Fill in the blanks in each sentence with two or three words that have the same sound but different spelling and different meanings. The number of blanks equals the number of letters in the missing word.
[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 30.03.2017 в 23:45
Write the missing words with commas and spaces between them. Unfortunately, we did _ _ _ put a very good _ _ _ _ in the rope, and it came unfastened. The people on the safari _ _ _ _ _ that a _ _ _ _ of elephants was headed their way. If you sit _ _ _ _ very quietly, you can _ _ _ _ the wind blowing through the trees. The man in the _ _ _ coat _ _ _ _ the notice to me. We _ _ _ _ on horseback through the tall grass until we came to the _ _ _ _ that led to the town.
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