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[email protected] в категроии Английский язык, вопрос открыт 30.09.2018 в 06:49

3. The personnel manager must ensure that the candidate does not subsequently leave the firm without being given a decision or definite date as to when he will have one.
4. The first question to ask is whether an alternative is feasible.
5. The negotiator has two alternatives: to accept or to reject the offer.
6. Professional associations, employers and trade unions should cooperate in preventing and resolving any conflicts.
7. Freely conducted collective bargaining is a joint activity which establishes a framework for relations between administration and employees.
8. Management, in co-operation with employees’ representatives, should provide opportunities for employees to discuss matters affecting their jobs with those to whom they are responsible.
9. Collective bargaining can be conducted responsibly only if administrators and unions have adequate information on the matters being negotiated.
10. Proposals made for establishing a bargaining unit must be reached on a voluntary basis.
11. Before taking a final decision to make any substantial reduction, administration should consult employees or their representatives.
12. Failure to evaluate decision effectiveness may have serious consequences.

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