы имеет герундий?

2. Что такое причастие (Participle 1, П)?

3. Какие формы имеет причастие?

4. Что такое согласование времен?

5. Какие правила нужно соблюдать при согласовании времен?

6. Что такое залог?

7. Как образуется форма страдательного залога?

8. Какие временные группы употребляются в страдательном залоге?

.9. Какие глаголы называются модальными?

10.Какие характерные черты имеют модальные глаголы?

Контрольно-тренировочные предложения

1. Вставьте необходимые модальные глаголы.

1. 1 ... not go to the theatre with them last night, 1 ... revise the grammar rules and the words for the test. 2. Му friend lives а 1ong way from his office and ... get ир early. 3. Аll of us ... in time for classes. 4.When friend has his English, he ... stay at the office after work. Не (not) ... stay at the office оп Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and … get home early. 5. … you … work hard to do well in your English? 6. I’m glad you … come.


. .

2. Замените модальные глаголы соответствующими эквивалентами.

1. Не couldn't explain anything. 2. Уоu must not stay here. 3. Сan уоu swim? 4. Уоu mау take these books. 5. Thеу сan run quickly. 6.She might work in our room. 7. Who сan read this text? 8. Thеу must go there tоmоrrоw. 9. Мау I go to the сinеmа? 10. We must meet at 8 о' clock.

3. Измените структуру предложений, используя инфинитив.

Пример: Не is upset because saw an accident.

Не is upset to have seen an accident.

1. He's glad because met Mary. 2. He's late. Не is sorry. 3. Не'l1 excited when sees the examination results. 4. Не was excited after fond his watch. 5. She was thrilled when she went to the concert. 6. I've heard of Tom's success. I'm hарру. 7.I hear Mary singing. I'm hарру. 8. Не passed his examinations. He's relieved. 9. I've seen уоu again. I'm glad. 10. They are in London again. They are pleased. 11. I met Мr. Brown. I am delighted.

4. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Thеу wanted the expedition to start оп the 1st of June. 2. The commander ordered the gun to adjusted. 3. Му father likes те to play the piano. 4. We аll felt these words to true. 5 We found the plant to contain 5% of rubber. 6.I often see them play tennis. 7. We hear N. sing with the greatest pleasure. 8. I hear him singing. 9. She saw him working in the garden. 10. At what time do уоu wish the lecture to begin? 11. The captain ordered the ship to unloaded.

5. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Have уоu finished eating? 2.I like swimming. 3. Mоm likes lying in the sun. 4. Thе child doesn't like washing. 5. Нis car needs repairing. 6. Thank уоu for ca1ling. 7. Let's go fishing. 8.I remembered having seen this picture before. 9. Му friend's having decided to leave the city was very strange. 10. Не praised her having prepared this lesson so well. 11. Whatever уоu propose doing must done quickly. 12. Thе man kept glancing at his watch. 13. Seeing that had been noticed, the man started running.

6. Образуйте причастие настоящего времени.

Drive, to соmе, to walk, to do, to stand, to give, to take, to put, to get, to read, to write, to learn.


7. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не said (is staying, was staying) at the "Ritz" Hotel. 2. Тhey realized that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark. 3. Не asked where I (study, studied). 4.I thought that I (shall finish, should finish) ту work at that time. 5. Не says (works, worked) at school two years ago. 6. Victor said (is, was) very busy. 7. Му friend asked who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting -room. 8. I was sure (posted, had posted) the letter.

9. Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Не said to те: "I want to see уоu today". 2. She said: "I am free tonight". 3. Mother said me: "I feel bad today” 4. Тhe pupil said to the teacher: "I can do ту homework after dinner". 5. Тhe teacher said to the pupils: "Next year we shall hаvе six hours of English а week". 6. Тhe old man said to the girl: "Уоu can sing perfectly. I think уоu will а famous singer". 7. Му sister said to те: "У оu 1ook very well, muсh better than уоu 1ooked yesterday" .

10.Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Many books are published in Russia. 2. Тhe machines are tested the police. 3.I am always driven to work neighbour. 4. Тhe car is served at the garage down the road. 5. Тhe machines are tested before use. 6. Тhe car is polished once every three months. 7. Concrete is made of cement, sand, and gravel. 8. А picnic is arranged once а month оur сlub.

11. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я приглашаю. - Меня приглашают.

2. Он приглашает. - Его приглашают.

3. Она рассказывает. - Ей рассказывают.

4. Он вызывает. - Его вызывают.

5. Они сообщают. - Им сообщают.

6. Рабочий строит дом. - Дом строится.

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 1.


People in our country hаvе the right for education. It is our Constitutiona1 right. But it is not оnlу а right; it is а duty, too. Every bоy and every girl in Russia must go to school, that is, they must get а full secondary education. 80, when they are 6 or 7 years old they gin to go to school. Тhere are thousands school in Russia. Тhere are schools of general education, where the pupils study Russian (or а native language), Literature, Mathematics, Нistory, biology, Music, Arts, Foreign languages. Тhere is a1so а number of specialized schools, where the pupils get deep knowledge of foreign languages, or Maths, or Physics.

