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Полинка в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 17.04.2017 в 03:25

Тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме:
Контрольные работы для 6 класса по английскому языку (УМК Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.)
Опубликовано 03.03.2013 - 23:53 - Попова Марина Петровна

6 grade – control work – 1st term
1. Из списка слов выберите слова, характеризующие каждое время года. Запишите 4 предложения в таком виде:
It is often (погода)… in …(время года).
Sunny, cold, warm, wet, hot, foggy/misty, cloudy, frosty, clear, windy, rainy, snowy, rainy, cool. - Summer, autumn, winter, spring.

2. Заполните таблицу неправильных глаголов:

Dran k







3. Определите время глагола и переведите:
1) Nowadays people pollute our environment.
2) Last year a lot of nuclear weapon was produced.
3) The population of the city has just dumped industrial waste.
4) The doctor is testing my blood pressure now.

4. Раскройте скобки, вспоминая правила условных предложений:
1) If we (to need) a filter, we (to buy) it in the shop.
2) If the destruction of the environment (to continue), our ecology (not to be) safe.
3) When industrial waste (to cause) illnesses, humans (to think) about their health more carefully.

Control work – 6 grade – 2nd term

1. Сделайте предложения восклицательными, используя such, so, what, если необходимо вставляя артикль a/ an, и переведите
1) I like _______ wonderful waterfall!
2) My birthplace is _____ exciting!
3) ______ attractive meadows and valleys!
4) ______ old university!
5) The shape of this throne is ______ nice!
6) His father told us ______ touching stories!
7) ______ interesting politics!
8) He was ______ undefeated pirate!

2. How much do you know about Britain?
1) What famous cities are in Midlands? What are they connected with?
2) What region was known for its pirates?
3) Where is London situated?
4) Why the Fens is so famous? Where is it?
5) What is the wildest and the loneliest part of the county? What is it famous for?
6) What is the County of Kent? In what region is it situated?
7) Where is the “Land’s End”?
8) What farming regions do you know?
9) What is the highly populated region of England?

Control work – 6th grade – 4th term
1. Выпишите неподходящее по смыслу слово
pear, apricot, swamp, peach, berry, apple
humid, vast, hot, cold, dry, rainy
lady, stepmother, private, gentleman, storyteller, major
skyscraper, shore, beach, desert, farmland, grassland,
waterway, sea, ocean, swamp, river, hemisphere
2. Вставить слова по смыслу, найти лишнее слово
mixture, except, to measure, chain, sandy, great-grandparents, trust
1) She has got a golden _________.
2) This salad is a ___________ of fruits.
3) Our ___________________ are very old.
4) His profession was ______________ land.
5) He is a gentleman. You may _________ him.
6) These shores are ___________.
3. Поставьте глагол в нужное время и определите его P.S., P.Cont., P.P.
1) While he (to sleep) yesterday, his sister (to clean) the house.
2) He (to travel) to the U.S.A. last year.
3) Yesterday by 6 o’clock in the morning the sun (to rise).
4) After the children (to enter) school, the rain (to begin).
5) 5 years ago my brother (to finish) school.
6) Yesterday at 5 p.m. I (to do) mathematics.
7) He (not to like) to read English texts yesterday.
8) Before the path (to end), we (to reach) the forest.
9) While his mother (to be) in the office, he (to work) in the garden.
10) Yesterday the children (to build) wonderful sand skyscrapers.
4. Выберите правильный ответ:
1. There are … states in the United States. a) 38 b) 50 c) 13
2. How many people live in the U.S.A?
a) about 500 mln people b) about 250 mln people c) about 300 mln people
3. What river is called the “father of waters”?
a) the Mississippi b) the Missouri c) the Thames
4. Why America is called the melting pot?
a) Because many people live there b) because there are many deserts
c) because people from different nationalities live there
5. The first President of the U.S.A. was
a) Abraham Lincoln b) John Washington c) George Washington
6. The first American president …
a) wrote the US Constitution b) signed the Emancipation Proclamation
c) served 3 terms
7. Abe Lincoln was the … American President.
a) 18th b) 16th c) 6th
8. Abraham Lincoln …
a) wrote The US Constitution b) was born in a rich family
c) signed the Emancipation Proclamation
9. Australia is in the …
a) Southern Hemisphere b) Northern Hemisphere c) Western Hemisphere
10. Australia’s capital is …
a) Queensland b) Canberra c) Sydney

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