Have you ever thought about your future career? Have you made any decision? 2.What do your parents and friends advise you to do as a job? 3.

[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 14.09.2018 в 21:09

Would you prefer to work with your hands or with your brain? Are there any jobs you would or wouldn't like to do? What are they? 4.What do you feel about working with people? Name some occupations where you work with people. 5.Would you like to work with machines? Name some occupations where you work with machines. 6.Is it important for you how well-paid your future job is going to be? What is more important — to have a well-paid but not very interesting job or a job that interests you but is less paid? Explain why. 7.Is it important for you to have a prestigious job? What jobs are prestigious nowadays? 8.What are you good at? Are you good at the things you like doing? Do you think these activities can help you in your future career? 9.Is it important for you to have a good career? What do you have to do to make a good career? What do people mean when they say "to make a good career"?ответить на вопросы

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