РЕБЗЯ!!!!!! РЕ РЕ РЕБЗЯ!!!!!!!!КОРОЧЕ!!!!!!КАК ВЫ УЖЕ ПОНЯЛИ....Я ТУПАЯ... мда уж...так что...помогите(позязя)...

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 03.09.2018 в 18:29

мне нужно составить к этому тексту 6 вопросов...ПОМОГИИИИТЕ!!!!!!! Annabel and Sarah are guests on a reality TV show. Annabel lives in London. Sarah lives on a farm in the north of Scotland. They are swapping families and schools for a week. Annabel:
Day 2
Everyone gets up at 5 am because there’s a tot to do on the farm. Sarah’s mum is very nice. She brings me a cup of tea in bed, but i just go back to sleep. Later, I go outside to the farmyard to help Sarah’s family. Today we are milking the cows in the barn and feeding the chickens. The animals are lovely, but I can’t stand the smell.
Day 4
Sarah’s mum takes me to school every morning. We drive five miles to meet the school bus, which leaves at 7 am. Sarah’s school is very small, but everyone’s so friendly.
Day 6
Learning about farming is interesting, but I’m happy I’m going home tomorrow. The fresh air is nice but it’s too quiet here. I also feel isolated. In the city, the streets are crowded but you have everything close at hand. I miss the hustle and bustle of London but I don’t want to leave all my new friends.

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