Report the sentences. Use the reporting verb in brackets.

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 05.09.2018 в 16:49

1 ''ll feed the cat,' said Andy. (offer) Andy offered to
2 I'm sorry I was so late,' said Susannah. (apologise)
3 'You broke my new smartphone! Brenda said to Zoe. accuse)
4 Stay away from the cliff edge,' said Denise to her son. warn)
5 'Could you all put your pens down?' said the teacher to us. (request + should clause) 6 The doctor says it would be better if Sam took more exercise. (recommend + subjunctive
7 'I think smoking should be banned in all public places,' said the minister. (propose + subjunctive)

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