After finishing 9 classes of secondary school young people сan continue their education at

different kinds of vocationa1 or technical schools or colleges. Тhey not оnlу learn general subjects, but receive а specia1ty there. Having finished а secondary school, а technical school or а college young реорlе start working or they mау enter an Institute or а University. Professiona1 training makes it easier to get higher education. As for high schools, there are а 1ot of them in our country. Somе of them train teachers, others - doctors, engineers, architects, actors and so оп. Мanу institutes hаvе evening and ex1ra-muraI departments. Тhat gives the students the opportunity to study at an institute without leaving their jobs.


Right - право

Duty - обязанность

secondary - зд. среднее

Deep - глубокий

Vocational school - профтехучилище General - общий

Т о receive - получать

Training - обучение

Нigher - высшее

Ex1ra-mura1 - заочный

Opportunity - возможность


I. Translate the text

II. Answer the following questions

1. Is education in Russia free?

2. Is education in Russia right or duty?

3. What kind of schools are there in Russia?

4. What are possible ways to continue education after the finishing of the secondary


5. What are the types of higher education institutions in Russia?


III. Translate into English. 1.Тhe more you read the more you know.

2. Тhe earlier you get up, the more you сan do. 3. Todау the wind is as strong as it was yesterday. 4. John knows Russian as well as English.

5. Тhe longer the night is, the shorter the day.

IV. Find the equivalents to the following words in the text

Среднее образование

Специализированная школа Глубокие знания


Вечернее отделение

Заочное отделение

V. Write out of the text sentences with there is / there are and translate them.

VI. Form the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.

Large, hot, big, cold, happy, high, little, short, bad, beautiful, long, manу.

Вариант II

The Russian Federation

Тhe Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about 1/6 of the Earth surface. Тhe country is situated in Eastern Еurоре, Northern and Central Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square km.

Our land is washed 12 seas, most of which are the seas of three oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. In the south and in the west the country borders оп fourteen countries. It has а sea-border with the USA

Тhere is hardly а country in the world where such а great variety of flora and fauna can found as in оur land. Оur country has numerous forests, plains and steppes, taiga and tundra, highlands and deserts. Тhe highest mountains in оur land are the Altai, the Urals and the Caucasus. Тhere are over two thousand rivers in the Russian Federation. Тhe longest of them are the Volga, the Оb, the Yenisei, the Lena and the Amur. Our land is also rich in various lakes with the deepest lake in the world, the Вaikal, included.

On the Russian territоry there are 11 time zones. Тhe climate conditions are rather different: north arctic and moderate to continental and subtropical. Our country is one of the richest in natural rеsоurсеs countries in the world: oil, natural gas, coal, different ores, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals.

Тhe Russian Federation is а multinational state. It comprises many nationa1 districts, several autonomous republics and regions. Тhe population of the country is about 140 million people.

Moscow is the capita1 of оur homeland. It is the largest political, scientific, cultural and industrial center of the country and one of the most beautiful cities оп the globe. Russian is the official language of the state. The national symbols of the Russian Federation are а white-blue-red banner and а double-headed eagle.


Тhe Russian Federation is а constitutional republic headed by the President. Тhe соuntrу government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Тhe President contro1s only the executive branch - the government, but not the Supreme Соurt and Federal Assembly.

Тhe legislative power belongs 10 the Federal Assembly comprising two chambers: the Counci1 of Federation (upper Chamber) and the State Duma (lower Chamber). Each chamber is headed the Speaker. Тhe executive power belongs to the government (the Cabinet of Мinisters) headed the Pri Мinister. Тhe judicial power belongs to the system of Соurts comprising the Constitutional Соurt, the Supreme Соurt and federal courts.

Our соuntrу has а multiparty system. Тhe largest and most influential political parties are the «Unity», the Communist party, the «Fatherland-All Russia», «Тhе Union of the Right Forces», «T Apple», Liberal-Democratic and some others.

Тhe foreign policy of the Russian Federation is that of intenational cooperation, реасе and friendship with all nations irrespectivе of their political and social systems.


to оссuру - занимать

serface - поверхность

total area - общая площадь

to border оn - граничить с

numerous - многочисленные

highlands - горные возвышенности

the Urals - Уральские горы

the Caucasus - Кавказ

ore - руда

rrоus and nоn-fеrrоus metals - черные и цветные металлы

legislative - законодательный

ехесutivе - исполнительная

Federal Assembly - Федеральное собрание

the Council ['kaunsl] of Federation - Совет Федерации

State Dumа - Государственная Дума

Supreme [su'pri:m] Соurt - Верховный суд

influential- влиятельный


1. Translate the text.

II. Answer the following questions.

1. Is Russia the largest country in the world?

2. What oceans wash the borders of the Russian Federation?

3. How manу countries have borders with Russia?

4. Arе Russian flora and fauna various?

5. What are the highest mountains in Russia?

6. What is Baikal famous for?

7. What is the climate in Russia like?

8. What is the national symbol of Russia?

9. What does the Federal Assembly consist of?

III. Translate into English.


1. Общая площадь Российской федерации составляет более 17 миллионов


2. В мире вряд ли есть еще одна страна с такой разнообразной флорой и фауной.

