Конспект урока для 8 класса "Каникулы для подростков. Формирование навыков говорения"

План-конспект урока для учащихся с ЗПР 8 класса

по УМК В.П.Кузовлева (5-9) – 3 часа в неделю

II четверть

Урок 6.

Тема: Каникулы для подростков. Формирование навыков говорения.

Цель урока: расширение лексического запаса учащихся.


2.Проверка Д.З - Упр.3 с 74

3. Повторение пройденного материала. Модальные глаголы. А.В. – у.1 стр.36

Выберите нужный модальный глагол.

  1. You will be amazed at the Planetarium, where you need/will be able to

See the stars indoors.

  1. If you like watching animals, you are in the right place because you aren’t far from Moscow Zoo. If you want to feed the animals, you won’t be able to/ought to buy animal food to give them.

  2. From the Zoo you could/must take the underground or catch a bus and go to Botanicheskaya ulitsa. There you will be able to/was able to visit the Botanical Gardens.

  3. Also you could/must go to Ostankino next, where you was able to/will be able to go up the 540-metre Ostankino TV Tower for a great view of Moscow.

  4. After that it’s back on the underground again. You could/was able to take

a train to get to Prospect Mira Metro Station. From there you could/was able

to visit the Waxworks Museum.

  1. There’s a lot to do in Moscow but you should not/will not be able to see

everything in one day.

4. Повторение лексики по теме «Путешествия». Слушание.

Просмотр видеофрагмента «travelling» - выписать виды путешествий (догадаться, на чем)

By boat

На каноэ

By canoe

На байдарке

By kayak

На лодке

By horse

В экипаже (повозке)

By carriage

На лошади

By cart

На грузовом судне (корабле)

By ship

На поезде

By train

На корабле

By tube (metro)

На метро

By cargo vessel (ship)

На телеге

By bicycle

На мотоцикле

By motorbike

На мопеде

By motorcycle

На велосипеде

By bus

В фургоне

By van

На такси

By taxi

На скутере

By car

На машине

By scooter

На моторной лодке

By speed boat

На яхте

By yacht

На автобусе

By lorry

На самолете

By plane

На грузовике

By air balloon

На воздушном шаре

By helicopter

На виндсерфе

By windsurf

На вертолете

By spacecraft

На космическом аппарате

5. Слушание + чтение.

1) песня Мадагаскар «Traveling song» - слушание

2) песня Мадагаскар «Traveling song» - караоке – чтение+говорение

6. Д.З. - Упр.4 с. 75- составить 5 предложений о своем путешествии (любых)

(или переписать виды транспорта с переводом в тетрадь и выучить)

Раздаточный материал


Выберите нужный модальный глагол.

  1. You will be amazed at the Planetarium, where you need/will be able to

See the stars indoors.

  1. If you like watching animals, you are in the right place because you aren’t far from Moscow Zoo. If you want to feed the animals, you won’t be able to/ought to buy animal food to give them.

  2. From the Zoo you could/must take the underground or catch a bus and go to Botanicheskaya ulitsa. There you will be able to/was able to visit the Botanical Gardens.

  3. Also you could/must go to Ostankino next, where you was able to/will be able to go up the 540-metre Ostankino TV Tower for a great view of Moscow.

  4. After that it’s back on the underground again. You could/was able to take

a train to get to Prospect Mira Metro Station. From there you could/was able

to visit the Waxworks Museum.

  1. There’s a lot to do in Moscow but you should not/will not be able to see

everything in one day.


by boat

на каноэ

by canoe

на байдарке

by kayak

на лодке

by horse

в экипаже (повозке)

by carriage

на лошади

by cart

на грузовом судне (корабле)

by ship

на поезде

by train

на корабле

by tube (metro)

на метро

by cargo vessel (ship)

на телеге

by bicycle

на мотоцикле

by motorbike

на мопеде

by motorcycle

на велосипеде

by bus

в фургоне

by van

на такси

by taxi

на скутере

by car

на машине

by scooter

на моторной лодке

by speed boat

на яхте

by yacht

на автобусе

by lorry

на самолете

by plane

на грузовике

by air balloon

на воздушном шаре

by helicopter

на виндсерфе

by windsurf

на вертолете

by spacecraft

на космическом аппарате


I've been around the world in the pouring rain,

Feeling out of place, I`m feel strange,

Take me to a place where they know my name,

Where everyone knows my name.

Check it check it out, I'm gonna do my thing,

King of the floor king of the swing,

Play a little beat I’II be a dancing machine

Play a little jam I’II come alive, alive, alive!

They got Jungle Fever, Show them some love!

This is my home,

This is my home,

King of the crown

This is my home.

This is my home.

This is my home.

This is my home.

This is my home.

See I've been traveling,

and traveling forever,

and now that I've found a home,

Feels like I’m in heaven

See I've been traveling,

and traveling forever,

but now that I'm home,

Feels like I’m in heaven

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