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[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 17.08.2018 в 21:10

3) What is a registration of students?

What is a sweep card used for?

At what age do children start school in England?

What subjects are called core and basic in the National Curriculum?

What are the characteristics of Bologna Process?
4) 1. When was Moscow founded?

2. Who founded Moscow?

3. What is the official symbol of Moscow?

4. Where is Moscow located?

5. What are the famous places of interest in Moscow?
5) 1. On what river does London stand?

2. Into what parts is London divided?

3. Why is the City called the business centre of London?

4. Who was buried in Westminster Abbey?

5. Into what parts is London divided?
6) 1. What are the most important places of interest in Washington?

2. What is the nickname of the Washington memorial?

3. What is the design of Lincoln memorial?

4. What is Broadway famous for?

5. Why is New York called "Modern Babylon"?

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