3. Озеро Байкал - самое глубокое озеро на земном шаре и служит предметом

гордости россиян.

4. На территории Российской федерации существует 11 часовых поясов.

5. Россия является конституционной республикой с президентской формой


6. Законодательная власть принадлежит Федеральному Собранию, состоящему из

двух палат.

7. В Российском парламенте представлены такие партии, как «Единство»,

КПРФ, «Oтeчество-Вся Россия», «Яблоко», СПС, ЛДПР.

8. Законодательная и судебная влaсти прямо не подчиняются Президентy.

IV. How well do уоu know уоur Homeland?

What is (arе):

. the biggest Russian lake?

. the longest Russian river (in European and Asian parts of the Russian


. а city with subtropical climate?

. cities with arctic climate?

. agricultural regions?

. old historical cities?

. places of recreation and tourism?

Вариант III

From "Let the Day Perish"

It was а warm morning and in the соurt the air was stifling Antony, with Turner at his side, entered the соurt room. Benches and benches in rows were crammed with people and the spaces against the wall packed with standing bodies the waited next to the dock while Turner took his seat in the рart reserved for advocates.

When Мr.Тurtiсе Stephan walked in from the judges' door dressed in his flowing robes, excitement was intense. It was amazing how so manу "busy" business people found ti in the month of November, just before the Christmas season, to соmе to соurt.

Тhe information that Judge Stephan would preside at the trial had not en pleasant

to Antony or his legal representatives as Stephan was not for severity of his sentences/'

Advocate Evan Blair stood up.

"Мilord, I take the case of Rex versus Grant", said.

Antony went to the dock. Everywhere people twisted and turned to see his. While the

registrar rose from his seat in front of the judge and read the indictment, Antony stood motionless.

Тo the usual question as to his plea, replied in а quiet voice: "Not gui1ty, lord" .



Immediately Turner rose to his full height. Не was certainly an impressive Бgше, especially in the black silk robes. "Мау it please your lordship", said, holding his glasses in his hand, "I appear for the accused". I ask that bail should stand during the trial. I would a1so ask the court' s permission for the accused to take а seat immediately before . Тhere are а number of points оn which I should like to confer with him from to ti. Тhe judge accused to both requests and Antony left the prisoner' s dock and took а seat near his attoney.


А robes – мантия

Rex versus Grant

(лат.юрид.) Король против Гранта. Согласно английскому

законодательству, в случаях уголовных преcтуплений обвинение ведется от имени

короны, то есть короля или королевы.

А registrar - (зд.) Секретарь суда.

I appear for the accused - Я представляю интересы обвиняемого.

Тhat bail should stand during the trial - чтобы во время суда обвиняемый по-

прежнему оставался на поруках.

I should like to confer with his - Я хотел бы удостовериться, обратиться к нему.


1. Translate the text.

II. Find English equivalents for the following words:

помещение суда, скамья подсудимого, деловые люди, занять место, адвокат, мантия, законный, суровость, приговор, обвинительное заключение, не виновен, немедленно, обвиняемый, просьба.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. What the mаin characters?

2. Where does the action take place?

3. What was the morning like?

4. What ti of the уеar was it?

5. Was the court room packed or half empty?

6. Why, do you think, the court room was crowded?

7. When did Turner take his seat?

8. When did the excitement of the public bесоmе intense?

9. What fact seemed amazing?

10. Everybody twisted to see Antony, didn't they?

11. What did Turner asked the court for?

12. Antony left the prisoner's dock and took his seat near his attorney, didn't ?


IV. Form comparative and best degree of the comparison of the following adjectives.

Warm, pleasant, legal, impressive, thick, foolish, miraculous, big, boring, strong,

young, multinational.

Вариант IV.


Almost all people are fond of traveling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People mау travel either for pleasure or оn business. Тhere are various means of traveling. As for mе there is nothing like traveling аir; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course far quicker than anу other ans of traveling. Тhere is по dust and dirt of а railway or car journey or troubles with changing from one train to another train.

With а train you hаvе speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of а railway carriage you hаvе а splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you сan hаvе а meal in the dining car; and if а journey is а long one you сan hаvе а comfortable bed in а sleeper.

Traveling ship is not very popular now. Тhat is because it has bесоmе very expensive and not manу people сan afford it. But it is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under your feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face.

Мanу people like to travel car. It is interesting too, because you сan see тanу places in а short ti, you сan stop when and where you like, you do not hаvе to buy tickets or carry your heavy suitcases.


fond of - любитъ что-то

Means of traveling - способы путешествия

Far quicker - гораздо быстрее

Dust - пыль

Dirt - грязь

Trouble - беда, неприятность

Combined - соединенный с чем-либо

Splendid - великолепный

Countryside - сельская местность

Sleeper - спальный вагон

tо afford - позволять себе

Deck of the ship - палуба корабля

Fresh sea wind - свежий морской ветер


1. Переведите текст.


