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ЛЮДА в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 15.04.2017 в 18:45

Labour's Pat McFadden said the prime minister faced a choice between going "down the road advocated by this kind of plan" or taking a "more realistic and honest approach to the Brexit negotiations on immigration and other matters".
Under the Leave Means Leave plan, there would be no cap on highly skilled workers, entrepreneurs or investors but unskilled visas would be halted for five years.
Work permits would only be granted if the applicant had a job offer with a minimum £35,000 salary and had passed an English language test, signed a five-year private health insurance contract and had savings in the bank.
Up to 50,000 temporary work permits would be issued initially for agricultural workers, tapering off to zero by the third year.
There would be no restrictions on the numbers of students who wanted to head to the UK.
Exemptions would be made for health workers if they were needed from overseas but the report says the focus should be on increasing the number of Britons working in the medical profession.
EU nationals already settled in the UK would have the right to remain indefinitely as long as Brussels adopted the same approach to UK citizens living in Europe, the report says.
But the government should immediately announce a cut-off date for when new arrivals stop qualifying, tit added.

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