A) Match the two columns to form phrases, then use the phrases to nfill in the gaps.

Kristina85 в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 04.04.2017 в 07:25

1. local A storires
2ancient B powers
3. magical C. enemies
4. foreingn D myths
5. medieval E. tournament
1. wizards in mythology have got................
2. Arthur needed a sword for a(n)..............
3. The Kings of Britain were fighting..............
4. ..................tell stories of magic and wizards.
5. Some mythical characters from.................. could be real.
b) Fill in: fight, put, had. choose.
1. Merlin .............a vision that Arthur was in danger.
2. In the stories khights ...................battles with each other.
3. Merlin used a competition to.................the new king.
4. Merlin created a contest to..................an end to the battles between the noblemen.
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