II. Выпишите из текста неисчисляемые существительные и переведите их.

III.Выпишите из текста прилагательные в положительной степени и образуйте их сравнительную и превосходную степень.

IV. Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих выражений. Путешествовать для удовольствия

Пересадка с одного поезда на другой

Чувствовать свежий морской ветер

Путешествовать на машине

разныe способы путешествий

V. Образуйте отрицательную форму следующих предложений.

Тhis is а very big house. She likes her flat. Тhey want to doctors. Му mother is а nurse. We watch ТУ every evening. Тhe boys play tennis every day. Тhеn children like playing football.


Ответьте на вопросы.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Why do you think almost all people are fond of traveling?

What are the methods of traveling?

What is your favourite method of traveling?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by air?

What are advantages and disadvantages of traveling by car, train and ship? Why do manу people prefer to travel by car?

Вариант V:


Since ancient time Nature was the source of people's life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and they that natural-riches were unlimited. Тhe development of civilization increased man's harmful interference in nature.

Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises pollute the air we drink. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust ant other harmful substance. Мanу cities suffer from smog. Beautiful old forests disappears forever. Тhеn disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plans disappear forever, а number of lakes and rivers dry up.

Тhe pollution of air and destruction of the ozone layer are the results of man's attitude

towers Nature.

Тhe protection of the environment is а universal соnсern. Wе must de very active to

create а serious system of ecological security.


Ancient - древний Source - источник


_.. .0 =1:::::::..._--.


natural riches - природные богатства

to increase - увеличивается

harmful interference - вредное воздействие industrial enterprises - промышленные предприятия to pollute - загрязнять

substances - вещества

to upset - зд. нарушать

suffer - мучаться

rare -редкий

to dry uр - высыхать

ozone layer -озоновый слой

attitude - отношение

universal concern - всеобщая забота


I. Переведите текст.

II. Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих выражений

источник жизни

жить в гармонии

развитие цивилизации нарушать кислородный баланс редкие виды

защита окружающей среды экологическая безопасность

III. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагателъных:

harmful, beautiful, big, hарру, wonderful, great, good, crazy.

IV. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

Man, child, cat, forest, woman, city, system, mouse, an1maI, fox, plant.

V. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму:

Не is а great writer. Wе like this film. Тhey watch ТУ every evening. Nick plays football well. Тheir children speak English every day. Му sister lives in Moscow.

VI. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the main reason of ecological problems?

2. What are the main ecological problems?

3. Why should the ecological problems а universal concern?

4. What steps are taken to fight ecological problems?


13 Вариант VI.

Contemporary American Society.

In the past fifty years American society has changed much. Fifty years agо most Americans lived in small communities. Тhey seldom mоved from оnе place to another, and usually knew their neighbors well. Life was so personal that people often joked about it. It was difficult to hаvе privacy in а small community like that. Some people dreamed about moving to big cities, but most people were hарру to live all their lives in the sa place.

Now people often mоvе from place to place. It is rare to find people who hаvе lived all their lives in one community. Americans are used to leaving friends and making new friends.

Тhe American family has changed too. Until the 1960's divorce was uncommon. Between 1962 and 1981 the number of divorces increased. Americans are not likely to remain in а marriage that has problems. Тhey are not forced economic, social or religions pressure to stay married. Since 1960's the number of single - parent families increased.

Americans raise their children to independent. It is а part of American culture. Small children learn to do things оn their own. Тhey learn to take care of themselves, clean their rooms, help with the dishes and laundry, spend ti away from their parents in day

care, with а bаbу sitter or even alone. Most teenagers try to find in summer or after school

jobs, so that they сan hаvе their own money. Students usually work part - ti and during summer vacations.

Young people get married later than they used to. Women usually get married at the age of 24, men - at the age of 26. Newly married couples often postpone having children, while they are establishing their careers.


Contemporary Community


Joke about smth

Наvе privacy

Dream about smth


Leave friends

Make friends


Ве uncommon


Ве likely to do smth

а marriage

Single - parent family

Ве independent

take care of oneself

Help with dishes (laundry)

Ваbу sitter

Современное общество


шутить над чем - то

быть в уединении

мечтать о чем - то


покидать друзей

заводить друзей


быть необычным


быть склонным делать что - либо

брак, свадьба

неполная семья

быть независимым

заботиться о себе

помогать мыть посуду( стирать) приходящаяI няня

, ...


Задания к тексту.

1. Translate the text.

II. Answer the questions.

1. When did most Americans live in small communities?

а) long ti ago;

b) 50 years ago;

с) 100 years ago.

2. What did people often joke about?

а) their personality;

b) their habits.

3. Where was it difficult to hаvе privacy?

а) in а small community;

b) in а large city.

4. What did some people dream about?

а) moving to big cities;

b) moving to small places.

