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Александр в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 09.04.2017 в 23:45

Class management.

Good afternoon. My name is Gallyamova Lily Ravilevna. Your attention is a set of instructions on the topic of "class management."

Discussions about educational reforms are getting hotter every day, but teachers need to do their work every day and sometimes they need to use their little tricks to keep the situation in the class under control. Whether you are an experienced teacher, or just come to work in a school, strategies for effective classroom management are vital to creating a positive educational environment. I offer you 16 formulas on this subject.

Attention to the screen.

Consider the first section of the

Behavior rules

Do not punish everything

Formula: Do not waste energy in vain, punishing for every offense.

Do not spray on every little thing and focus on minor misconduct. Identify your "last line" that you can not step over and if such a trait is passed, be ready to methodically and consistently state your requirements.

Do not get excited

Formula: Stay calm and do your work.

When it seems to you that everything is out of control, you can still control your reaction.

Try not to scream. With a cry you will achieve anything but respect and trust. You will gain much greater credibility from your students if you can remain calm in any situation and will act in strict accordance with the established rules of conduct.

The next section is the

Building Relationships

Turning on and off

Formula: Address your students by name and patronymic, greeting them at the entrance to the classroom.

Thus, you seem to "include" in the student a formal-business tone that facilitates the conduct of the lesson, and discharge their mischievous charge obtained at the break.

Find them closer

Formula: Try to establish a close relationship with your students and show that you care.

The time spent on establishing trust and honest relationships with your students will pay off a hundredfold, be sure.

No offense

Formula: Do not take offensive words on your account. Start every day with a clean slate.

Always remember that before you are children. Sometimes they will want to hurt you, but you should never show that they have succeeded. Even better, if they do not get it at all, since you will not take anything at your expense.

Make parents your allies

Formula: Do not be afraid to communicate with your parents.

Parents can really become your allies. Call them not only when you want to complain about the student, but also to report on his successes or just to say about what a good child they brought up.

Ask simple questions.

Formula: Ask students simple questions to help them feel more comfortable.

Be friendly with your students. This will help them feel more comfortable in your lessons. Communication is very important to help them feel more at ease with you. Organize spontaneous discussions on abstract topics and ask simple, leading questions. This will stimulate their interest and trust in you.

Go to the section:


Mutual respect.

Formula: Respect should be the golden rule of your class.

Treat your students as you would like them to treat you. Educate in your students this attitude and to each other. Before you tell anyone anything, think about what you would feel if you heard the same thing.

Be consistent.

Formula: Be consistent in your disciplinary expectations.

Be consistent in the performance of the rules of conduct you have established. This will win you respect. The rules should be the same for everyone, including you. This will create an atmosphere of trust and equality.

The next section includes:

Instructions for the class


Formula: Learn to manage transitions.

Transition from change to lesson, from group discussion to individual work, from studying the theoretical part to work with practical tasks: each transition can be divided into stages in order to provide the best control over each transition.

Be flexible

Formula: Do not get hung up on one style of giving information.

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