In the 17th and 18th century at a time some call the “little ice age” the thames often froze over in the winter. this led to the lots of odd ... like ice. (amuse)

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 10.09.2018 в 21:29

the last time the river froze over was in 1814. the building of a new London bridge in 1825 may have helped stop it from ... : the new bridge had fewer pillars than the old one , allowing the river to flow more easily , and stopping it from flowing ... enough to freeze in cold winters. (freeze , slow).
in 1858 ... in the river became so bad that the house of commons at westminster had to quit sitting because of the unbearable smell the thames gave off (pollute)

слова в скобочках нужно нужно преобразовать если необходимо и сделать так чтобы они подходили грамматически и лексически

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