5. What do the American used to?

а) making new friends;

b) live alone.

6. When was divorce uncommon in America?

а) in the 1970's;

b) in the 1960's;

с) in the 1950's.

7. What hарреnеd to the American families between 1962 and 1981? а) the number of divorces increased;

b) the number of divorces decreased.

III. Answer the following questions.

1) What was the American society like 50 years ago?

2) Why has the number of single - parent families increased sinсе 1960's? 3) How the Americans try to bring up their children?

4) When young people usually get married?



15 Вариант VII.

Jennie Gerhardt.

Gerhard was in despair; did not know anу оnе to whom could appeal between the hоmе of two and ninе o'clock in the moming. Не went back to waIk with his wife and then to his post of duty. What was to done? Не could think of оnlу оnе friend who was ablе, or possibly willing to do anу think. Тhis was the glass manufacturer, Hammond; but was not in the city. Gerhardt did not know this, however.

When 9 о' clock came; he went alоnе to the соurt, for in was thought advisable that the others should sШу away. When Sebastian was lined up inside the dock had to wait а long ti, for there were several prisoners ahead of him.

Finally his nаmе was called, and the bоу was pushed forward to the him. "Stealing

coal, your honor, and resisting аnеst", explained the officer who had аnеstеd hiш.

Тhe magistrate looked at Sebastian closely; was unfavorably impressed the lad's scratched and wounded face. "Well, young mаn," said, "what have you to say for yourself? How did you get your black еуеs?

Sebastian looked at the judge, but did not answer. "I аnеstеd him", said the detective. "Не was оn оnе of the company's cars. Не fried to break away from me, and when I held him assaulted . Тhis man here was а witness", added.

"It that where struck you?" asked the соurt, observing the detective swollen jaw. “Yes, sir", returned, glad of an opportunity to further revenged.

"If you please", put in Gerhardt, leaning forward, " is day. Не was sent to get

the соаl. Не..."

''We don't mind what they pick up around the yard", interrupted the detective, "but

before either father or son had ti to answer added, "What is your business?"

"Car builder", said Sebastian.

"And what do you do?" questioned, addressing Gerhardt.

"I аm watchman at miller' s furniture factory".

"Um", said the Court. "Well, this young man might let off оn the coal-stea1ing

charge, but seems to somewhat too free with his fists. Columbus is altogether too rich in that sort of thing. Тen dollars.

"If you please", began Gerhardt, but the court officer was already pushing him away. "I don't want to hear anу more about it", said the judge.

"He's stubborn, anyhow. What's the next case?"


T о let off оn а coal-stealing charge - быть отпущенным по обвенеиию в краже угля

Тhe next сasе - следующее дело

Уour Honor - Ваша честь

То break away - убежать

Half а dozen - полдюжины

А magistrate магистрат

Задания к тексту.

1. Translate the text.


II. Write the English equivalents for the following.

Быть в отчаянии Обратиться

Становиться в очередь

Скамья подсудимых

Впереди него



Наклониться вперёд





III. Write three forms ofthe verbs.

То know, to арреar, to think, to саll, to look, to break, to strike, to throw, to question, to hear.

IV. Translate into English.

1) Герхардт был в отчаянии.

2) Наконец назвали его имя, и мальчика толкнули к барьеру.

З) Судья внимательно посмотрел на юношу.

4) Он пытался убежать от меня, а когда я его держал, он бросился на меня.

5) Вот этот человек был свидетелем.

6) Мальчика послали за углём.

7) Если вы занимаетесь?

8) Но он, кажется, слишком распускает руки.

9) Какое следующее дело?

10) Когда Себастьяна поставили в очередь на скамью подсудимых, ему

пришлось долго ждать.

V. Answer the questions.

1) What emotional state was Gerhardt in?

2) Did he go along to the соurt?

З) Why did Sebastian have to wait а long ti?

4) How did he behave during the соurt?

5) Did Sebastian try to break away from the detective?

6) What was the sentence of the Соurt?


Вариант VIII.

George Willard.

George Willard, the Ohio village bоу, was fast growing into manhood and new thoughts had bееn coming into his mind. Не was about to go away to some city where hoped to get work оп а city newspaper and felt grown up. Не felt old and а little tired. Memories awoke оn him. То his mind his new sense оf mаtuity set him a part, mad of him а half - tragic figure.

Не wanted someone to understand the felling that had taken possession of him mother' s death. Тhere is а ti in the life of every bоу when for the first ti takes the backward view of life. Perhaps that is the moment when he crosses the line into manhood. Тhe boy is walking through the street of his town. Не is thinking of the future. Ambitions and regrets awake within him.

When the moment of sophistication саmе to George Willard his mind turned to Helen White, to Wines hu banker' s daughter. Always had en conscious of the girl growing in woman hood as grew in manhood. Onсе оn а summer night when was

eighteen, walked with her оn а country road and in her presence had given way to an impulse to boast, to make himself appear big and significant in her eyes. Now wanted to see her for another purpose. Не wanted to tell her of the new impulses that had cоmе to him. Не had fried to make her think of him as а man when knew nothing of manhood and now wanted to with her and try to make her fell the change believed had taken place in his nature.


Ohio - Огайо (штат США)

to take possession of smb. - охватить set him apart - разрывало его manhood - возмужалость, зрелость.


II. Translate the text.

II. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

превращаться в зрелого человека

приходить на ум

чувствовать себя одиноко


он собирался уехать

он чувствовал себя немного усталым

он осознавал




III. Give three fоrms of the verbs:

to , to grow, to соmе, to leave, to take, to feel, to awake, to understand, to walk, to see.

IV. Translate into English.

1. Воспоминания пробудились в нем.

2. Однажды летним вечером, когда ему было 18, он гyлял с ней по деревенской дороге.

3. Он думает о своем будущем.

4. Он хочет больше всего внимания.

V. Answer the following questions.

1. Where did George Willard live?

2. What did hе wаnt in his life?

3. What did wаnt to tell her about?

4. Was fast growing into manhood?

5. Where was about to go?

6. Не felt old аnd а little tired, didn't ?

Вариант IX.


Moscow is often called great city and it сan hardly objected. Moscow is the capital of Russia and it has bесоmе the largest political, есоnоmiс and administrative center of our country.

It represents also оnе of the world' s cultura1, sсientifс and art centers. Тhe city of

Moscow has unique and very rich history, which takes its roots far in the ancient centuries. Moscow was founded in 1147 Prinсе Yuri Dolgoruky. From а sll town situated оп both banks of the Moskva River it grew into а giant city with а population of more than 9 mln people and а tеrritоry of more than 900 square km.

In the 15th сеntury Moscow bесоmе the capital of the centralized Russian state and remained the capital until 1712, when Tsar Peter the great transfеrd the capital of Russia from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

In 1918 Moscow was declared the capital of Soviet Russia. Тoday Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation and the CIS (the Commonwealth of Independent States.)

Тhe heart of Moscow is Red square. Standing in Red Square уоu сап see the Moscow Кremlin with beautiful red walls and towers crowned with ruby stars. Тhe tallest of the Кremlin towers is the Spasskaya tower. Тhe Веll Tower of Ivan the Great,

built in the 15th сеntury has 22 large and over 30 smаll bells. Тhe golden domes of Usрensky and Archangel sky Assumption cathedrals, shining brightly in the sun are seen from far away.


Pokrovsky Cathedral is another ancient monument of Red Square. It was built in the 16th сеntury during the neigh of the Kazak Кhanate.

Fronting the cathedral there is а Monument to Minin and Pozharsky, which was erected in memory of the Russian victory over the Polish Invaders (1612). Not far from the monument the place called Lobnoye Mesto is situated. In early centuries it was the public and the рlасе of execution.

Another interesting рlасе in Moscow is the Tretyakov Gallery. Тhis is the museum of the Russian national art exhibiting also beautiful collections of ancient Russian icons, which are believed to the treasures of the world art.

Today Moscow is оn the new stage of its history, the streets and squares of Moscow get back their historical names and at the sa ti and more ads of famous foreign companies and firms are shining in the streets of Moscow. Сertainlу, Moscow, old and new, is becoming more attractive and interesting.


1. Translate the text.

II. Find the English equivalents for the following worlds and expressions.

столица России богатая история уходит корнями древний




рубиновые звезды золотой купол Казанское ханство воздвигать провозгласитъ




IП. Find in the right соlumn the correct continuation of the sentences in the left hand part.

  1. Going about the city to see the places of interest is called. . . ..

  2. А building made for people to live is called ......

3. А building for the exhibition of painting in called. . . . . . .

4. А park where animals are kept for exhibition is called. . . ..

5. А person, traveling оn а tram, or bus, or subway is called... . . .

6. А collection of books or the place where it is kept is called......

7. А field for sports with seats round it is called. . . . . . .

8. Тhе river оп which Moscow stands is called.....

9. Тhе time of the day when many people go to or return from work and all the buses and trams are overcrowded are called....

10. Тhе most comfortable, rapid and economic means

of transport is called ...

а dwelling house sightseeing

a zoo

а picture

а gallery

а passenger

а stadium

а library

"rich" hours

the Moskva-river the metro or





IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Наvе you bееп to Moscow?

2. Did you go sightseeing in Moscow?

3. What historical monuments of Moscow do you like best of аll?

4. Which Moscow squares do you know?

5. What mоnumепts of Moscow attract the attention of the tourists? 6. When was Moscow founded?

Вариант Х

From "А Farewell to Arms."

When I саmе to the front we still lived in that town. Тhere were manу more guns in the country around and the spring had соmе. Тhe fields were green and there were smаll green shoots оn the vines, the trees along the road had small leaves and а breeze саmе from the sea. I saw the town with the hill and the old castle аbоvе it; brown mоuntains with а little green оn their slopes. In the town there were more guns, there were some new hospitals, you met British mеn and sometimes women, оn the street, and а few more houses spring and I walked down the аllеу way of trees, warmed from the sun оn the wall, and found we still lived in the same house and that it looked the same as when I had left it.

The door was ореn, then was а soldier sitting оn а bench outside in the sun, an ambulance was waiting the side door and inside the door, as I went in, there was the small of marble floors and hospital. It was all as I had left it except that now it was spring. I looked in the door of the big room and saw the major sitting at his desk. Не did not see and I did not know whether to go in and report or go upstairs first and clean up. I decided to go оn upstairs.

Тhe room I shared with the lieutenant Rinaldi looked out оn the courtyard. Тhe window was ореn, my bed was made up with blankets and things hung оn the wall. Тhe lieutenant Rinaldi lay asleep оn the other bed. Не woke when heard in the room and sat up.


1. Translate the text.

II. Find equivalents to the following words and expressions.

Еще больше орудий

Зеленые побеги на винограде

Старый замок

Артиллерийский огонь

На скамье

Карета скорой помощи

Боковая дверь

мраморныe полы_

Идти наверх

Контрольная работа № 2

Variant 1

1. Read and translate the text.

New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. It lies about 1.600 km southeast of Australia and 10.500 km southwest of California. New Zealand belongs to а large island group called Polynesia. The country is situated оn two main islands - the North Island and the South Island - and several dozen smaller islands. Most of the smaller islands are hundreds of kilometers from the main ones.

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and Auckland is the largest city. English is the official language of New Zealand and is spoken throughout the country. Many native people speak their own language, Maori, in addition to English.

The country once belonged to the British empire. Today it is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations, an association of Britain and а number of its former colonies.

New Zealand is а constitutional monarchy. The British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth П of the United Kingdom, is the monarch of New Zealand. She appoints а governor general to represent her, but the governor general has little power. The legislation, prime minister, and Cabinet run the national government.

Britain gave New Zealand а constitution in 1852, when it was а British colony. But through the years the New Zealand legislature has changed almost аll its provision. Today, the nation has written constitution.

The first people who settlled in New Zealand were а brownskinned people called Maoris. They саmе from Polynesian islands located northeast of new Zealand. The country was discovered Europeans in 1642, but they did not start to settle in the islands until the late 1700 s. Today, most New Zealanders are descendants of the early European settlers. Maoris make about 12% of the country's population.

New Zealand has one of the highest standard of living in the world. For many years, the economy of the country depended largely оп agriculture. Today agriculture, manu-facturing, and service industries are аll important to the economy. New Zealand’s economy depends оn trade with many countries - Australia, Britain, Japan and the United States.

II. Answer the questions .

1. Where is New Zealand situated?

2. What city is the capital of New Zealand?

3. What languages do people in New Zealand speak? 4. What is the official language in New Zealand?

5. Who is New Zealand's head of state?

6. Who runs the national government?

7. Who were the first people to live in New Zealand? 8. What are the main industries of the country?

III. Translate into Russian.

1. New Zealand belongs to а large island group called Polynesia.

2. English is the official language of New Zealand and is spoken throughout the country.

3. But through the years the New Zealand legislature has changed almost аll its provisions.

4. The first people who settled in New Zealand were а brown-skinned people called Maoris. 5. The economy of the country depended largely оn agriculture.



IV. Find this words in the text and write them.

1. Северный остров

1. дюжина

2. Содружество наций

3. назначать

4. генерал-губернатор

5. законодательная власть 6. положение

7. с коричневой кожей

8. новозеландец

9. поселенец

10. уровень жизни

11. сфера услуг

12. торговля


Variant 2

1. Read and translate the text.


the Land of Blue Mountains

Тhе Great Barrier Reef оп the coast of Queensland is а garden under the sea. There are 1.400 different kinds of fish, and more than 300 kinds of coral. Tropical fruit and flowers grow оn the beautiful islands. It's not surprising that more holiday-makers соmе to Queensland every year.

Tasmania, the island south of Australia, is small. It is the same size as England. It is also very different from the other states. There are deserts in Tasmania. It often rains, both in winter and summer. Only а half of million people live in Tasmania, and а large part of the island is still covered with wild, beautiful wild forests. These forests are full of wonderful flowers and interesting animals.

In the Northern Теrritоry you will find the red heart of Australia. And it really is red, with red rocks, red sand, and red skies in the evening. Every year, thousands of tourists visit Ayers Rock and а

strange group of huge red stones called "the Olgas". But these places are also holy to the Aboriginals. Тhеу believe that the land itself has life.

Sydney is the best known place in New South Wales. In fact, it's best known place in Australia. But New South Wales has more that cities. There are, for example, the Blue Mountains. Тhеу are covered with forests of blue coloured eucalyptus tress. Тhе air аbоvе the forest contains millions of microscopic drops of eucalyptus oil. When the sun shines the air of the Blue Mountains is а real, beautifu1 blue.

Less then а hundred years ago, there was nothing except sheep in Сanbеrrа. But then Australians to build а capital city. Тhе Work began in 1913. Now, Саnbеrrа is an international city, full of diplomats and government offices. It's а beautiful place, with park, lakes, big open streets and fine buildings.

Australia is sometimes called "the lucky country". One reason is the wonderful riches under the earth: gold, silver, iron, соаl and many precious. Тhе Bass Strait, of the coast of Victoria, has been one of the country' s biggest oil fields for many years.

South Australia is the driest of аll the states, but it does hаvе Мurrеу River. Тhе river brings greenness and life to the southeast comer. In the early of Australian history, the Murrey River was South Australia's main road. Before real roads and railways саmе, the river carried people and goods from the east up into the country. Some towns оп the Murray still keep the old river boats, and visitors сап ride оп them.

There are two kinds of gold in Western Australia. First, there's real kind-the kind that comes out of the ground. Gold was found in Kalgoorlie in 1893, and the "Golden Mile" was for а time the most expensive piece of land in the world. Kalgoorlie still exports some gold, but the new gold of Western Australia is wheat. Big farms grow millions of tons of wheat every year, and wheat has bесоmе Australia's second biggest export.

II. Find answers to the following the questions in the text.

1. How many kinds of fish are there оn the coast of Queensland? 2. What grows оn the beautiful islands?

3. Where will you find the red heart of Australia?

4. What is the best known place in New South Wales?

5. Why is the air аbоvе the forests blue?

6. Why is Australia sometimes cal1ed "the lucky country"?


7. What state is the driest of аll?

8. What is the new gold of Western Australia?

IП. Find the English equivalents in the text.

1. Тасмания - это небольшой остров на юге Австралии.

2. На красивых островах растут тропические фрукты и цветы.

3. Оно действительно красное от красных скал, красного песка и неба, красного по вечерам.

4. Эти места священны для аборигенов.

5.Воздух над лесами наполнен миллионами микроскопических капелек эвкалиптового масла.

6. Сейчас Канберра - интернациональный город, в котором много посольств и государственных ведомств.

7. Австралию иногда называют « счастливая страна».

8. До того как появились автомобильные и железные дороги, по реке переправляли людей и

товары с востока в страну.

9. «Золотая Миля» была некоторое время самым дорогим участком земли в мире.

IV . Translate into Russian.

  1. the coast of Queensland

2. holiday-makers

3. to holy 

4. eucalyptus trees 

5. island

6. wild 

7. oil

Variant 3

1. Read and translate the text.

George Washington

George Washington (1732-1799) won а lasting place in American History as the " Father of our Country". For nearly twenty years he guided his country much as а father cares for а growing child.

Washington lived an exciting life in exciting times. As а bоу, he explored the wilderness. When he grew older, he helped the British fight the French and Indians. Many times he was nearly killed. As а general he suffered hardships with his troops in the cold winters.

Не lost mаnу battles, but led the American Armу to final victory. After he bесаmе President, he successfully solved mаnу problems facing his country.

Washington belonged to an old colonial family that believed in hard work, in public service and in worshipping Gold. George Washington was rn in Westmoreland country, Virginia, оn а farm, оn February 22, 1732. Нis first American ancestor саmе to Virginia from England in 1657. Farming, land

buying, trading, milling, and the iron industry were the means which the family rose in the world. George's father, Augustine, had four children his first wife and six his second wife, Мary Ваll, George's mother.

Of George's early life little is known. His formal education was slight: more that 7 or 8 years of school. Men, plantation life and the haunts of river, field and forest were his principal

teachers. Нis favourite subject was arithmetic. Не studied enough history and geography to know something of the outside world. But he never learned very much about literature , foreign languages and history.

At the age of 14 he began to work as а surveyor, making many trips into the wilderness areas of

Virginia and Pennsylvania. His first military experience саmе in the French and Indian War (1754 1763), when he was sent оп two missions deep into the Ohio county.

In 1759 Washington retired and married Martha Dandridge, а rich widow. Не bесаmе а loving

stepfather to Martha's two children. Не was а progressive farmer of that time.

In 1760's the American colonists grew angrier and angrier at the taxes placed оп them Great Britain. In September 1771 the Continental Congress met, where Washington had his first chance to meet and talk with leaders of other colonies. The members were impressed with his judgement and military knowledge. Не was sent to attend the Second Continental Congress (1775) where he was elected himself а сарablе commander of the War of Independence.

In 1781 Washington was chosen president of Continental Convention and later elected first

president of the republic (1789), followed reelection (1792).

George Washington died after an illness of two days оn December 14, 1799.

No other American has been honored more than Washington. The nation's capital, Washington

D. С., was named after him. Тhere the giant Washington Monument stands. The state of Washington is the only state named after President. Мany cities, parks, streets, bridges, lakes, and schools bear his name. Washington's portrait appears оп postage stamps, оn the $1 bill, and оn the quarter.

II. Find the answers to the following questions in the text.

1. How long did G. Washington guide his country?

2. What family did Washington belong to?

3. When did his first American ancestor соmе to Virginia? 4. How many children did George's father have?

5. What did G. Washington study?


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